AntiVaxxers Win

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Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
1 year ago

So what does he really want?

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

High School Football Star in Need of a New Heart After a Major Heart Attack Just one of many that have fallen because of the kill shot.

1 year ago

Heuristics? No sir. My method was as analytical as his. Obviously the data he used was flawed and that caused flawed conclusions. I knew the results of 19 years of testing to create a solution to the original sars. No animal ever survived testing. My decision was based almost entirely on that alone. You’re a great author and a funny intelligent man Mr.Adams, try this again without demeaning the other side please.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mike

wonder if his “fancy analytics” included the MSDS sheets from the pharma companies,’ cause mine did. It showed me there what they didn’t show you in the original paperwork disseminated to the masses. Same for the patent applications, showed you what was really in them. Also helped that I actually studied microbiology at University. Your weak plea for forgiveness/absolution falls upon deaf ears. Hope your remaining time (about 2.5 years, if that) is filled with joy.

1 year ago
Reply to  kal

Have you posted those MSDSs somewhere on the internet?
I didn’t think pharmaceuticals had them.

1 year ago
Reply to  FJQ
This section does not require labeling of the following chemicals: …
(iii) Any food, food additive, color additive, drug, cosmetic, or medical or veterinary device or product, including materials intended for use as ingredients in such products (e.g., flavors and fragrances), as such terms are defined in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 301 et seq.) or the Virus-Serum-Toxin Act of 1913 (21 U.S.C. 151 et seq.), and regulations issued under those Acts, when they are subject to the labeling requirements under those Acts by either the Food and Drug Administration or the Department of Agriculture;

1 year ago

It is not a matter of who “won.” It is a matter of life or death, light or darkness. It is a matter of truth.

1 year ago

It isn’t about who won, it’s about critical thinking … a 99.7% survival rate. All the info was out there to research. They played on fear and the propaganda media pushed it. It’s about the lies we were told in the beginning about there not being a a treatment so they could call it an emergency use authorization. Threatening our employment and telling us we had to use masks that don’t work … says right on the box they don’t work. Now they want forgiveness? Hell no! This is part of the depopulation agenda … it was never about your health. What should’ve happened was Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin should have been given out and this “virus” (man made bioweapon) would have been gone from the world in less than a year.

1 year ago

First, I was in “wait and see” mode. Then within a month there were what were termed breakout cases, and I went from wait and see to skeptical.
Then a few weeks later we began to see the adverse reactions and the obvious cover-up. I thought, here we go, I’m probably not going to get it.
Then it was shown that the vaccinated were not protected, continued to transmit, and were “suddenly” dying. I decided that I would never do it and considered myself lucky.
I was becoming simply amazed that people were still believing the lies and still lining up for more “boosters”.
Then the vaccinated were becoming the majority of cases, hospitalizations and deaths. Yet the lies just got louder and bolder and I though, my God, they’re just trying to kill us.
I’ll die before I ever trust any of them again.

the real enemy
the real enemy
1 year ago

very odd way of issuing an “apology”.

apology NOT accepted.

bruce kendall
bruce kendall
1 year ago

winners and losers is a weird way to put it.I think the stupid idiots will have to worry and the smart people will not

1 year ago

I know folks that still boast that if they hadn’t had the Notavaxx TM vaccine, they would have been hurt worse by the ‘rona.
Not taking the mrna gene therapy, which was produced and sold by companies with terrible track records for product integrity, safety and effectiveness seemed like your basic “no brainer” on the day, and it still seems like your basic no brainer yet today.
Rule of mass formation psychosis (groups getting hypnotized by propaganda): is that 30 percent of folks are immune to the BS, about 40 percent of folks could go either way, and 30 percent of folks are doomed to believe the lies and then staunchly deny they were lied to, and then accuse you of being propagandized when you try to demonstrate that they are being lied to.
Even though the guy in the video seemed like he was trying to sound magnanimous, I’m pretty sure he’s a little bitter about the whole deal.

1 year ago

I think the man is just acknowledging he was wrong. He was banned from several newspapers lately because his ideals don’t align with their “social speak”.

Mike in Canada
Mike in Canada
1 year ago

While I can appreciate that this might be construed as some sort of apology, I resent the intimation that the difference between the vaxxed and the not is the result of some sort of coin toss…. as if those of us who chose to resist the vaxx just got lucky somehow.
That is beyond insulting. SA can get properly stuffed. Even Dilbert is smarter than this.

the real enemy
the real enemy
1 year ago
Reply to  Mike in Canada

yes, this was real shady and insulting. Sure looks intentional to me.

Mike Austin
1 year ago

“The anti-vaxxers appear to be the winners.” Appear? Until their deaths those who got the vax will regret their decision. They were neither lucky or unlucky, neither smart nor stupid; they were foolish. They trusted the government, which makes them sheep who have self-culled. Their death warrants have already been signed. Only the date is missing.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
1 year ago

January 2023 medical Code number: Z28.310 went live. On the books since oct. it is now in use. -- Quarantine campers enjoy swimming, hiking and campfire drag queen story hour 😉. Once re-educated and fully vaxxed we know you’ll see things our way. You don’t have to do a thing, when it’s time we will send a bus to pick you up. -- Knock, knock! It destiny!

Robert Housholder
Robert Housholder
1 year ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

I Recon Not ! Josey Wales 🙂