Arrested for Showing the Truth?

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General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
12 days ago

Why is the government so afraid of this video coming out? Answer: it shows conclusively that the helicopter was intentionally piloted into the jet-liner. Unless both pilots were completely blind--there is no way this tragedy could have happened. And one of the pilots (a woman) was a big-time Biden supporter and lesbian activist, DEI figure inside the Whitehouse during that old geezer’s tenure. She is said to have been a radical ,public, rug-munching, lesbian activist. And it appears that this radical, lesbian sexual degenerate intentionally piloted the Blackhawk into the jet-liner in some fiendish act of protest and revenge… thus putting the US Government now fully liable (as in major $$$) to the families of the victims killed and to American Airlines (who is blameless in this case).

12 days ago

I agree. My only question is what was the instructor pilot doing? Did she “off” him?