Are We This Stupid?

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Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
1 year ago

And our government is encouraging the use of these deadly vaccines.

1 year ago

FatherGod,I pray that you prepare my hands,and mind for war,and that I can be used in your plans of vengeance and truth,I pray for this in your name.Amen

1 year ago
Reply to  Mohawk

Psalm 144:1

1 year ago
Reply to  wyolyo

Thank you brother wyolo

1 year ago
Reply to  wyolyo

amen. Psalm 149 ,verses 6 through 9.

1 year ago

Watch comments in social media -- people no longer want to buy cattle for custom butcher that have been vaccinated.

1 year ago

The post is gone on X

1 year ago

I would get the current flu shot but I don’t want MRNA. Does it contain MRNA or not? I don’t know who to believe.

Hammers Thor
1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen

The safe bet would be to assume mRNA is in the flu shot. I stopped getting flu shots years ago… got tired of getting sick after every one… finally figured out that this was not good for me.

glenn swiatek
glenn swiatek
1 year ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

the two worst “ colds “ i ever got were a month or two after getting flu shots in the early ‘90s.
i never took another “ flu “ shot after that.
i think that experience likely saved my life.

Don't mind me
Don't mind me
1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen

Why get the flu shot, citizen? Haven’t you been paying attention? We’ve known for decades the flu shots are ineffective and unpredictable. And now we know they’re poison.

1 year ago
Reply to  Don't mind me

(thumbs up!)

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
1 year ago

Yes Virginia, there is a hell and the fires are burning very very hot…

1 year ago

Being a long time meat cutter I have had a few tetanus boosters over the years. Many years ago, I was directed by a nurse to get another TDAP booster due to an injury that required a few stitches in the ER, and so I did. In two days my brachial plexus (the nerve that runs from your neck out to your shoulder and provides the nervous pathway for your shoulder complex and triceps) was sore and I was losing strength in my arm. In a week I was in blinding pain and had lost all use of my left arm, except that I could still manage weak flexion of my left biceps. I endured this for about three months in fear and worry about what was happening in my body. I saw six doctors in eight weeks and they were all baffled as to what was going on and why, even though I told each of them that I’d had a tetanus shot just prior to the onset of symptoms. And blinding pain notwithstanding (pain you can barely describe), getting any manner of analgesics from these quacks was nearly impossible and never without accusatory looks or comments like I was trying to scam opiates. About a week from neck surgery, the spinal surgeon diagnosed that I did NOT have nerve impingement, but rather brachial plexitis. A few days later (I believe God nudged me) I typed in “brachial plexitis/tetanus shot”. Whoa, dude. Tons of information came to light. I will never, ever trust the medical community. And I will not-and I have not since-let anyone inject me with any manner of vaccine. Since my injury I have learned that ALL vaccines are toxic, and that some people get “hit” and some don’t, and that certain vaccines are HIGHLY toxic and injurious. I also learned that there is the VAERS system-a self reporting system for vaccine injury. There is also a fund called The Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund that is administered by the department of justice that pays for victims of vaccine injury. You have to get a specialized lawyer and the process takes up to three or four years and pays a pittance compared to what private sector lawsuits would pay for such injuries, but something is better than nothing. Many years later symptoms are recurrent and itinerant varying from discomfort to temporarily debilitating. I thank God for not only the settlement we got, but also for the wake up call regarding vaccines specifically, but the toxic and criminal medical community in general. If you are still allowing anyone to inject you with anything you are playing Russian roulette with your well being and your life. For me the Red Pill came in the form of a TDAP vaccine.