Battle For The Republic Video/Speech

I want to give a shout out to everyone here today at The Battle for the Republic LARP.

A LARP, L-A-R-P is short for “Live Action Role Playing.” A LARP is a game. In this game, the participants portray fictional characters by the way they dress and the things they say as they interact in a real-world environment. However, the outcome of the game has been predetermined by the game rules and player consensus. It is ultimately the Gamemasters who decide the setting, determine the rules, facilitate the play, and declare the winner.

Whether we realize it or not, this is the scenario in which we find ourselves. The Game-Masters have established Rules which apply only to Our Side so that the predetermined outcome is that we can Never Win! We are players in a rigged LARPing charade.

In contrast, whenever grotesque Drag Queens groom children under the guise of merely reading a book or putting on a “family friendly show,” THEY are NOT “LARPing.” They are nurturing a sick fetish which requires child sacrifice.

Whenever Marxist BLM supporters burn down cities under the guise of protesting social injustice, THEY are NOT “LARPing.” They are savoring the indulgence of their wicked souls as they burn down our history and fundamentally transform our future.

Whenever black clad Antifa commit domestic terrorism under the guise of fighting fascism, THEY are NOT “LARPing.” They are delighting in the death and destruction of our civilization while they dance in its ashes.

Whenever Fauci, the CDC, the WHO, and various other white coated “Experts” demand we follow their false ScIeNcE and destroy our God given Rights under the guise of saving lives, THEY are NOT “LARPing.” They are intoxicated by their indulgence in Satan’s first temptation, “Ye shall be as gods.”

Whenever Democrat politicians and their token opposition who call themselves Republicans create unconstitutional laws and push us ever further into the abyss of tyranny under the guise of “Democracy,” THEY are NOT “LARPing.” They are relishing the power to destroy our lives at their whim.

These groups are NOT LARPers. They are Warriors dedicated to the destruction of all that is good in a vain effort to establish a hell on earth they call Utopia. These people do not play our games. Their bloodlust is not satisfied with our compromises. They despise our God-given Rights and are hell-bent on their eradication. They do not hesitate to use every means at their disposal because a Warrior’s only goal is to WIN. Our decency and winsomeness and commitment to playing by nonexistent rules are fuel to their demonic fire.

But when we gather here today to say we are going to Battle these evils to save our Republic, we ARE LARPing – and the REAL Power knows it. That’s the only reason this meeting is even allowed to happen. If it had any real power, any real potential to “battle,” all of us here would be languishing in the dungeons with the forgotten heroes of January 6th.

It is past time to face reality. We are LARPers. This rally is a fictional game. It is comprised of various role players.

We have the “political activists” who NEVER get anything activated – and quickly denounce and distance themselves from anything that would cost them their next speaking gig.

We have the Conservative politicians who will never do anything to bite the hand of their corporate owners, their “donors” or suicide their political ambitions. They make bold campaign promises but then fail to follow through because “their hands are tied” and we their constituents “do not understand how things work in politics.”

We have the “historians” who fill us with the inspiring stories of true Warrior patriots of the past while avoiding the awful truth: we are NOT worthy of their valiant efforts because we are not willing to make the same noble efforts up to and including the sacrifice of our very lives to destroy – in every sense of the word – our enemies as they did.

We have veterans, myself included, who served a phantom America that has not existed in reality for decades. We are still bound by an oath to TAKE UP ARMS against ALL Enemies BOTH Foreign and Domestic. However, because our Domestic Enemies look like us rather than goose-stepping Nazis marching through our congressional halls, school rooms and neighborhoods, we stand aside awaiting orders that will never come.

Then we have the mass of participants in this LARPing charade. Those who stand on the sidelines because of cluelessness or unpreparedness. Where there is no Vision, the people perish, and our people have NO Vision because they cannot see through the LARPers to the Game-Masters who are directing this diversion and they cannot devise a winning game plan because they do not have the foresight and fortitude for what it will take to truly reestablish our Republic.

I love America. I love the country I grew up in. I love what our country was founded upon.

