Apology Not Accepted

I haven’t written in a while.

This right here needs to be addressed – Biden asks Americans to reject political violence and ‘cool it down’



That’s not how this works!

For nine almost ten years, the Democrats have been calling us Fascist, Racist, Hitler, threat to “Democracy” etc.. etc..

Your apologies after the events of this weekend mean NOTHING!!!

We will not bow to your heinous tactics.

Time is now short. Their plan failed. If they would have succeeded Saturday evening, none of us would be sitting here reading this. We’d been to busy wiping out the Communist that have stolen our Country.

They want this Civil War. At this point it is needed! We need to cleanse our country of this evil.

What will they try next?

Why do we wait?

Can you not see that we are actually already at War?

To you Communist Reading this, Sorry, your apology is not accepted. I’ve been ready to party for over 15 years now. Most people have come to the realization that I was right all those years ago – That we are not voting our way out of this mess!

Look I’m not the biggest fan of President Trump. That’s no secret. While he did some good, he did a lot of bad. These Democrats/Communist will never accept us or Trump. They hate everything we stand for! They will not accept our views of the world, our ideals, our guns and our religions. We are a very different people from these commies on the left. We value the individual. We value free thought, free speech, free religion, we value freedom. They hate us for it. They aim to rule us, and we will not be ruled by them. They will never give up their quest to implement socialism/communism. They never quit and they’ll never stop. We the People are the enemy. This Weekend should have shown everyone that.

They want us to submit to their way of life or they want us dead. For that I will show them no mercy.

This is our time! This is our destiny! This fight for freedom and everything that is good, should happen now and not be passed on to our children and grandchildren. They should not bear this burden. We are stronger than we think.

Apology Not Accepted!


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Jack Lamberson
Jack Lamberson
6 months ago

couldn’t agree more. now how do we make it happen??????

6 months ago

It must be done. It shall be done.

tom finley
tom finley
6 months ago

People say they want the truth, but when they hear it they reject it. How will it start, I believe if they had succeeded cw2 would have kicked off and I believe that they will try again, they are committed at this point. Our tolerance and apathy has gotten us to where we are today, as stated when it kicks off no quarter or mercy they deserve none, TINVOWOOT.

6 months ago
Reply to  tom finley

it will begin the moment they roll enwraps down city streets in the suburbs and in red states, that’s when it begins. The chafe gets separated from the wheat and you will know who the enemies are on your block and what you must do with them.

6 months ago

F _ _ K you bird brain Biden along with your corrupted satanic federal agencies, as well as your Globo homo party. Your weak and pathetic statement rings hollow because you are hollow with no soul and have been since you came onto the scene in 1972. Your father is Satan the father of lies, as well as everyone in your perverted murderous party. We don’t accept anything you say, your party, and the whores in the media have started this war against honest people good people and patriots will surely finish it. your party will be forced to eat the dust of the ground and themselves because of what you have done.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
6 months ago

Let’s just say (in a very hypothetical way) that this assailant did not miss President Trump Saturday. Let me predict (like a weather man) what would ensue after the very gruesome, graphic manner live on television. Talk about rage. It would be uncontrollable. Protests? Massive--country wide. And by the end of July a momentum building like out of that movie “Falling Down” --with human waves sweeping eastward aimed at Washington DC. By the 1st of August we would be seeing the culmination of a enormous ‘color revolution’ in the nation’s capitol, with helicopters desperately attempting to evacuate high-value government wonks from building tops… all live on CNN, NBC and CBS.

Last edited 6 months ago by General 'Buck' Turgidson
One Pissed Marine
One Pissed Marine
6 months ago

Oh noooooo….this would be nothing but Peaceful Protests!

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
6 months ago

They want us to submit to their way of life or they want us dead. “

People need to Grok this.
This is what it is, and if you can’t wrap your head around it, you’re never going to make sense of this new world. You don’t have to like it, it’s OK if thinking about it makes you scared, but you have to understand and accept that it is true. If you do not bake that wedding cake, you need to die. If you do not espouse men can have baby’s and breast feed, you need to die. Etc.
They don’t want peaceful co-existence. They want complete domination. It’s not enough to even live peacefully on your own land and terms (see the war of northern aggression). That will not be allowed. You will submit, you will acquiesce, or you will die. It’s no wonder they support Islam…

6 months ago