“If you are anti-government, I am not with you. If you are burn the whole place down, I am not with you. If you are, we gotta get attention, we gotta do something, I am not with you. In fact you are an enemy of mine and an enemy of the Republic. Your actions will lose Freedom for all time. I want to make that really clear.” Glenn Beck
Approx 5 min mark…
wake up, stand up, speak up, allow the oathtakers to arrest you. what have you gained, only a title( political prisoner )
I’ll admit, I didn’t listen to it but from the blurb you posted, I kinda see both sides. If side one is “war, revolution, or some such is the only way out of this mess” and side b is “we just gotta work with the system, get the vote out, rah, rah, rha”, then we’re all between a rock and a hard place. Work with the system? Please, spare me.
As for CWII, where will that end up? Will we all be in a better place? Really? I don’t think so.IS there another way? What if… we citizens reclaimed our right to self-govern? As our Constitution remains the law of the land, We are the government.
The problem, as I see it, is we’ve delegated our responsibilities away and forsaken our duty to hold our representatives accountable. T. L. Davis advocated a similar train of thought if I read him correctly. What needs to go first are the political parties and yes, I’m very willing to toss the babies out with the bathwater. The way out as I’m seeing it is not an easy way but it avoids the bloodshed of a civil war and cleanses us of the political filth and corruption that has brought our nation to the brink of destruction.
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
Thomas, I guess I’m just a bit too thick. What is your point, exactly?
It means if you love peace enough to compromise liberty and the fear of loosing is so great, you do not defend it. Then you are no longer welcome here. That is how Samuel Adams felt, It is a direct quote from him.
The founders did not call for the removal of the king. They rejected his rule and formed their own government. When they signed the Declaration of Independence, they signed their own and their families death warrant. But they believed so much in their cause, they risked even their own family to get it.
It is not the time to choose sides. There is no more fence sitting. Fence sitting will just make the tyrants stronger and us weaker. We need to resolve and pick up the pen and sign our names to liberty. If not this is all pissing in the wind.
Absolutely Thomas.
My + sign negated someone else’s -- sign 🙂
Sounds like you’re advocating voting harder in more elections. Sorry, but that is not a viable option. If that were a workable solution it would have happened a long time ago.
I know sever classical republicans who believe that if we can just elect the right person or people the problems will be solved. Who are these right people, where are they? How are you going to get them into any office of significance? Ask Wes about that one.
No, I am not advocating “voting harder’. I am advocating completely tossing out the “two party system”. What I am saying is we, as citizens, already have the power and the tools necessary to right these wrongs, now we need to utilize them effectively.
Is our constitution flawed? Yes. Yes it is. My question to you is: Should we go along with those who want to discard it or fix it.
Voting is not the problem. The problem is we’ve allowed the money men to seize control of political parties whose sole aim is to enrich themselves by expanding government.
What we need to do is decentralize. Take control of our local boards -- town, school, county and work from there. Look at the 2A Sanctuary movement in Virginia. County by county we made our wishes known while striking fear in the hearts of the local politicians. I do believe our actions shook more than just the locals. Yes, the resolutions were and are largely ignored by Richmond. Instead of giving up we need to send a strong message to those assholes.
Look at Nick Freitas here in VA. The political machines in VA tried to shut him down. They did, if fact, shut him out of a run for Congress. What happened? He won back his delegate seat with a write in campaign. No party needed. This is the sort of thing that tells the money men to stuff it.
the definition of controlled opposition in the dictionary has Glen Beck’s picture as a reference
Duke, I think you are right on, I never thought of it that way. Glen makes money selling his books inflaming all of us. Then tells us STOP, violence only helps the commies. He gets rich pushing his books supports those that mean to control us by condeming the violence. Now we find out the Canadians have snippers on the roof tops. What does Mr. peaceful have to say about that? You called it correct.
Why, capitalism bad?
What does he do with his money? Should it matter?
Does he donate does he help others. How many fear monger sites does each one of us visit weekly? Do they also sell widgets and t shirts?
How many people have we listened too for years and the crowd is now scared of them? Our own paranoia is only one of the many, many things that is giving aid to our demise.
He’s evil mormon scum. He tried with all his might to get Hillary elected. Remember the CIA puke Evan McMullin?