But the America I see today is in total moral collapse. Our country has become a woke cesspool of third world ghettos, full of drug addicts, insane feminist, and neutered soyboys. America it seems has become the greatest force for evil on this planet. You can’t vote your way out of evil. Evil must be confronted and destroyed. America has been in moral decay for decades now. We’ve done nothing but tolerate it. America has turned its back on its founding. We have discarded our Judeo-Christian founding for “do whatever makes you feel good evil.” Our “government” no longer represents us and has long since threw out the Rule of Law. You can see the double standard everywhere you look. The lady of justice is no longer blind and serves only the powers that be. Look no further than the January 6th political prisoners for this evidence.

We deserve what is fast approaching. The America we grew up in has long been dead. I don’t want to save our country. It needs to all come down and we need to rebuild it. Evil must be eliminated. Voting will not eliminate the great evil we are faced with.

We know who we are. It is our time to stand against this darkness, this evil. It is why we were born. It is why we are here now. It is time for us to be the warriors we have trained to be, that we know we are. It is time to quit sitting idly by and watching evil gain ground while the world burns.

We all have a decision to make. Either we stand and fight, or we purely and simply deserve everything that is heading our way.

Right now we are willingly lining up to get in those boxcars. All of us. We are all capable of fighting and all we are doing is talking and grumbling. Granted we might be at the back of the line, but we are still in line and that line is moving.

This isn’t someone else’s war, it’s our war, no one is coming to save us. It is all up to us. I personally have exhausted all peaceful means. I have tried to work within the system and do the right things to no avail. Not everyone will be fighters, I understand that, but I will not participate in this “voting” farce that so many seem to think can get us out this mess come fall. For those of you who have been sharpening your swords and don’t know what time it is, I can’t show you the clock.

It is up to us to secure freedom for the future generations. There is nowhere left to run to. It is time to stand against tyranny.

I apologize if my words here come across as harsh. But the truth often is harsh. It is past time to put up or shut up. And if we were even halfway serious about putting up, our so called “Government” would have shut us up by now. We need to quit having rallies on the deck of the Titanic and quit trying to convince ourselves that even “God himself can’t sink this ship.”

So, are you a LARPer? Or are you a Warrior?

Ask yourself this? How accepting have you been on these few examples.

  1. We have accepted a fraudulent pResident and Vice-pResident.
  2. We have accepted proven voter fraud in KY, Ga, Arizona, Pennsylvania, California even NC which Cooper stole.
  3. Most of us have allowed our children to be indoctrinated in the Public School System. Home School your children. (Shout out to Larry Pittman for his work against Common Core.)
  4. We have accepted illegal aliens in NC
  5. We have accepted the elimination of our borders.
  6. Economic collapse to advance their one world agenda is on our doorstep. How do yall like the price of gas and food now?

How do you feel about your childrens future? Can you honestly look in the mirror and face the consequences of our continued inaction?

Our Forefathers were NO LARPers. They were WARRIORS. Because of this they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to sign their name to a Declaration of Independence that called out the Game-Masters of their time and affirmed their unwillingness to continue to play the game. I’ve been all over the country, at Conservative events, on Conservative radio shows, on Conservative media to share this New Declaration of Independence for our times. I’ve been harassed on Conservative media for being so “reckless.” I’ve actually been confronted by the FBI at my own home for daring to say what HAS to be said. They are probably in attendance here tonight. Shame on them, you should repent of your evil deeds and join us in this fight against evil and tyranny. I find this document makes my audience uncomfortable because it confronts them with the sad fact that they are LARPers and not Warriors. I’m going to read it now so that you can decide are you a LARPer? Or a Warrior?

New Declaration

I wasn’t sure what to expect from this event. I haven’t attended a local political event in some time now. But something told me I needed to go to this and speak. I didn’t have much time to prepare a speech and I did my best with a day and a half that I had to prepare.

You can watch the whole event here…

It was nice to see some old friends and it was nice to meet a couple of NCRenegade regular readers. One of them won the raffle for the shotgun.

Angela Spillman who organized this event had just recently lost her election for County Commissioner, but she is refusing to give up the fight. I applaud her for it. When I arrived I was informed I would be going after the local Politicians Congressman Larry Pittman, and Senator Carl Ford. Tough spot considering my speech would lay out the TINVOWOOT message.

