Asthmatic Subjected to EPA Experiments at UNC-CH; Inhofe Wants Hearing

A former student at the University of North Carolina has come forward publicly to call attention to the disturbing experiments theEnvironmental Protection Agency has conducted – and is likely still performing – at its Human Studies Facility in Chapel Hill, N.C.

Meanwhile Sen. James Inhofe, ranking minority member on the Environment and Public Works Committee, has requested that Chairman Barbara Boxer conduct a hearing about EPA’s activities during the current lame-duck session.

The student, Landon Huffman, found out about the EPA program through an advertisement in The Daily Tar Heel, the university’s newspaper. The experiments exposed subjects to fine particulate matter (called “PM2.5”) at extremely elevated levels for up to two hours at a time. Researchers – at the direction of medical doctors – sought test subjects with health problems such as heart conditions, obesity or breathing difficulties. Huffman is an asthmatic and is a member-plaintiff in a lawsuit against EPA to get the experiments halted.


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