That’s right, he is a card carrying mormon.
Once a mormon always a mormon.
Once a Christian always a Christian.
Will, do you think there is enough rope for all of us? i mean that is the cure all, correct?
i believe some of the people here on N.C. Renegade were all for voting for Hillary just to speed things up? So they could get down to business and solve this world problem!
Do not forget his wife was raised catholic, so there is absolutely no chance at redemption or forgiveness for these people!
His one wife, do you think he has many others? Lets start the gossip rumor shall we?
They should rename the show: Sunshine Patriots w/ Glen Beck
Beck sold out a LONG time ago…..
Beck’s “Restoring Honor” event at Lincoln Memorial in DC in August of 2010 was the high point of his conservative and Christian service. In some unknown way at some unknown time he was subsequently broken. The evildoers who crushed him and bent him to their will, just as they did Mitt Romney, found a pressure point and destroyed these men’s souls. We will probably not know in our lifetimes who it was and how they did it. But the “current unpleasantness” is revealing deep laid plans, unlimited wealth, and a corruption of all things good and holy SO GREAT that only God can save our Republic--although He may use our hands and guns to do so.
He’s right you know.If we can just hold up larger signs, press really hard on the markers in the voting booth and maybe kiss the feet of out masters they will relent. Maybe Glen will change his tune when they take his ranch defile his wife and throw his butt in prison. Nah, I’m done with that clown.
I was done with beck when he did the cheetos bit. There is a place for criticizing trump but that was stupid.
Beck is a two faced worm. Stopped trusting him a long time ago.
He lost me 10 years ago when he supported Mitt Romney.He is always about himself and selling books. Akin to jimmy and Tammy Faye Baker.
scammer. Never forgive him for the way he treated Ron Paul.
He does have a lot of ads! Pffff! Like gold is going to feed our families!
I didn’t know that about mittens and Ron Paul. Either one would suffice. a friend said beck was controlled opposition years ago. Looks like he was right.
He has been a BS spewing mouthpiece forever, I remember when things were not going his way, he tried sucking it up to CNN and any other propaganda press that would have him. Go away Beck!!!!!!
the system IS the problem. because it’s been perverted, subverted to a hideous caricature of what it’s supposed to be.
it’s morphing into a technocratic oligarchy with heavy influence of ideocracy
kind of like the hunger games and idiocracy
Enemy of mine too! Glenn know Satan plays both sides! Don’t fall for the deception!
I never cared much for Glenn. I thought of him as another Hannity. Well Glenn, Samuel Adams had something to say about your ilk.
““If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
I never could stand listening to his swarmy tirades peppered with fake crying . As my old Daddy used to say ” He’s a punk and a fag and he’ll never be a man “.
Oh yeah.
Peaceful and Protesting as Directed by the Enemy and his Symps has achieved so much.
Hell, I guess we owe AQ a apologie.,we paid them already.
Mr. Taliban, Beck apologizes
DemoKrauts, call Beck Back home.
As for Beck, he’s irrelevent.
I could careless about him amd his opinion.
I rememeber hos anti-Trump crap.
Fuck You in the Neck Beck, deep in the neck.
With a rusty spade.
I’ve read the comments below,and no one not ONE, is offering an alternative. And oathtakers???? For real? Wasn’t one of their chapters Presidents seen in D.C. being a paid provocateur for the government? I received a notice in the mail for federal jury service. I have no intention of answering or acknowledge I got the notice. Small? Yes, but when people refuse to be part of the functioning system, it will fail.
No one blames a car for the driver’s foolishness or evil intentions so neither should we blame our “government” for the assholes running it.
It’s the best form of government on the planet, give or take a few refinements. But the assholes in charge are making us hate it and we shouldn’t. It’s THEM we should despise…and remove.
Just my opinion, of course.
In your analogy, those assholes in government are the car, and the voters are the driver.
just sayin’.
doesn’t quite work that way, does it? government will always exist or eventually exist of, by and for itself. Unless it is somehow restrained, which the constitution has failed to do.
