Another Scenario

Truckers implement an embargo against NYC. The powers that be do not know how to react since any negotiations would start by admitting that the legal case against Donald Trump was political retribution with no legal basis. For this scenario, let’s assume that the embargo has an impact on New York City in a short time frame. We could play this out but what if more players decide to Go Galt and not participate. Groups such as police, garbage collections and trade unions could easily join in the embargo.

How can two sides negotiate when one side is clearly wrong: legally and in public opinion? Whatever comes about this week, New York, New York will never be the same. The game is clearly rigged and the people with money do not want to be the next political target.

David DeGerolamo

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Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
11 months ago

We shall see.

11 months ago

In order for this scenario to even play out, the truckers have to have a meaningful impact, which from other discussions I’ve read is a question of independent owner operators versus company drivers. The thinking is that companies, for whatever reason will continue to serve NY, while independents may not.
If I ran a business, I would refuse to do business with NY in any capacity not just the State.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
11 months ago

The bigger trucking companies that are run by leftist will take the loads.

11 months ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

So the Leftists--staunch supporters of all unions--shall become strikebreakers? “Scabs”?


Aime Hart
Aime Hart
11 months ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

only so many loads at a time

11 months ago

the gov’t, of NYC in this case, will play victim, vilifying the truckers.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
11 months ago
Reply to  EGS

You WILL bake the wedding cake… Or else.

11 months ago

Hopefully, the truckers will start waking up New Yorkers.

11 months ago
Reply to  Jane

New Yorkers are beyond hope. They ELECTED the maggots who run NYS and NYC.

So intelligent they believe they are, yet they cannot draw lines between dots.

11 months ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

Yes, New Yorkers are doing nothing.

11 months ago

While I approve of the idea I seriously doubt enough truckers will sign on to such a boycott for a long enough period of time to actually make a difference.

11 months ago
Reply to  Dan

I agree. Nobody does anything. We chatter like little birdies. We continue to do nothing about the fall of our nation. We do nothing.

11 months ago
Reply to  Jane

Well Jane what are your plans to “do something” ?
And what do you think “we” should do ? Or do you just have a mouse in your pocket ?

11 months ago
Reply to  Delta3Two

I do not reply to sarcastic individuals. That’s what I do when I get a sarcastic reply. Have a good day. I made decision long ago what I will do and am actively doing it.

11 months ago
Reply to  Dan

Dan, I agree, been trucking for 48 years, been involved in about three trucker protests over those years, not one protest made any difference mainly because there are fewer independent truckers left and the large companies generally keep their drivers under control so they cannot participate even if they wanted to, the only trucker shutdown that did anything happened in 1973 when there was a large amount of independent truckers and they did in fact cause a lot of discomfort, actually blocked interstates, bridges, and truck stops to keep others from getting fuel,I would like to believe they could actually do it this time but I’m not to optimistic about it.

11 months ago

most grocery stores have a 3(?) day supply on hand. if this is true, and the theory that we are only 9 meals, 3 days, from anarchy is correct, the strike does not need to be very long, or very broad. give it a week and see where we are.

David Bovender
David Bovender
11 months ago

Only one way to get TPTB attention. If they steal this election or kill Trump the people as a whole must as act. We need to organize a tax boycott. In 2025 EVERYONE refuses to file an income tax return. They can’t jail all of us.

11 months ago
Reply to  David Bovender

Correct. Precisely how we ended the Selective Service System in the 70.s. That is a lesson they do not want us to remember.

11 months ago
Reply to  David Bovender

What is your contact information for folks wanting to help you organize your tax boycott ?

11 months ago
Reply to  David Bovender

While it would be difficult to jail everybody, its but a few computer clicks to FREEZE your entire Electronic Life. Ask the Canadian Truckers about No credit cards, no GoFundMe, no banking, no ATMs.

Go cash they say. OK, just for fun use ONLY CASH on hand. No bank visits (as the bank account is frozen), no ATMs, and so on.

Please give us a report for the few days of electronic rebellion you have.

Try paying your electric bill WITH CASH, in person and same with any other debt you owe. I tried to pay my tax bill for the homestead two years ago with cash. Happily, I’m well known, or a “suspicious money” report would have been filed. Ended up paying by check as usual.

Try buying anything with a bit of junk silver or gold. You have to sell it to somebody who will give you a check to deposit it in your OPPS Frozen Bank Account for dollars.

A frozen electronic life also means if you don’t have a paid for vehicle the Repo man will be by pretty soon.

Thinking things through might keep your family happier.

11 months ago

Having worked in NYC I can attest that it takes quite a lot of garbage piled on the sidewalks to get the most important people in the world off balance.
Our system relies upon our side cooperating while they continue to defect. In the zero-sum, defect-defect system to defect means you have to be prepared to be zeroed-out.
Progress has enjoyed this arrangement for quite some time. Because we want order, rules, cleanliness, a sense of right and wrong, etc.
There is no ‘negotiation’ in this system. Only temporary disruption that results in a return to the system with some concession that amounts to resetting the clock back some arbitrary time.
But it is a good sign that some solidarity is forming and that there is a growing understanding of where actual power resides within the masses.
The question is whether or not the organizations -- and masses, serving the cloud cities are prepared to go to zero too.
NYC was one of the most terrible during “covid”. And yet its booming again. Paychecks and pensions. Babylon sings.

11 months ago
Reply to  SirLawrence

This comment of yours is SPOT ON ! You Sir, get it.

11 months ago

The Governor of New York just told New York businesses not to worry about getting in trouble like Trump did. She says the State was only targeting Trump. Seems to me like you can’t admit to that in public and not get in some sort of legal trouble.

11 months ago
Reply to  Nobody

And how does the democrat hack get into legal trouble when the democrats hold every card in the deck ? Who does one go to to file a complaint ? Latitia James ?
Until Patriots organize into an armed force with the threat of kinetic action against the traitors, the government tyranny will continue.

11 months ago

I support the embargo against New York City. The arrogant, lawless, totalitarian, and leftist/communist elites running the city, and its so-called “justice system,” are in dire need of an object lesson in humility and the limits of power.
“As you sow, so shall you reap.”

11 months ago
Reply to  strider777

How are you supporting the truckers ? Do you consider your remark in the comment section of a small blog “support” ?

11 months ago
Reply to  Delta3Two


Back the Attack
Back the Attack
11 months ago

“Truckers implement an embargo against NYC.”
As with every other (recently) ginned up political action, that reality is not even close.