Biblical Times

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a follower
a follower
5 months ago

Can we maintain hope, faith, and gratefulness in these days and times? He knows of our needs before we do.

5 months ago

Along with Isaiah chapter 3 God’s judgement against Judah.

When you fall from God’s grace, sacrificing children through abortion of “inconvenient” children and actively blaspheme against God by celebrating what HE Destroyed Sodom for.

Well, what do you expect will happen?

But remember that God made provision for Lot from Sodom and plenty of other examples. Be HIS and HE will provide. Even if that’s you die for His name and go home to Him.

When Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane, even He the Son of God had to say when faced with the horrors of the cross:

Luke 22:42
King James Version
42 Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.

Why should we expect better?

Joshua 24:15
King James Version
15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Roth Harbard
5 months ago

Rather ironic that the “foreigners in our land” that are causing this prophetic conclusion for us are Talmudic/Zionist Jews. Not all Jews, Talmudic/Zionist Jews. Not Hebrews, but those who say they are Jews, but are not. Anyone who questions this should look into who most of the central bankers and our government rulers are. Who runs media and entertainment.

a follower
a follower
5 months ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

That’s right the Chinese, Arabs “refuges” Mexicans etc…. are also jews! Sarcasm. Point is: why would YAH allow and cause this to happen. Why would He see fit to remove the hedge of protection from Israel (Judeah) United Kingdom,? UnitedStates?

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
4 months ago
Reply to  a follower

Respectfully your statement is in error. The old covenant of the Old Testament was broken many times by the Israelis and was voided. It no longer is valid, that is why the Israelis (Jews) and their kingdom was destroyed.
Under the New Covenant of the New Testament the Israelis (Jews) are not the chosen people, and there is no special protection for the Rothschild fiefdom, genocidal, apartheid state of Israel. That is just ADL / evangelical propaganda to gin up support for the US to fight Israel’s wars. Under the new covenant people who believe in Jesus Christ are God’s people. It is time for the US to withdraw all support for genocidal apartheid Israel.
Israel like the New Israel Ukraine offers no strategic benefit for the US. The US cannot afford the Israel’s and Ukraine’s wars. Never forget the USS Liberty. Who is $ John Galt?

Elder Son
5 months ago

As I often repeat, to deaf ears and blind eyes:

Just a reminder that White children 15 years and younger are NOW a minority in America.

The immutable laws of toleration is upon you. You own it… Western White Man.

The border invaders are your replacements White American people. And they are doing this in White Europe too. Just in traditional White countries.

And you weak White people don’t even grasp this in the totality of its reality.

You are being replaced, into non-existence. In to extinction. Your White Race is slowly being… murdered. And you TOLERATE it.

You are afraid they’ll call you… mean, racist, homophobe, bigot, Nationalist, Nazi White Supremacist… Christian, and you’ll get in trouble with your government.

While your White Race is being pushed out and eliminated.


Trump: What Joe Biden is doing to replace American White People illegally… I’ll replace American White People legally!

5 months ago
Reply to  Elder Son

“Trump: What Joe Biden is doing to replace American White People illegally… I’ll replace American White People legally!”

Al Buckner
Al Buckner
5 months ago

AMERICA Needs To Come Back To The Alter and do; 2 Chronicle 7:14

5 months ago

This verses from the OT applied to the Hebrews who did not obey God oracles and these people continually sinned against God until they were all consumed by God himself or other invading nations which God brought against them. In our day it will pertain to the people who had the truth and loved the word of God and the people didn’t want to hear it anylonger because it interfered with there daily greedy and sinful lives and these are many of our churches today and the unbelievers. Gods elected people will be brought to a safe place where the things taken place in our nation and world will be shielded by Gods hand of protection. Now, will some of Gods elect be martyred, yes they will but for a witness against the government and wicked unbelievers. These people will wish for death but death wont come to them.

5 months ago

It never ceases to amaze me how relevant the Bible is.
Humans have not changed in thousands of years we are the same now that we were immediately after our first sin. The only things that have changed is the environment.
That is why history always repeats in basically the same manner. WE MAKE HISTORY and we haven’t changed so why should history change.
Want to know what will happen, read the Bible. Want to know how to fix it, read the Bible.
It really is that simple. Of course, the execution of the fix is not easy but it is still simple. You fix the humans, you fix history. Jesus Christ is the ONLY fix.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
5 months ago

You to rouse, who never yet In battle’s hour were failing?

This happens to be my favorite version of “Men of Harlech” --as it applies directly to our times and circumstances present day. There are different versions of this Welsh tune, with different lyrics, but this one is the most appropriate I believe…

Tongues of fire on Idris flaring,
News of foemen near declaring,
To heroic deeds of daring,
Call you, Harlech men.

Groans of wounded peasants dying,
Wails of wives and children flying,
For the distant succour crying,
Call you, Harlech Men.

Shall the voice of wailing,
Now be unavailing,
You to rouse, who never yet
In battle’s hour were failing?

This our answer, crowds down pouring,
Swift as winter torrents roaring.
Not in vain the voice imploring
Calls on Harlech men.

Verse 2
Loud the martial pipes are sounding,
Every manly heart is bounding,
As our trusted chief surrounding,
March we, Harlech men.

Short the sleep the foe is taking;
Ere the morrow’s morn is breaking,
They shall have a rude awakening,
Roused by Harlech Men.

Mothers, cease your weeping,
Calm may be your sleeping,
You and yours in safety now,
The Harlech men are keeping.

Ere the sun is high in heaven,
They you fear, by panic riven,
Shall, like frightened sheep, be driven,
Far, by Harlech men.

And of course the most popular version of “Men of Harlech” from Zulu…

Last edited 5 months ago by General 'Buck' Turgidson
5 months ago

So true! Our sins & Rebellion/Rejection of God have led us to this.