Anonymous Hacks Greek Finance Ministry, Finds “123456” Is Password For 37% Of All User Accounts

While we have yet to go through the thousands of files that hacker collective Anonymous has just released as a result of its hack of the Greek Finance Ministry, an exploit it described as follows: “We gained full access to the Greek Ministry of Finance. Those funky IBM servers don’t look so safe now, do they…

We have new guns in our arsenal. A sweet 0day SAP exploit is in our hands and oh boy we’re gonna sploit the hell out of it. Respectz to izl the dog for that perl candy,” what we find even more amusing, if not surprising, is that of the 136 username accounts Anonymous hacked, the password of precisely 50 of them, or some 37% of all workers, is…. 123456 (full list here).

That, together with this archival picture of the inside of the Athens Finance Ministry, explains much more about the current and future state of Greek affairs, than any idiotic Troika/IMF forecast ever could.

As for those curious just what secrets the chaotic finance ministry of the Eurozone’s most insolvent country holds, the downloads are available here and here.


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