Biden: Putin Is Losing the War in Iraq

What a sad commentary on the fate of the usurped Republic. As we enter the sixth month of the Republican controlled House of Representatives we can only make three assumptions:

  1. There only is one party that is part of a Deep State regime. The “opposition” party is just another facade of the Democrat party.
  2. The Republican party has no clue how to govern, restore Liberty, restore the Republic, restore the Constitution, restore the rule of law or save our children.
  3. Both 1 and 2.

I do not know why Biden has not been impeached. Lindsey Graham says that the Senate will not hold an impeachment trial if he is impeached by the House. I do know that this nation’s “government” is at war with its own people. Do not expect politicians, military or law enforcement to come to the aid of the good people: they want to see this country destroyed. It is easy to recognize evil; it is hard to stand up when you fear the government more than you fear God.

David DeGerolamo

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1 year ago

Impeachment proceedings have to start in the House. I have raised hell up and down with the RINOs in the House to get this ‘thing’ out of the White House already.
I agree with everything you said.

1 year ago


1 year ago

WHO endangers children

According to the WHO, children aged 4-to-6 years should learn to identify potential abusers. It then outlines the advice educators should provide to children in this age range—advice that, the WHO claims, will potentially enable 4- and 5- and 6-year-olds to identify possible risks:

There are some people who are not good; they pretend to be kind, but might be violent.
Of course, all sexual abuse of children is an appalling act of violence, but children may not immediately perceive it as such until well after the act has been committed. Survivors of abuse don’t tend to come to terms with the horrendous psychological and often physical damage inflicted upon them until later in life.

Thus, teaching infants about “sexual pleasure” and telling them that “physical closeness is normal” and “an expression of love,” while simultaneously teaching them that sexual abuse only manifests as “violence,” would appear to place young children at even greater risk of grooming and paedophilia. Such “education” disarms, rather than forewarns, the child.

As for 9-to-12-year-old children, the WHO and the BzgA recommend that they develop the skills to “take responsibility in relation to safe and pleasant sexual experiences for oneself and others.” The WHO believes these children should be able to “make a conscious decision to have sexual experiences or not.”

The WHO is a UN agency and the ICJ is an influential UN “partner.” Contrary to their humanitarian pretensions, the WHO-led “educational guidance,” combined with the ICJ’s legal framework, serves the interests of paedophiles and endangers the lives of children.

J. Binder
J. Binder
1 year ago

How repulsive and sad that this once great country has been whittled down to such a degree that we are a disgusting reflection of what we have lowered our standards to be. Evil has overcome and we need to get back to seeking God’s direction and His Will here, before it is too late.

1 year ago

Nah, this just happened yesterday. Marshal Law is happening in Ukraine and Russia. What makes anyone think it will not happen in the US?

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

Putin Signed The Martial Law Violation Sanctions Act. Z said no elections till war is over.

1 year ago

True words rom Dave!

1 year ago

It is easy to recognize evil; it is hard to stand up when you fear the government more than you fear God.”
It’s sad that more folks don’t fear the Almighty more than their evil gov’t.
After all, they’ll be standing before Him for a long time after this gov’t is an ash heap…

1 year ago

How is mitch justifying a decision on anything? Or anyone in dc or your respective state house? At what time did you receive a question aire from them asking you what should be done? If you answered,did you get a response personally? Even before shamdemic?(myself,no too all) I submit post restoration, all these conditions met is the start point 2 other points I would like comment on-retired folks 20 to 30 in a group go visit the gov reps demand change or perhaps mob them (worst case 3hots & a slab w/free healthcare or death it’s my poor opinion but your almost dead already) 2) does anyone’s local armory have actual equipment & load? It does belong to the taxpayer

1 year ago

The current repug party was created by too many decades of this election is too important so you need to hold your nose and vote for the garbage squish put forth by the star chamber

1 year ago

This demon-rat fool along with his Bolshevik Party don’t even know what planet they are on. the only nation losing the war is the United States because they are being led by sodomite transgender Generals and our pro loving sodomite leaders and judiciary.

Steady Steve
Steady Steve
1 year ago

Miss Lindsey and the other Senate RINO’s don’t have any choice according to the Constitution. All the House has to do is have the Supreme Court tell them so. If they ignore that we Americans can claim that the compact is broken and the rule of law does not apply to us either. Make them feel unsafe where ever they go. Once the evidence is out for the public to see, anyone backing Biden may be regarded as a traitor and domestic enemy of the people. The federal government is a small fraction of the population. Make them fear us.

1 year ago

EmLuOsNk must have an inside on words not to use, as his post have self censored dialogue.

1 year ago

The feds and many states are out of control, uncontrolled by the constitution, the people and uncommon sense! Voting won’t work and revolution it still down the road.
If you want freedom, stability and live in a rational world, move! There are many states still run by reason, Arkansas is one of them, we have a largely conservative population, a chain of reasonable governors and lots of freedom.
The area is generally safe from disaster, self reliant with fresh air and has a gun culture!
It is not perfect, we have several liberal cities and the national media contamination, but generally life is still normal!!

1 year ago

this is a mentally deranged sick pedophile criminal bastard along with everyone behind him. according to the word of God all these Luciferians are deserving of death and death will come to all of them at the hands of the ones they have allowed to enter our nation illegally.

1 year ago

What an idiot