Overall it was a good event for a Politcal gathering on a Friday Night. I got to put some faces with names and am looking forward to when they put on another event.

The speech was well received and I got a lot of positive feedback. I didn’t know how it would go over and honestly was a little nervous about it.

Anyway I wanted to get this out to you because many of you couldn’t view the livestream.



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Concerned American
2 years ago

Ok to publish in full at WRSA for tomorrow’s edition?

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
2 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Classic stuff Wes!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

In the short time you had to prepare, it was a great speech, everyone claims to want the truth, but when they hear it, they get pissed off. You made a lot of great points, I especially liked that there is no political solution, it has to be completely burned down. The current government is corrupt to the core. I cannot co-exist with these people, they are my mortal enemies, period.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

you convinced me of my next rifle purchase, semi-auto .308 as a DMR with a thermal scope.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  reedThe

Great, reedThe you cannot go wrong there.

Backwoods Squirrel
Backwoods Squirrel
2 years ago
Reply to  reedThe

My husband has a couple for sale on GunBroker. (Rifle on green background)

2 years ago

At this point, in the timeline of the country, I feel like many of those that will fight are perhaps called to fight, much like the calling to certain professions or living environments. Likely, there will be lots of supports such as those that will cook or clean clothing, offer medicinal assistance, and likewise be helpful in day-to-day living issues and as regards survival (as for a time, much of the country will be in an unregulated mode; self-governing, due to an increasing lack of governmental cohesion). Fighting for survival, to preserve life and take territory would be a prime attribute of the coming upheaval, however, fighting to reclaim the country is a more dubious task. Will the goal eventually be getting much of the populace offshore to be dispersed to other living areas (possibly relegating much of the land to a multinational fighting force, potentially on varying sides geopolitically speaking) or will it be moreso of a voluntary relocating of many people into perhaps remote and obscure living conditions, with the idea of waiting out the ensuing warfare and turmoil? It’s likely going to coincide with a ground invasion by two or more countries, initially, and then more. Is it realistic to think that many of these individuals would come out of an obscureness of sorts to engage against an onslaught, or is this a likelihood in which the fight will largely be brought to them regardless?

2 years ago

Well done Wes!
Love the shirt too, very appropriate.

CTR Wolfman
CTR Wolfman
2 years ago

I heard a “thus saith the Lord” in the audio, in morse. Listen closely, it’s there.

2 years ago

This is actually a bit sad for me after reading your essay. You get 99% there and then flop face first. I understand.
Our founders were Christian, stop with the Judeo lie. I am really sick and tired of hearing this lie. Of the various puppet master groups one has proven the most destructive, most nefarious, and most powerful in destroying this country.
I could tell you to research Biden’s cabinet and thier early lives, I could tell you to look into Blackrock and the personalities behind that group. I could also tell you to look into the NGO’s literally creating armies that invade our southern border. I could tell you to look into a thousand different groups or personalities who have one thing in common. But I wont.
I know that not everyone in that group acts like that, but there comes a point where you either read thier actual words and writings, or more importantly actually judge others by the policy they are putting in place, the lives they so gleefully destroy.
It becomes clear who this group is, what they have planned, and how they are toatally winning.
The fact that you can even utter the phrase Judeo-Christain proves it.

Last edited 2 years ago by sneakytails
2 years ago
Reply to  sneakytails


a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Why call them a Troll? Because they dare to disagree 1%?
Because they hint at some things perhaps we should look into?
The Phrase Judeo Christian fondly used by certain pastors such as the John Hauge’s of this world. Ahhrgh, do not get me started.

2 years ago

sneakytails is trying to communicate truths. I wouldn’t call him a troll.

2 years ago

There you go again making unfounded assumptions.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

And yet no answer.

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

To quibble is our guiltily pleasure and our weakness as a group.

Satan loves dissent as the father of lies needs Christians arguing over the Bible.

I don’t think George Washington would pass muster as a Leader in this group.

Praying for wisdom.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Michael

i agree to an extent. Are we as “Christians to have discussions and exchanging of ideas and thoughts?

