Another Vax Side Effect?
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Green Hornet
Green Hornet
3 years ago

I sympathize, but these people voluntarily did this to themselves. Fear is a powerful motivator…to the weak willed.

3 years ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

Frankly, I no longer sympathize. A friend of over 60 yrs ghosted me in Oct when I suggested she pray about getting it, before getting it. It took me 2 months to realize she has cut off all contact. My former sister in law was all snotty and prissy about it. We barely communicate any more. Both of these people are in Ohio I am West Coast. The only thing I will say to people now is: These are not ‘vaccines’ as we have known them, These are experimental shots, and they can change your DNA.
I agree with everything Green said they voluntarily did this to themselves ~ and they have done it with AN ATTITUDE of superiority and look down on those who have not. As you watch what is being said and the pressure and perhaps being forced to take ‘the shots’, it is mind blowing. Jesus said: DO NOT BE DECEIVED. I think that means in every area of life not just the shots, we are being lied to in every area of life.
Stunning to be alive at this time in history!

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago

I guess he should have asked what was in it before he got it.

3 years ago

Not nitpicking here but are there other videos besides these two which came off of the same website. I’m just trying to find others to watch thank you

3 years ago
Reply to  Josh

I’ve had three people try it now and it did not work but their shots are older maybe it only works in newly vaccinated people!?!

Moe Meat
Moe Meat
3 years ago

look up Rice University + Gates Foundation . Innovative idea called Quantum Dot technology

3 years ago

I’m supposed to be sympathetic ???? Nahhh…sorry. I have family that took it. Don’t listen to me….I’m just a crazy old man. What could I possibly know. This is why I repeat…your greatest opposition in the days ahead will be those of your own family. Bible says it; and I can confirm.

Barbara Noelle
Barbara Noelle
3 years ago

No, sorry guy, I can’t tell you a thing. I tried to tell you & many others but no one would listen. So now, I can’t tell you one damn thing.

3 years ago

Many Chemicals Fluoresce under Ultraviolet Light- there have been prior Articles about using various Dyes as ‘invisible’ Markings for Identification.
There are an number of Patents covering this Process, but any good Tattoo Artist has Inks like this, and the Artwork can be quite Striking…
I would suspect that this technique is NOT the intended effect of the ‘vaccines’, as it has already been proven that the Graphene Oxide in them is a Neurotoxin of significant Danger.
Any dumb sheeple who takes this shit Deserves every Illness (or Death) they get- and one should Not ‘feel sorry’ for them, even if they are Family.