As I Said, Congress and the Supreme Court Are Guilty of Treason

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1 year ago

Head of the octopus. One poke and it’s into the pot.

Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
1 year ago

I was wondering when someone within the military/ Ret, or active would say this, the people need to be sanctioned under the Constitution by a legitimate authority to throw these traitors off! It is obvious to me Trump was elected President but was not willing to use the insurrection Act to hold power, he should have! Now more people will lose everything because of it. I call this a soup sandwich!

Son of a Gunny
Son of a Gunny
1 year ago
Reply to  Irod Folsom

If you want to hear other former Military calling Sedition & Treason going back EIGHT(8) long tears, search Rumble for videos from Michael Jaco who is a Former Seal Team 6 Member and a CIA agent(one of the good ones in my opinion). Another great Former Military Officer, one that Obama had jailed to shut him up is Scott Bennett. Looks for videoed with him on Rumble as well. They both however state that General Flynn is playing both sides, so be careful who you listen to. I think we are going to see many people be held accountable and trials like The Nuremberg Trials!

Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
1 year ago
Reply to  Son of a Gunny

Very carefully who I listen to, he’s just the highest ra king military to say it as things go bad! Hoping the military will honor there oaths

Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
1 year ago
Reply to  Irod Folsom

PS, Don’t trust Trump either!

1 year ago
Reply to  Irod Folsom

Trust no one.

Joel olsteen
Joel olsteen
1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

Or no vax!

Back the Attack
Back the Attack
1 year ago
Reply to  Irod Folsom

He’s former military, not highest ranking, and he hasn’t been a General since he retired from/concluded his military service. Just as I haven’t been a SGT since my active (duty) federal military service concluded.

Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
1 year ago

You are correct! We don’t give titles. Just programming I guess .

Joel olsteen
Joel olsteen
1 year ago
Reply to  Son of a Gunny

Nuremburg trails were a shame they may have hung 5people?6 out of hundreds rest came from ..Nazi to NASA which most Nazi leaders where Jewish! Go figure do your own research cause its the pudding cause thats where the proof is! Plus if these who hold office which are treasonous why isnt our so called brave man of the armed forces upholding their oath and are getting paid to do so?do we need to stop paying them taxes which is funding the wars yes besides the Bauer family and put all corrupted politicians in jail ! But sadly this can’t be done unless we the people unite as one malitia to do so as written! I know there good members in armed forces and they are suicided (killed) murdered) etc the ones who speak up speak truth or seek truth for justice! they to need to unite as one is the ONLY way! First we start with the treasonous news media outlets and start reporting truth worldwide cause many know it and knows who the real boogie men are tell lie vision tv is the worse enemy playing propaganda 24/7 we end that will end half of this coup that’s taken place the last 150years or longer! One things forsure chemtrails need to stop asap they are killing all life on this flat earth truth is truth and it needs to be told! Trust no man were all sinners some more horrific then others as those who have eyes to see!

Joel olsteen
Joel olsteen
1 year ago
Reply to  Son of a Gunny

Anyone who spoke truth 8years is most likely suicided! Aka murderd! So jaco being alive still must say something!! I trust no one on earth !! You don’t survive 29-30 years in office or armed forces telling or seeking truth in a system of all lies! Go figure NASA still getting paid to lie but we cry about funding immigrants or homeless people etc I think if NASA paid back and stopped being funded for lies we’d all be living large cause that’s are tax dollars funding the lies no politicians or jaco cia talk about that them stealing fraud lies! My opinion..

1 year ago
Reply to  Son of a Gunny

When Rage hits the Masses the Line between Nuremberg Trials and Bastille is extremely narrow!

Joel olsteen
Joel olsteen
1 year ago

I doubt that’s s site will post my comments cause I speak the truth! If they do God bless them it’s a free speech outlet! If they dont them we know its controlled opposition like tv news is!! So let’s see!! Free? Or slaves?

John 3:13
John 3:13
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

The comment makes sense to me.

Joel olsteen
Joel olsteen
1 year ago

Godbless this site!!!

Joel olsteen
Joel olsteen
1 year ago

Thanks cause I always get kicked out for telling the truth and it seems iam able post here freely! Again God bless free speech n truth! And this site for free speech !!ty!

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

That is about a true of a statement as I have read.

1 year ago

Gen. Flynn’s statement is 100% correct.