Are We Sunshine Patriots?

I hear a lot from folks who bloviate on gun control. Either they demand it or they swear that the only way they will surrender their weapons is from their ‘cold dead hands’. Over the last couple of weeks I’ve read innumerable articles of defiance to any gun ban.

The truth is clear. The Founding Fathers, the Constitution, Natural Law, and the United States Supreme Court are on the side of those who would retain their right to ‘keep and bear’. The inflated egos and evil intent of those who would deprive us of our rights in no way circumvent that truth. That said, resistance could result in imprisonment or death. It will likely lead to the shedding of blood should confiscation be attempted.

The ultimate decision is rather simple. Either fight to retain our freedom and the freedom of our children and grandchildren, or acquiesce to threats and/or the raw brutal power of enforcement of un-Constitutional edicts by a government whose members swore an oath to protect and defend the very Constitution that they defy.

We have all been hearing for years, now, the threats to come and disarm us. In the past, this has been mere political posturing; good for fund raising on both sides of the issue. It is my very sincere hope that it remains so in this instance. But the world has changed and the counter-revolution has gained much ground. It could very well be that the present effort goes beyond simple posturing and aims to accomplish a long cherished dream of tyrants – a disarmed populace that cannot effectively resist. If that be the case it may be well to remember Stalinist Russia, Maoist China, and Nazi Germany, all of which disarmed their citizens before murdering millions of them.

So, to my fellow professing Patriots, the choice may at last be upon us. Will we stand for liberty as did our forebears, no matter the cost, or shall we slink away in the face of danger as sunshine patriots?

The Founders endured repeated injustice at the hands of the ‘Crown’ until finally forced to action when the ‘Crown’ moved to disarm them. I have a great grandfather who fought the Redcoats with Captain Skiles Pennsylvania militia. He was no sunshine patriot. Heaven forbid I dishonor his name by doing less.

It is time to count the cost. It is time to choose. Will we follow the invocation of Patrick Henry – liberty or death – or will we surrender what generations have bled to protect? Let me be clear, I in no way advocate insurrection or rebellion. I merely call for a decision: Defend ourselves, our families, our communities, our liberties from tyrannical forces, even unto death; or surrender all to slavery.

If They Come for Your Guns, Do You Have a Responsibility to Fight?


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12 years ago

I agree, the ultimate decision is clear, it is a primary fundamental issue. One that will define the course of this country for generations. The choice of when and how to act is not so clear and that is why you are sensing so many “sunshine patriots”. Just like the lone wolf will not fare well in SHTF, neither will he as the lone resister. We would do well to follow the wisdom from past ages.
“The art of using troops is this:
……When ten to the enemy’s one, surround him;
……When five times his strength, attack him;
……If double his strength, divide him;
……If equally matched you may engage him;
……If weaker numerically, be capable of withdrawing;
……And if in all respects unequal, be capable of eluding him,
……….for a small force is but booty for one more powerful.”
-- Sun Tzu, the Art Of War

12 years ago

from the article:“Let me be clear, I in no way advocate insurrection or rebellion.”

I do not believe restoring the rule of law, Liberty and the Constitution is advocating insurrection or rebellion. Dave is correct: we must analyze the forces aligned against us and act accordingly if we are to win. Even with that strategy, we will only persevere with the help of God.

12 years ago

Our gov will not make an overt move to confiscate weapons. They call for ridiculous gun control measures so that the incremental gun control doesn’t seem so bad and groups like the NRA and GOP will go along as they chip away at rights. With no actual representation in gov, the only hope for preserving rights is that LE won’t go along or actual active resistance. If history is any guide, active resistance will be necessary, but I don’t think it will happen until people are being taken away in the middle of the night Gestapo style.

It’s too hard for most busy people to be sure of what’s happening because its done so incrementally and there’s so much obfuscation, especially from the supposed right, that its hard to sort out. There’s always doubt if its tyrannical enough to justify civil disobedience, let alone violence. It seems obvious to you because you spend so much time looking for it, but the majority of people spend most of their time at work, with family, doing chores, hobbies, etc. and not studying every move the gov makes. The PTB know this, and use it to their advantage.

I don’t have an answer to the problem of an indifferent public or a public paralyzed with uncertainty. That’s the 64 trillion dollar question.