2 years ago
Reply to  sneakytails

we were never a judeo christian nation , it was only a christian nation in times past, judeism has nothing to do with Christianity, Christ went to the cross to save his people and not the World. In the Book of Hebrews chapter 8, Christ tells us he wrote a new covenant for his people and the old covenant is dead and buried and had been since the time of the cross. God is no respecter of any race or peoples on the earth, it is either you are saved by his shed blood by grace or you are not. I to have read this and he is right on target as to where our nation is going , but the Good Lord will take them down at his timing, the rest of the people running our government are all lying perjurers and murderers.

Last edited 2 years ago by Phil
2 years ago
Reply to  Phil

yea, don’t like it when trump says JUDEO christian.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Phil

Luke 19:10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the … › luke
For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost. … For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.
i see what you are saying, Yet He did come to save the world. Those in the world (ALL)who will turn too Him and follow.
Those of the world who will not repent (Truly.) Those who Love the world, the worldliness who ignore Him may well never be saved.

2 years ago

No one can come to God by themselves and on our own terms which is widely taught by fake pastors, God must draw you by his election process, and yes he did come into this world to save the world and his own rejected him. He came for his people which he selected before any of us were born, it’s not of us or anything we can do to merit favor with God, remember , we are all filthy rags in his sight, but thanks be to Christ he is our mediator before the Father in heaven or we would all be destined to hell and rightfully so. I didnt mean to turn what the article was about but we must all be careful not call this nation judeo Christian, this is heretical teaching and not biblical what so ever.
God Bless

Last edited 2 years ago by Phil
a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Phil


a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Phil

“God must draw you by his election process, “
This is made possible by True repentance, something i fear many have not yet Truly experienced.

2 years ago
Reply to  sneakytails

Um…Jesus was a jew..just sayin’

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Jesuswasajew

And? So?
He made a way for ALL !

2 years ago
Reply to  Jesuswasajew

There were no Christians before the Christ. People who followed Jesus were later called Christians.

2 years ago
Reply to  sneakytails

Our government is based on:
Isaiah 33:22 -- Our Form Of Government
While researching quotes from our founders for the new site images, I learned something new (yes, us old folks can do that). It seems that the three branches of government found in our Constitution are the result of a scripture. “For the LORD is our judge (Supreme Court), the LORD is our lawgiver (Congress), the LORD is our king (Presidency); He will save us.” Isaiah 33:22 (parenthesis inclusions are mine).
It seems that the verse inspired James Madison to separate the powers while attending the Constitutional Convention of 1787. Many forget that our founders were deeply religious men who drew the inspiration for our Declaration of Independence and Rights from the Bible and Christianity.
The Old Testament is the Jewish Torah ( although some consider the first five books to be the Torah.
My point is that the founding fathers understood this distinction. To ignore the old testament and its foundation as the Jewish religion is very misleading. I do believe that the Jews of today bear little resemblance to the Jews in the old testament. In the same fashion, Christians bear little resemblance to early followers of the way.

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

The Jews of today are not the same Jews of the pre and post new testament era, these Jews are all ashkenazi Jews from the caucuses in North Russia and were called upon to fight for the Jews when thy needed help, in other words it was a paid army , these are the same Jews of today , fake Jews and they do not follow the 5 old books of the pentatuch or the the books of Moses, they follow there own evil book the Talmud which is an anti Christ hating book just like the Muslims and there koran, both are equally wicked and evil, this is there guide book, only very few Jews actually follow and read the pentatuch in our day. In the book of Revelation and the letters to the seven churches Christ warned us there were fake Jews in his day posing as impostures and it continues to this day but far worse.
The Jews were all dispersed after the Roman General Titus destroyed the City of jeruslasem in ad 70 and and torn down the entire temple and only a few of the real remained in Israel during that time, many of the Jews were killed and sold off into slavery just as Christ said would happen to them, because of there unbelief and there sins

Last edited 2 years ago by Phil
2 years ago
Reply to  Phil

I do not disagree. Let’s hope there are real tribes of Israel left and real followers of the Christ to guide our way.

