Hundreds of troops from Belgium, and beyond, have now thoroughly searched a vast area in the country where a fugitive soldier armed with highly dangerous weapons is believed to be hiding. However, no trace of him has been found.
A well-trained sniper from the Belgian army, Jurgen Conings, who has combat experience in several war zones including Afghanistan, Iraq and Lebanon, disappeared on Monday. Having reportedly left life-threatening notes to several top officials, the 46-year-old man is believed to have taken several anti-tank missiles, a submachine gun and a handgun with an ability to pierce bulletproof vests from his unit’s ammunition depot. He himself is believed to be wearing the vest.
Conings is now a “terrorist suspect,” according to Belgian media. The federal prosecutor’s office has been investigating him for “attempted murder and illegal possession of weapons in a terrorist context,” the VRT broadcaster reported. Authorities also believe the suspect has not been “acting on impulse,” but is rather well-prepared.
Throughout the week, some 400 Belgian troops, from both the army and the police, have been rigorously searching the Hoge Kempen National Park in the Belgian province of Limburg. Helicopters, armored cars and trucks were deployed for the manhunt, while hundreds searched the nature reserve meter by meter equipped with thermal cameras. Forces from Germany and the Netherlands have been mobilized, as the area where Conings is believed to be hiding borders these countries. Dutch special units are also on standby on their side of the border in case the man tries to cross.
A number of mosques in the Limburg province have closed, local media reported, due to the heavily armed man’s known far-right extremist views.
*rubs hands together in anticipation*
Hope he ‘gets some’ before they get him. Germany had a bunch of SF troops a year or so back who were plotting and got scooped up before they had an opportunity to go rogue. I’d love to see a SEAL team begin taking out the trash here, but I suppose that’s just wishful wishing.
this is what it’s going to take, and we all know it.
God bless this killer…may his draw be as fast as blue summer lightning. F you Stephen King.
This answers the age old question of ” Do they fear us ?” Obviously big gov does fear the little man with a pop gun.
Sorry, he did it wrong.
First you have an accident, must stay home.
Then you strike.
And only then do you post your notes.
He did a number of things wrong. You don’t post any notes. You divest yourself of any contacts (aka girlfriend). You disappear into the night and reappear selectively. Now everyone knows who he is; and the response is as we should expect toward a lone wolf (hundreds of swat style personnel). Some things he did right (requisition equipment) and booby trap. But that was almost too obvious. Instead of cheering folks should be taking advantage of the situation. Dispersal of military and police units create a void that can be utilized to the advantage of resisters. This is a situation that has consequences if folks are not ready to take advantage of the opportunities. Now the elites are on high alert. If they have stupid enough guards to protect them, those guards are now targets and equate with the enemy.
For the most part you are right.
Of course he could also just kept his mouth shut and at the next weekend he should have struck and then go back to work like nothing happened. Wait a few weeks and repeat.
Black Ops and Opsec.
All True in terms of Tactics; keeping Quiet MIGHT have been a better option, but Look at what this Man has accomplished, without Firing a Shot (yet) -- Thousands of police, troops, and bureaucrats at their Spy Centers searching for ONE MAN. And can’t Find Him. Or maybe, they don’t really Want To.
If he has taken ATGM’s from the Arsenal, they are likely the Bofors “Carl Gustav” (AT-4 in the FUSSA) a light, Shoulder-Fired ‘bazooka’- style Weapon. Plenty of footage on the ‘net of how Destructive these are, and some are G.P. High-Explosive types, not just Anti-Tank.
Once Again, it illustrates that the Tyrants FEAR an Armed, Determined Man. Hopefully, He manages to send more than a Few of them to Hel, before collecting a Seat at a Bar in Valhalla.
Proving the universal value of the Dorner proposition.
I hope they don’t find him!
I hope he gets Support
“And Murdock…………I’m coming for YOU”
Are you people really so desperate that you can leap to the conclusion based on what we know, this is a good guy, a Hero”?
We are told daily the media lies and we can see truths in this. We are told the alphabet gangs are running operations against us. And yet we seem to jump at a story like this and yearn for it to be true.
Respectfully, i believe many are looking for answers and hero’s in the wrong places!
You really think the media would call this guy a right wing extremist if they had his back?? Talk about jumping to conclusions…