“Fourth Turnings occur because human nature never changes. Those who rise to power are always driven by power, control, and wealth. Their egos are large, and they are driven by greed and seeking the accolades of others. Their hubris and influence seeking are often more powerful than their intellect or moral character.”
“You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Words mean things. A Republic is not a democracy. An invitation is not an invasion. A demonstration is not an insurrection. Burning and looting are not peaceful demonstrations. Unless, of course, one lives in the rotting and fetid body of a dying empire. I finally got around to reading War and Peace, Tolstoy’s masterpiece, this past fall. Brilliant work. He makes a great point that we are all simply pawns in the flow of historical events. As individuals, even as Napoleon was, we have little to no influence on that flow. We are simply caught up in it and doomed to play our own bit roles in the play.
I find myself completely exasperated with what I’m witnessing today. We must damn Putin and Russia to hell for moving his country so close to our military bases and missiles and for not bending over and accepting our lies that we would not admit former Warsaw Pact countries to NATO. I must endure television commercials and programming which depict a minority race that did little to build a first world civilization on the North American continent as if they are the majority while those who built the civilization are slowly being replaced by those who have been unable to successfully build much of anything. Show me a country or a city they rule that is not devoid of crime, corruption, and poverty.
We must endure being schooled that girls can be boys and boys can be girls, that Johnny has two mommies or two daddies and that that is normal and good. Murdering the unborn, the most innocent among us is just ‘birth control’, and that ‘my body, my choice’ only applies to feminists and never to the victims of Big Pharma. And speaking of Big Pharma, it’s now plainly obvious they are a part of a criminal cabal that has no interest in doing what is best for humanity. We lost health care when it evolved from altruism to profitability.
We used to think elections mattered. That we had a choice. Having formerly toiled diligently in the ranks of the Grand Old Party, I eventually came to understand that we really had no choice. The ‘elite’ chose both the Republican and Democrat nominees in practically every race for public office. Heads they win, tails we lose. But even then, I believed that we could still choose the lesser evil. 2020 burst that balloon rather handsomely.
So what to do? How do we respond? Back in the days when I was a Scoutmaster (don’t get me started on the BSA – totally converged and corrupted) and when I taught at a military academy, I always encouraged my Scouts and my students to just do the next right and honorable thing. So, assuming Tolstoy was correct and we are all just bit players in the historical drama, I would suggest we all proceed as follows.
Take a breath. Most of us have itchy trigger fingers. Most of us want justice and liberty. Most of us are willing to sacrifice ourselves on the altar of liberty. But … moving too quickly is just suicide. Relax. Be patient. Enjoy the gifts God has given us in every day that we are able. Prep. Plan. Take vacations from the ‘news’. It is designed to drive your emotions. Reason and logic are key, not emotion. Critical thinking is destroyed by emotion.
Also, continue to speak truth. Refuse to live in a spirit of fear. We are fighting evil not only in the physical form, but also the spiritual. Pray for wisdom, understanding, and courage. All are critical if we expect to emerge victorious.
I began this post with a couple of quotes from an article that pretty well sums up our circumstance at this time. I recommend reading it … here.
Endeavor to persevere,
I read this last night and sent it out to a few people. Definitely worth reading. Thanks for posting it.
Amen. Never forget what we can do right now. Prepper life, build like-minded voting block self-sufficient communities, and work as gray men and women. These are more powerful than most realize. And never forget to see the beauty in each day we are granted in spite of living in an almost unbelievable evil driven political atmosphere.
Very good article and sound advice. Who is John Galt? TEXIT!
“and when we were done think-ing about it, we made war on the union”. about done thinking myself.