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

all you need is the word of God to follow, do not follow after any man , trust only the scriptures and the scriptures alone, this is your guide book to keep your feet firmly planted and going in the right direction, keep his word imprinted in your heart and mind , just as Christ stated, he would put his law into the hearts of his peope to guide them during these very perilous times

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
2 years ago
Reply to  Phil

You don’t grasp the half of how deep this runs. The liberal euro jews think you gentiles are their pets. They think eastern Hebrews like myself are traitors and worse than the Nazi. You better learn all you can while you can. But for now not many of you have the ability to summon the strength or spiritual authority to thwart the one who is their master. Do you think Jesus will fight for you? Yeshua the true son of YHVH only fights for those who do what his father wants. So what does the father want. Sunday church? FILTH! Christmas? FILTH! Easter? More FILTH! So let me ask will the son of the living God well done? Or get away from me you workers of lawlessness! Those are my shekels Goyim. Good article Wes.

2 years ago

Re: the pretext of religion for occultic practices: Christian Science religion, and there are others such as the Church of Scientology, the Worldwide Church of God and more that practice these types of hierarchical and systemic rituals of abuse.

“My husband and I were devout, lifelong Christian Scientists until 1977, when we lost our only son Matthew to a treatable illness because we followed the church’s beliefs against medical care.”

“Before the internet, it took us years to figure out that states had identically worded religious exemptions from child neglect charges, which appeared to give parents the legal right to deprive a child of medical care on religious grounds.”

“Congress passed a temporary moratorium that stopped HHS from requiring any changes in neglect laws and then in 1994 passed this incredible law: “There is no federal requirement that a parent or guardian provide a child any medical service or treatment against the religious beliefs of the parent or guardian.”

“Christian Scientists deny the Trinity and replace the person of the Holy Spirit with ‘divine Science.”

“In recent decades the Christian Science Church has succeeded in most states in establishing the right of Christian Scientists to deny their children medical treatment. Lobbyists have encouraged state legislatures to enact laws that protect Christian Scientists from prosecution for child abuse or neglect. ”

2 years ago

Most of organized religion is designed to break the bonds of family and community. One need only look at the abuses such as medical neglect of sick children and adults within denominations such as the Christian Science church/other branches (with Mary Baker Eddy as a founder) the Church of Scientology (L. Ron Hubbard), the Worldwide Church of God (Herbert W. Armstrong, Garner Ted Armstrong) and more. These churches have very much been pretexts for occultic practices, that are hierarchical and systemic by design.

2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

The places where ‘conservatives’ hide?

2 years ago

Iam very familiar with liberal jews, I grew up around many of them in New York, none are saved and all of them follow the talmud the book of the devil which they conjured up somewhere in time, i know very well who these fake jews are , but that does not negate the fact Christ the Son of God divorced them at the cross, its over for them and again God is no respector of any race or color. the jew will be cast into hell fire along with the fake Christians at judgement day, there will be no way out for any of them, just make sure you are right with God and his Son.

Davy Crockett
2 years ago

We need an army of Lt. Audie Murphy and Chesty Pullers led by General Patton’s.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

One world government: NWO
Is this not Babel or Babylon as we have read about? Been warned about!
Is the USA exempt? Is this Nation not at least part of it? 
Been re reading YirmeYahu once again. Studying Jeremiah 51

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Psa 12:8 The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Good one Tom!

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

you are right, the scriptures state that when the chosen of God are surrounded on all sides then the end will befall the evil ones and I truly believe we are at that point and right on schedule, we are getting hedged in by our wicked leaders in this nation and world wide now. truly these are perilous time we are living in as described by Christ just before his return.

