Another Reason …

… that I’m glad I moved to the Ozarks of Missouri.

Following the SCOTUS ruling overturning Roe v. Wade, Missouri has just become the first in the country to effectively end abortion with our AG opinion signed moments ago. This is a monumental day for the sanctity of life.
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Hammers Thor
2 years ago

The ruling today has special meaning for me. I was born BEFORE Roe. Had I been conceived AFTER Roe, the likelihood that I would be here today is very nearly zero. I am so unbelievably grateful for the millions of babies that will now live, like I was able to do.

strider 777
strider 777
2 years ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

I am so unbelievably grateful for the millions of babies that will now live, like I was able to do.”
Sir, you just sublimely expressed how millions of God’s people are feeling all across America and the world today. I thank you for all of us.

2 years ago

Kudos to Missouri.

Please note that a state’s Atty Genl does not make law. He advises and directs law enforcement through the courts.

What I believe happened is that there was an old law, still on the books, that restricted abortion in Missouri. When Roe v.Wade was instituted, enforcement of Missouri’s law on abortion was stopped and remained unused all those decades.

However, now that Roe and Casey have been declared unconstitutional, the former law is available to be used. And what the Atty Genl did was provide a legal opinion to the various Missouri law enforcement agencies that the old law was still valid and could be enforced against those believed to have violated that law.

BTW, Iowa has a criminal law prohibiting abortion that was passed back in 1847 and was still on the books. It too, is now ready to be dusted off and used against abortionists !!

GOD smiles. Let us rejoice!

2 years ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

a number of states have the laws in place, but were waiting for the decision before signing them into place.

2 years ago

I am really glad I moved to the Ozarks in Arkansas from Chicago fifty years ago, I never ever regretted it!

strider 777
strider 777
2 years ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

Friend, I wish I lived there. too. That is the home of Mr. John Moore who, as I’m sure you know. is a great American patriot. You can find him here:

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  strider 777

A few years ago he got tired of reporting “alerts” from listeners on the field. He finally would read the alerts by warning people that he couldn’t vouch whether anything would happen or not. I commend him for that. Fear porn can ruin someone’s credibility.

strider 777
strider 777
2 years ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

I wish I lived there. There is a great American patriot who lives in the Ozarks; his name is Mr. John Moore. You can find him here:

2 years ago

this ruling will split the blue states against the red states, the blue will incorporate murder into there state constitutions and the red states will call it murder, this might even spur on secession of red states to form there own union while leaving the blue states to form there own reprobate union of misfits and wicked doers. what does light have to do with darkness, nothing according to Christ, we must split from these nut bags for ever and install state checkpoints so the lunatics cannot enter unless they have good reason.
Did anyone see and listen to aoc The whore bar maid from queens, new york screaming and yelling, jumping up and down with stupid white moron trash garbage saying we were born for such a time as this, isn’t this ironic she wants to abort babies and then on the other hand she speaks of being born, this one is an A- hole of the highest order, what else can we expect from the dirty Marxist Puerto Rican who grew up in the Parkchester Co-ops in the Bronx , New York. since pro abortion is alive and well in that Marxist family i am surprised her mother never aborted the little witch demon entity.

Last edited 2 years ago by Phil
2 years ago
Reply to  Phil

For an imbecile like AOC, Roe v Wade are just different means to cross the Potomac River.

2 years ago
Reply to  Phil

Irreconcilable differences, always results in war or separation, either one is fine with me!

2 years ago


strider 777
strider 777
2 years ago


2 years ago

30 days until the Idaho trigger law takes effect banning abortions except for Incest, reported rape and life of the mother. I remember the Roe V Wade decision and thought I would never live to see it over turned.

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago

I’m with you Thor. I would have been aborted.
I want to point out something to everyone. Take it for whatever you think its worth.
The Roe Ruling came down on 6/24/2022. The ruling class believes in numerology and always has.
Taking this date apart you have the first 6. then you have 24 which numerology people would say is 2 +4=6 and if you’d add 2022 you get a third 6. So the date came be interpreted as 6 6 6 again, for what its worth.

2 years ago

Missouri is lookin DAMN Good bout now.
And someone says Ozarks in Ark???

I got research to do. Me and mine are surrounded by blue nazi’s.
I been considering splitting and at the same time staying and being a Very VERay Large PIA to the Kraut Minions that have invaded since to Dog Eater Flu and Gene Therapy Kill/Mutilation Jab.
This state will fall its a tick tock thing, maybe not in my time, but even thats up in the air. They just keep streaming in, buying land and building. They have changed the politics in a number of towns around me and Doubled the population of 2 that I am aware of and bring there BS and Goose stepping.
They want Sidewalks and Street lights on dirt roads for gods sake.😂😂😂😂😂
Town meeting are a Hoot to say the least.

There freaking nuts. Strike that…Psychotic.