As I Wait Tonight

The current news is on hold to see if Israel will send its military into the Gaza Strip. If this “red line” crossed, Iran will enter into the war along with Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and probably Iraq. Saudi Arabia and Egypt will follow at some point in the future with Turkey’s role up in the air.

Two points:

  1. The news cycle is dominated by Israel’s actions. Every other issue/war/event/criminal acts are on hold. Even the Ukrainian war and Russia’s current offensive are on the back burner. It kind of makes you wonder if this is just a diversion for the West even if it leads to WWIII.
  2. What was the purpose of Hamas’s attack on innocent Israeli citizens? I know that some soldiers were attacked at a military base but the majority of the people killed were unarmed men, women and children. The answer is simple: Hamas wanted a spark to unify a coordinated Muslim attack on Israel. This attack had to be so egregious that Israel would have no other recourse than retaliate.

We may wake up tomorrow morning to a new world: a new world war and a new world order. I will still be able to compartmentalize the different tactics and people responsible for these events especially our “leaders” who overthrew our Republic. Do not forget that they want us dead and religion has nothing to do with their end game.

David DeGerolamo

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General Buck Turgerson
General Buck Turgerson
1 year ago

“The answer is simple: Hamas wanted a spark to unify a coordinated Muslim attack on Israel. This attack had to be so egregious that Israel would have no other recourse than retaliate”
Completely correct.
And also there is now way that the prep for these attacks went unnoticed--this is another 911 which will give the war-tard’s in DC their excuse to go after Iran--which will start a global conflagration.

Green Hornet
Green Hornet
1 year ago

None of us are promised tomorrow. If I am blessed with another day, I will do my best to keep providing for those I care about.
I would add one other thing. Just because the “day of rage” was a bust, doesn’t mean that other events/attacks are likely being planned. Stay armed, sober, and vigilant, but continue to live your lives dangerous and free.

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
1 year ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

I believe the Lord is speaking to many hearts this morning. The message I have for our morning service has to do with how suddenly and unexpectedly things can change. There are thousands dead this morning in Israel and Gaza who, nine days ago, did not know they would die so soon. They thought their lives would continue from one day to the next as they always had.

The portions of scripture I plan to use in the preaching service today are,

Proverbs 27:1
Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest
not what a day may bring forth.


James 4:13-15
13 Go to now, ye that say, To day or tomorrow we
will go into such a city, and continue there a year,
and buy and sell, and get gain:

14 Whereas ye know not what shall be on the
morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour,
that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth

15 For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall
live, and do this, or that.

The question is not, “Is the Lord speaking?”, but “Are we listening?”

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Pastor Guest

Verse 15 should be amplified.
If the Master is willing!
“If the Master desires, we shall live and do this or that.”
16.But now you boast in your proud speeches, All such boasting is wicked.
How much boasting are we witness to daily?

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
1 year ago

You’re correct. Our desire should be that God’s will would be done in every thought, word and deed. This was one of the points I tried to stress when I preached the message. Other points I emphasized were the uncertainty and brevity of life in this world.

1 year ago

Watch this Jovan Pulitzer Podcast from three days ago :
Go to the 41 min point and watch for about six minutes as he shows video put out by Hamas of a military parade in Gaza with combat weapons a few days before the “invasion”. He plays a longer and more detailed version of the video near the end about the one hour 38 minute point.
No way did that huge parade happen and the Mossad and CIA overlook it. They saw it. They heard the Hamas soldiers all singing “SOON”. Somebody closed both eyes to let this invasion happen.
Who allowed that and why will likely never be revealed.

Oh, and BTW, there were in fact 40 infants murdered, but not all of them were beheaded.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

“religion has nothing to do with their end game.”
Yet, they certainly use religion. Their ‘religion’ will be their end and undoing one day.
Luke 21:8 And He said, “See that you are not led astray, for many shall come in My Name, saying, ‘I am,’ and, The time is near.’
Then do not go after them.
It would seem many use the name, yet do not themselves endeavor to walk the walk.
Some of the recent discussions certainly have shed a light upon some very hateful rhetoric towards Yahusha His Name, His Word and those attempting to follow. And yes this is all part of our journey.

Roth Harbard
1 year ago

Was on vacation last week and had access to Fox News. Tuned in to see what was up. Made me want to puke. ‘News’ used to be unbiased. What they’re doing now is open propaganda for Israel. The Israel that is ethnically cleansing Palestine. I’m no supporter of Islam, but neither do I support Israel. I find it ironic that in 1948 the Jews immediately began to do to the Palestinians what they claimed had been done to them. Ethnic cleansing. That cleansing has proceeded ever since. The fight between the Jews and the Muslims should not be the concern of America. Only the capture of our country by the Zionists has put us in the dire straits in which we find ourselves. Our time would be better served in taking our country back from rather than supporting those who stole it.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Is it a diversion? Or is it a tell? A sign of the times?
i suppose it could be either or both depending on how one looks at things.
i also do not believe Israel began an ethnic cleansing back in 1948. The Palestinians were given much, and many ways to support themselves. What did they do with it?
The fight between the Jews and the Muslims is a concern. We are shown this divide exactly where and when it occurs in biblical history.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

“Taking our country back.” Does God need to be a willing participant?

1 year ago

Hi David, I like your website and your writings. I wholly share your views and especially your mention of and emphasis on the sense of honor which alas no longer exists in that alien and deprived culture they impose on us. Honor as charity and agape are uniquely Christian virtues and it is our Christian culture and belief that they are after. Innately so since they`ve never known the gratuitous love of Christ. But sadly even a lot of Christians have no longer access to that love having their culture being voided for them and replaced by the culture of greedy and deprived and ruthless people who in the past could never had a chance to rule over Christians.