2 years ago

Great speech. You called out an important truth. Ok. What next for those of us who are serious? The speech was akin to a Father’s day sermon in many churches. No praise for the role but plenty of “Man up, do your duty.’ and no direction or instruction as to next steps. What does a ‘Real warrior’ look like in this time and place? What action steps can we take to attain to ‘real warrior’ status in your book? Personally I have embarked on a physical fitness regimen and lost 80+ lbs. in the last 2 years and am in better shape for my age than anyone I know. I have plenty of firearms and ammo and lots of practice with them. I am stocking up food and supplies as our limited finances allow. My wife and I still vote in every election, though that is becoming of increasingly little value. The basic fact is that people like myself with 2 jobs, a house full of teenagers, and a pretty limited budget, are not going to engage in risky, possibly illegal endeavors until this thing goes hot. Especially in this political climate where violence and criminality on the Left are encouraged and rewarded, and basic political activism on the right will get you fired from your job, cancelled, or worse. (I pray every day that the Lord will have mercy upon us and spare us the cup of Civil War. No one wants a civil war even the ones that think they do .However, a Civil War seems pretty much baked into the cake at this point barring a genuine miracle.) So people like me wait and watch for a person or organization that can carry the day so that we can lend a hand. So far their has been precious little in that regard. Even some organizations, that possibly would be a good starting place, attempt to take a stand on the Right are castigated and savaged by others on the Right as ‘Fed Honeypots’ and fed bois, or accusations that they are ‘infiltrated.’ Which brings me back to my original question, ‘Ok, What’s next?’

Davy Crockett
2 years ago
Reply to  Stryker

Never admit to owning anything--especially guns and ammo.

2 years ago

This is the reply sent to a friend talking about Americans sitting on their hands doing nothing while the product of their labor is laundered by the ‘gov’ by being sent to Ukraine.
This reply absolutely applies as the real life answer to Wes’s latest.
Of course the NPC/normie Hu-Lemming sheepies in ‘Mureica’ are sitting on their hands.
It’s like what I pointed out in my previous email; 85% of ‘Mureicans’ are willfully addicted in one way or another to the welfare system/mindset…as long as they’re getting theirmonthly ‘free gibs/entitlements’ they’re utterly content to stay exactly where they are and what they are..which is for the most part fat, apathetic, dumb and lazy.
We in the 12% to 15% of awakened people here simply DON’T have the numbers to make any meaningful dent against what the indoctrinated addicts here want, nor are we going to be able to persuade or educate a great majority to give up their addiction to welfare…we’re lucky to be able to reach and affect a few individuals at at a time.
Like I’ve said before, Freedom and Independence ISN’T for the great mass of people; they have no wish to daily exercise the needed responsibility of being Free or Independent -- they’re happy to be on their knees in supplication as they hold up their empty food bowls asking, “Please SIR,..may I have some more?”
They’re content to be serfs/wage long as they have their creature comforts and can enjoy what currently passes for ‘food’ on a daily basis.
News Alert!! Wheat may become unavailable within the next year..same for other staple food resources.
What will the normies do when that happens..beyond crying to ‘Papa Gov’ to continue to feed and provide for them?….
Which is why the ‘Mises Caucus’ running the current Lolobertarian party is nothing more than a totally fubared shit sandwich and doomed to failure.
Hell, the female leader is a self identified divorcee and cat owner..need I say more?!?…….
Speaking of those who continue to in effect worship Mises and his most ardent student Murray Rothbard, here’s a bit of information that (((Rothbard))) made known:
 “…Applying our theory to parents and children, this means that a parent does not have the right to aggress against his children, but also that the parent should not have a legal obligation to feed, clothe, or educate his children, since such obligations would entail positive acts coerced upon the parent and depriving the parent of his rights. The parent therefore may not murder or mutilate his child, and the law properly outlaws a parent from doing so. But the parent should have the legal right not to feed the child, i.e., to allow it to die.2 The law, therefore, may not properly compel the parent to feed a child or to keep it alive.3 (Again, whether or not a parent has a moral rather than a legally enforceable obligation to keep his child alive is a completely separate question…”
-- Murray Rothbard, “The Ethics of Liberty”, Chapter 14
“But the parent should have the legal right NOT to feed the child, i.e., to allow it to die.”
Let that statement sink deeply into the brains of those who still worship (((Murray Rothbard)))…this is the ideological seed from where murdering children born or unborn comes from.
A majority of innercity blacks and indians (not the dot on the head ones from New Deli) are also totally addicted to the welfare poison..and making things worse is that both believe they’re entitled to such for ‘past wrongs’..going so far as to demand ‘reparations’.
And since most of the 85% BELIEVE whatever the ‘shiny box’ tells them via the jewish banker/bolshevist/zionist media..they’ll happily (if they have it) send their hard earned shekels to support the ‘Mureican puppet state’ in UKR just like gulliable christians sent their money in to support ‘the good works’ of such grifters like Jim and Tammy Faye Baker or Pat Robertson on the ‘700 Club’ (and the christ cucks still do with the latter and other grifters like Joel Osteen…let alone israel/jew worshipping Hagee).
Most of that 85% love and worship the local employees of the chosenite parasite class as that’s who panders every 2 to 4 years via the Kabuki Political Uniparty Theater to continue to fund their welfare addiction 24/7/365.
Take women’s voting rights away?
End ALL welfare, both domestically and internationally?
Not going to happen…56% of the current voters ARE women.
And addicts on welfare aren’t going to go ‘cold turkey’ no more than fentanyl or opiod addicts (btw it was the (((Sackler))) family via their company, Perdue that created/caused the ‘opioid epidemic’.
The Sackler Family -- A Secretive Billion Dollar Opioid Empire

