A comment to me via NCRenegade:
You censor comments to your blog, therefore what makes you any different than the people you label as traitors to the US Constitution. You do not honor free speech or comments contrary to your ideologies. I have read about your past and who you are and what you have done to your neighbors. Stop hiding behind the bible and be a man. You have been marked as a domestic enemy of the US, no different than ISIS. Every dog has his day and no evil deed goes without consequence before God. This is not a threat just an observation before God and Country. I understand you are a drama queen who loves attention and one who plays the victim card.
The past referred to above is the listing as a hate group [NCRenegade.com] by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The reference to “neighbors” refers to a civil litigation case in which I won. What is generally not known is that if I had pursued the case in court, I would have won treble damages: over $200,000. I settled for $50,000 to put it behind me. This put me down $36,000 for construction and legal costs after the settlement. Odds in winning in court: 100%. Consequences in my neighborhood: everyone is extremely grateful to me for standing up to the other party. After the case was settled, the other party moved out of the area.
This comment was for the post: Napolitano: Obama doesn’t want you to have guns.
I am posting this mainly to notify the “author” that I have enough evidence on file now to sue you. You have already lost two times in court to other individuals.
David DeGerolamo
I would like to thank the troll for putting his name in the hat for the Samuel Clemens Award!!
“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt”
Guess Mr. T doesn’t realize the Constitution was written to restrict the Federal GOVERNMENT not citizens.
Restrain thyself not, from bringing cause in thy Just indignation, but rather abide in the Law, which requires judgement to establish Justice; not by the will of man, but by the Lord himself. If thou be Just, then judgement is thy burden, that the Lord may manifest greater things among the children of men; for Justice is a duty owed, not to any particular man, but to Him who created all men.
“It is joy to the just to do judgment: but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity.” -- proverbs 21:15
Meh, turds are gonna turd. Keep moving forward David
I am posting this mainly to notify the “author” that I have enough evidence on file now to sue you. You have already lost two times in court to other individuals.
David DeGerolamo
now thats interesting……………..
Actually, this is a sad individual who needs serious mental help.
first off…we both understand what the scumbags at the SPLC are about but…
am sure you have your differences with this guy…and this problem has
continued for quite a period of time?
but suggesting mental health problems… a dangerous avenue!
The danger would be not recognizing it.
Exactly what “evidence” do Mark Potok and the Southern Poverty Lie Center have to prove in a court of law that NC Renegade is a “hate group”.
The SPLC in general,and Potok in particular are simply trying to remain relevant.
Potok,Morris Dees and the SPLC all made wheelbarrows full of cash off of their lies.
Cash they spent on themselves,their “offices” and Dees’ extravagant homes.
The FBI and Homeland security’s “domestic threat assessments”,and reports are both nothing more than regurgitations of SPLC’s hatewatch bullsh*t.