The hacker group Anonymous on Thursday released its much anticipated trove of purported information about the Ku Klux Klan’s membership.
The large data dump includes nearly two-dozen social media pages allegedly affiliated with the KKK and information on nearly 400 people, including names, email addresses, Facebook pages and known aliases.
“We consider this data dump as a form of resistance against the violence and intimidation tactics leveraged against the public by various members of Ku Klux Klan groups throughout history,” said Operation KKK, the team that has been leading Anonymous’s online onslaught against the Klan, in the preamble to the release.
No politicians or government officials were apparent in an initial review of the data, although several of the names were identified as retired law enforcement officers. Some of the names on the list have already been identified through previously published reports.
where is anonymous data dump for the islamic terrorists and the black racists panther terrorist group, and other black racist groups operating in the U.S., You just blew it anonymous and you have exposed yourselves for the frauds you all are. your groups sounds like it gets its narrative reading points from the Southern poverty PIMP CENTER, the anti Christan Jew Group operating in the U.S. and in my book is a domestic terrorist operation working for the Khazarian Jew Soros. how come no government agency can ever find out who you people really are unless you are the government putting out information such as this to even gain more greater power for yourselves. I know who you really are along with many other people, the CIA and the NSA Whoring up together to spread fear and intimidation .