He needs to be willing to stand up for the principles BEHIND the flag as well. It is just a piece of cloth, but the principles are what define the nation.
6 months ago
Liberty Folk -- -- You will note that this was not some hoitey-toitey rich kid/trust fund baby school. It was a state run university with widely diverse students.
These frat boys grew up in intact families and have a solid grounding. I wager that all of them were made to go to church with their family while younger and perhaps not religious now, they carry God’s understood teachings about right and wrong with them, even on a hedonistic campus.
These are the future leaders of patriotic units that will arise to throw off the tyranny that DemonicRats crave to enforce iver all in this nation.
These are men ready to be tested in battle…….
He needs to be willing to stand up for the principles BEHIND the flag as well. It is just a piece of cloth, but the principles are what define the nation.
Liberty Folk -- -- You will note that this was not some hoitey-toitey rich kid/trust fund baby school. It was a state run university with widely diverse students.
These frat boys grew up in intact families and have a solid grounding. I wager that all of them were made to go to church with their family while younger and perhaps not religious now, they carry God’s understood teachings about right and wrong with them, even on a hedonistic campus.
These are the future leaders of patriotic units that will arise to throw off the tyranny that DemonicRats crave to enforce iver all in this nation.
These are men ready to be tested in battle…….
Could be a blue and white Greek flag.