Who Profits from the Opioid Crisis? Meet the Secretive Sackler Family Making Billions from OxyContin

Opioid America: Unmasking The Big Pharma Sackler Family Legacy

Why a judge rejected a settlement with the Sackler family for their role in the opioid crisis

Back in the 1900’s it was the ‘Rothschilds of the East’, the Sassoon family and related ilk that purposefully pushed opium addiction on the Chinese in a move to get control/ownership of the Chinese silver…that is the basis for the ‘Boxer Rebellion’.
Given the historic nature of the (((Chosenites))) should anyone be surprised at what the Sackler family is and did?…
Given that (((Susan Wojicki))) still controls jewtube, I’m franky amazed that these and other videos exposing the truth about the (((Sackler))) family are still up and available on jewtube.
Feel free to share them with your contacts who lament the opioid crisis but don’t know it’s history.
Yes, the euros, especially their farming population are rightfully rising up. Here, too many farmers and ranchers are willingly on the same gov welfare dole as the generally dumb public, especially via ‘subsidies’, ‘loans’, etc.
People here will only act out when the pain of inaction overcomes the fear of action -- TF Monkey
And the 85% are very far currently from feeling any meaningful pain.
Maybe a general famine here will change that…most likely they still WON’T connect the (((Chosenite))) parasite class that owns ‘Mureica’ and their ’employees’ in “gov” along with their leg breaking enforcement thugs at every level as being directly responsible for their pain and suffering…
It sucks to be indoctrinated AND kept intentionally dumb…
Now, how’s that ‘Battle for the Republic’ supposed to go again, especially since ‘the constitution’ has and is functionally dead from 1865 onwards and as Ann Barnhardt rightfully said, “Republic?!?….WHAT REPUBLIC?!?..The Repbulic IS DEAD*!!!”
*Fuctionally dead since the regimes of both Wilson and FDR; America had no business whatsoever getting dragged by the zionists into WW1 and bolshivests/zionists into WW2. -- See Mike King’s “The BAD War -- The Truth NEVER Told About WW2” to learn the truth about that.
NorthGunner -- The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!

2 years ago
Reply to  NorthGunner

The economic and social possibilities to become no longer enmeshed with the oppositional economy are all but extinguished. The church system was supposed to be practicing biblical economics; what that conveys, among other things, is that rather than individuals getting their gains, financially, socially and politically through acquiescing and submission as a default tenet to acquire position or standing for instance (which defines the status quo to earn), they could have developed knowledge of natural medicine on a scale to be rivaled, a warrior class of men, birth rates above the replacement rate, as well as many other things that would have established them as an economic powerhouse. Instead, everything they’ve done is to essentially give their power away. People who don’t build or have community, largely don’t get to set the rules, but are ruled over.

Francis W. Porretto
2 years ago

I’ll be writing about this talk at Liberty’s Torch.