GB’s a good guy! He’s warning us what’s coming IF you behave against government agenda. Be aware. This is how we’re getting to the Mark of the Beast. It’s about buying and selling. You must take Satan’s Mark if you want to be a part of society. (Taking this Mark secures your fate to hell. You make that choice. -- Revelation 13 & 14)
“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
“If you are anti-government, I am not with you. If you are burn the whole place down, I am not with you. If you are, we gotta get attention, we gotta do something, I am not with you.
Explain , what is so disagreeable? This is a dividing line between many of us, who are Supposedly on the side of good.
Would be nice if we could communicate with out the usual hatred and chaos?
So being on the side of good means we take whatever they dish out? Please answer where this government is the same as what our founding fathers put in place? Please explain how we can restore our country with a government that no longer respects the constitution our founding fathers fought and died for. Please explain Glen Beck’s solution to the problem that now exists (if you believe there is a problem) to overcome a trillion dollar investment to destroy us. And finally how is hateful to disagree with a hypocrite that makes money (and lots of it) to enflame the public then condemn them publicly for being enraged (you call it hatred) with him?
So i condemned people for asking for a reasonable discussion? Just trying to head of the usual name calling and attacks designed to stop us from talking.
Explain how Anti government works? For any one?
Explain how burning it down works? For anyone?
This seems to be the calling card of evil, does it not?
Explain how those who just want attn. And just got to do something for the children! works?
The other side is on board with most of these approaches, Possibly that should give one pause?
What does Beck go on to say?
Well, I think it worked pretty well when our forefathers resisted the British government (anti government) eh? Again I point you to the revolutionary war, yes our forefathers resisted (burned down) the existing government. I think over 200 years worked out very well don’t you? Thirdly you are assuming only people that want to do something for children are just wanting attention. Well, I don’t give a damn about attention but I do give a damn about the future of my grandchildren. Sorry you don’t feel the same way. And as for this being a calling card for evil I say the only thing necessary for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing. Tell me how the other side is on board with most (what are most?) of these approaches. There I answered your questions and I still haven’t heard your response to the questions I asked you.
Were the founders anti government? They were not.
Over 200 years? No, that is not a good result.
Children? No that is not what i said.
People who use the children as an excuse and a shield trying to use your heart strings, on both sides rub me wrong. There tactics of Accusing others of not loving our children or grand children because i (we) dare to comment or question them? i have always recognized salesmen.
Saying “good men are doing nothing” is another outlandish attack. Are they? Are good men doing nothing?
The people enamored by Wes, may be doing nothing, possibly they too can not look at themselves in a mirror. i submit there is something else wrong with these types.
“ Please answer where this government is the same as what our founding fathers put in place?
The people changed .
“we gave you a Republic if you (the people ) can keep it.”
God gave us this Republic through some imperfect men, people do what they always do and pretty well removed God and denied Christ all along the way.
“There I answered your questions and I still haven’t heard your response to the questions I asked you.”
Not sure if i answered the correct one?
Just to let you know, i do not agree with all that Beck says and or does. He upsets me greatly at times. Yet i also recognize when he is right and have taken much good away from His speaking out.
may posterity forget you were ever a countryman
James Grey,
and all those like you!
i do not care so much to “Be a countryman”
It is very evident what Beck was saying for anyone who has been paying attn. to him for years.
Looking through this thread, it is not hard to see why this world is come to judgement.
People more worried that Beck made money? People who willingly and wantonly believe the absolute worst with no proof, no evidence.
They trust the Numbers when it is convenient for their particular cause.
They trust any info to forward their own personal cause!
They covet!
Capitalism is fine as long as , What? there is an equal out come?
He is a Freemasonfuck anyway. You can’t serve two masters.
Solid Proof?
Arizona sentinal
takers not keepers. Just frustrated,don’t want war can’t have peace.
I have known for a long time colonel Sanders is controlled opposition.
Do not listen to him. A little bit of Truth mixed in with lies the Hegelian Dialectic in play before your eyes. Kind of makes you wonder eh? About DJT appearance on his show. I myself think DJT is part of it the anti-thesis if you will.
[…] have been thinking about Glenn Beck’s statements on February 16th concerning patriots who do not support the traitors who overthrew the Old […]
Grrr Graphics – Official Ben Garrison Cartoons Here are some more of GBs pals.
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