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- Cederq on Trump Fires Chief of Naval Operations
- Terry Clinch on Coming Attractions
- Terry Clinch on See Maine in Court
- Terry Clinch on You’re Fired
- OOOVII on Trump Fires Chief of Naval Operations
Of course the Democrats want violence, that’s why we shouldn’t give it to them. They will use it to start the war. What would happen if we just quietly left our jobs, went home & did nothing, not even spend money. Why don’t we just STOP! Think about it. We’re feeding them with violence so STOP.
Go Galt
Go Galt, till they find you!
Till they knock your door.
Tim speaks wisdom.
You better believe they will start the CW, if they cannot manufacture enough illegal ballets. They will not give up what they have stolen, I will not vote again until we have restored our Republic. There is only one way that can happen, and it will require that we exercise our 2nd amendment.
Right on Tom
What a drama queen.
Said it before but bears repeating. Banning ARs or any confiscation is the detonator of civil war. They cannot cross that line. We are and have been a very long fuse leading to a hair trigger. Making us defenseless is the last straw because that will signify that the country is lost. We’d have nothing left but these assholes. And if you ain’t got nothin’, you ain’t got nothin to lose.
Please, Holy Sacred Divine Law Of Cause and Effect: put a cause in motion and there is an effect or effects, consequences. AOC, the overpaid, puppet-mouthpiece performer for the Ruling Class Families and their upper echelon lackey-minions whom AOC answers to and serves, she is campaigning for sympathy and that everyone should give their energetic support, Holy Sacred Life-Force Energy (and their time) to AOC who does the bidding of evil, destruction, demoralization, destabilization along with her mentally moronic statements. Please, she helped destroy New York City in which I was born in the Burrough of Queens. The deliberate destruction of New York City and the Unites States of America the Republic breaks my heart every day. It is epic tragic! I have been listening, watching and observing since I was a little girl. Throughout my lifetime, I continue to grow in my walk with Christ Jesus and grow in my walk of timeless truth and timeless wisdom. AOC needs to go!!! One’s God-given in the name of Christ Jesus Holy, Sacred Life-Force Energies, ‘I can’ power, co-creativity, co-creative abilities, talents, skills and Holy, Sacred sovereign authority, sovereign power and sovereign self-rights should NOT stream towards AOC and be diverted to AOC and draining oneself by poorly utilizing and investing one’s precious, Holy, Sacred Life-Force Energy (and time). This is a very sophisticated, cunning strategy. Tactic. and technique. of diversion: to drain, draw down, sap, deplete, steer a person’s energy or people collectively of their energy towards something non-beneficial, un-Holy, not uplifting in an “iron sharpens iron” way/behavior, nor strengthening nor inspiring nor to always growing and always continuing to be one’s Holy, Sacred Energetic Life-Force Blueprint of talents, skills, abilities to not only that person, but a community and a nation. NO to AOC!!! and NO!!! to supporting imbecile, destructive measures, policies, behavior, thinking (hey! How about injecting all those harmful, destructive chemicals in our food, water, soil and air…atrazine? For hormonal disruption…glyphosate? …PFAS more super, harmful chemicals destroying all life on the Holy, Sacred, beautiful blue and green planet earth. And also, PFAS are a hormone / endocrine disrupter… feeling confused about what gender one is? ..also, how about spraying agent orange? Depleted uranium?…. ) And people are perplexed?!..Please, NO to AOC and her ilk!!! Good Holy Heaven I ask and pray that Christ Jesus help We The People!
Yes, I still live and reside in New York. Thank you, for your precious time and attention. Thank you, kindly and whole-heartedly, for providing the space to share truth, wisdom, ideas, support, connecting with like-minded-kinship people, valuable updates, news, bringing light to society and exposing the egregious Bear False Witnessing, Lies, insane, destructive criminality, the “green-lighting” and support of criminality and the devastating, dictatorial, diabolical, trespassing and violating mandates and policies upon We The People who are the government!; the blatant theft…increasing demoralization, destitution of We The People; the list grows longer than I have food in my pantry. Thank you, immensely! “For Iron sharpens iron.”
If we DON’T react to the lefts assaults on freedom with violence then THEY WIN. If we DO react with violence we at least have a chance to eradicate them and restore our freedom. Seems like a pretty simple choice. Because they are NEVER going to give up and go away. They intend to RULE us…those they allow to survive their planned culling…and will brook no opposition. So the ONLY rational choice that we, their intended victims, have is violence.
she is satans handmaiden and very evil and wicked. she knows absolutely nothing but being a bartender from Queens, New York. she only knows how to perform wet tea shirts games in the bar with the rest of the other Whores. she is a deranged paid for communist Bolshevik like her parents were and she grew up in the Bronx in a very expensive co-op which her mother still owns to this day. the flea bag can lie all she wants, but many people know who she is. she is funded by the communist party left wing democrats and she plays her part very poorly, not even a good liar, but the whore media is her darling and they prop this idiot moron up all the time. her mother is a communist as well and even dumber.
Once we had a nail head sticking up on our dock. Dad used a hammer and SMASHED that nail down. I wonder if that nail saw it coming?
She is slightly more sentient than a nail, perhaps not sharp enough to truly see “it coming”