[…]      In a segment above, I cited the “TINVOWOOT” acronym, and Sundance’s exposition on the wherefores. However, I stopped short of exploring the implications. Wes Rhinier doesn’t: […]


[…]  In a segment above, I cited the “TINVOWOOT” acronym, and Sundance’s exposition on the wherefores. However, I stopped short of exploring the implications. Wes Rhinier doesn’t: […]

2 years ago

Good article but you lost me with “judeo- Christian Founding”. No jews signed the Declaration of Independence.


[…] Lady Justice is not Blind…. […]

Backwoods Squirrel
Backwoods Squirrel
2 years ago

Do you know what our forefathers had that we don’t? LEADERS. Credible leaders. There are people itching to get on with it who are willing to lay down their lives but there is no leader. To do so on their own would simply make them a martyr to their own cause and labeled a sick twisted terrorist by the enemy and used as a warning to any other who might dare try on their own or even in a small group. Wars take leadership and coordination, and organization. Even gorilla wars. The Vietnamese, the Afgani’s, all those were/are organized just as our founders were. They ALL had to worry about spies infiltrating their meetings and organizations. There will always be Benedict Arnold’s that must be carefully rooted out. As Ben Franklin stated, “we must all hang together or, assuredly, we shall all hang separately.” Those words are still true. The J6 political prisoners are there to make an example for those who would dare to try and stop the machine. They did nothing wrong, yet they languish in the DC gulag and not even those who are supposed to be representing US have done anything about it.
You must be careful about bringing down a government even if it deserves to be brought down. If you don’t have something already in line to take it’s place, chaos and anarchy will fill that void. Nature abhors a vacuum.
We cannot take our ques from other places that have done well, such as Iceland who arrested, kicked out and replaced their government by an uprising. It’s different when all the people are of one mind in a small country. We are so divided now that it would be civil war. There is no common ground within the people and their chosen side.
I have only one thought of a bloodless ‘coup’ to route out this demonic government. What holds up our central government? What/who gives them their authority? Yes, we the people do to a point, but it’s the States. If the conservative States, all together, cried “WE DO NOT CONSENT!” and withdrew from the Union, what would happen? If ALL the States cried out the same, and withdrew, there would be NO central government anymore as it is formed by each individual State. If we (the States) all agreed to disagree and go our own ways, the cesspool in DC would have NO power or authority anymore. NONE. THEN and ONLY THEN could the individual States regroup all or in part to form a new union and the people who would write up the new Constitution would need to be STRICT originalist’s when it comes to the Bill of Rights (Though each State’s Constitution contains a near replica within them.) THEN we need to add to it in order to INSURE there are consequences for overstepping the authorities entrusted to our representatives

HOLY COW! Did I write all that? Sorry. My brain wouldn’t shut the heck up!.

Last edited 2 years ago by Backwoods Squirrel
2 years ago

Josef Biden is illegal to be up there as was his boss the *egro sodomite. Now we have a pedophile and traitor only his boss was a sodomite and traitor. For God’s sake what are they doing up there??

This is unacceptable as AMERICANS!

Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago

Let’s get something straight

…the communist left doesn’t give one iota of a crap what you think. You can blah-blah-blah bloviate all day.

The ONE THING that the commie left has not forgotten, is that speech without action is just…


They are willing and able to get blood on their hands.

You are afraid they’ll call you… mean, hateful, bigoted, Nazi White Supremacist, and you’ll get in trouble with your government.

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a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

2 years ago

Another Individual screaming at others to “Get Off the Porch and Do Something”, while firmly Glued to said Porch. Often Ex-.Mil and supposedly having taken an”Oath” against “Enemies, Foreign and Domestic”.
Perhaps just another fedgov Shill, trying to Encourage Others to “Start Something”?
I Know one thing, and that’s Until the Lights go Out, and there’s No Food at the Grocery Store, There is No Reason to “Get off the Porch”. Shouldn’t be long now, given what is happening Wrt the Ukraine, and its Effects on the Economy, both in Europistan, and next, Here.


[…] while seeing the world burn in real time and not doing anything about it. My speech I gave at the Battle for the Republic rally seems to have gone over most everyone’s heads that were there. I’ve been asked to come back and […]