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- Sgt. Schulz on Choose Your Character
- thexrayboy on Who Was Censured?
- thexrayboy on Thom Tillis Is the Cancer
- mr mowm on Thom Tillis Is the Cancer
- Randolph Scott on We Will Never Move Forward until Racism Is No Longer Allowed to Be a Tool to Divide Us
All “biden’s” picks have been unhinged….
Of the exact same ilk and spirit as those who set-up and murdered Lavoy Finicum!
“Behind the cans of Tuna and jerky.”
say, how did he know i have both Tuna and Jerky? The zombies already walk among us and he may well be one!
Look at the shady way the “Republicans” behaved here in Indiana on constitutional carry. Behind closed doors agreements, no disclosure on who voted which way.
Keep in mind republicans out numbered them.
The ‘constitutional carry’ measure had passed the Indiana House by a 65-31 vote in February, with only a couple of Republicans joining with Democrats to vote against the measure.
Indy star Constitutional carry bill up date
There are no parties in DC. There is only one party and they DO NOT work for us -- but the gladly take our stolen money to rule over us.
When I read that this guy said the FBI/ATF retaliated because someone from the compound shot down a helicopter with a .50 cal, my lower jaw hit the floor. Demonrats, the party of lies. Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth. According to Nazi propaganda minister J. Goebbels and other totalitarians including Stalin and Lenin.
Pic taken while gathering evidence for the shredder? Getting his bag of silver now…
Chipman is a lying wacked sack of excrement. What commie kook.
NONE of the “Biden’s” picks ( He isn’t picking them….his puppet masters are) are “unhinged”. They are not insane, irrational or delusional. They are EVIL. NEVER forget that. The criminals in power seeking to destroy us are NOT crazy or mentally ill. THEY ARE PURE EVIL and deserving of an IMMEDIATE VIOLENT DEATH.
A PRIME subject for a RED FLAG.
Where is the Mental Screening of those who make “Red Flag Calls” on other People?
“your” politicians make life & death decisions everyday. Decisions that affect Your economic, medical, mental, and physical health and safety. They decide the fates of MILLIONS of People. Where is THEIR “screening”? Those “elected” officials, those corrupt, narcissistic, sociopaths, let’s face it, a politician wants to tell others what they can and can’t do, what does that make a “career” politician………..
THEY are armed with nukes, poison gasses, chemical weapons, every imaginable fiendish murder tool imaginable, and they are afraid of YOU with small arms.
W-rong Bush hired the former head of the East German STASI, Marcus Wolf, and Yevgeny Primakov, former head of the KGB, to design Homeland Security ( both Jews, Followed by more “dual”citizen creeps.). Why? To bring oppression and the STASI SNITCH SYSTEM here…………….. and here it IS.
Where are the RED FLAG laws on Politicians? DEMAND they do the exact same thing-PLUS.
Politicians, Police, Judges, Government Workers make Life & Death deadly decisions every day.
WE should be able to make ONE call and have them suspended from office and blocked from making any decisions until they are cleared for duty.
Red Flags on priests! Why did it take DECADES for the politicians to do ANYTHING about those THOUSANDS of pedophiles??!
There must be “reporting centers” so priests and politicians(Gov. Employees) can be immediately suspended pending investigation.
Public Servants are also expected to be held to Higher Standards due to their positions and maintaining the Public Trust.
How come there is never a “War on Political Corruption”? Never investigation of how these “Sacrificing Public SERVANTS” get so RICH in office? Audit THEIR finances.
Therefore when they come out with such demands of their EMPLOYERS, their EMPLOYERS have the Right and Duty to make the same demand of THEM.
WE demand THEY provide ALL their social media and computer searches, their e-mail accounts, Bank accounts and financial records for examination. Also Mental Screening, physical records, testing for steroids and illicit drugs. They must also wear GPS trackers so we can evaluate where they are spending their time. Screening for pedophilia and any other sickness.
If it is good enough for US it is certainly good enough for Our EMPLOYEES.
ALL Politicians need to be screened for drugs for treating dementia and prozac/SSRI type drugs and other drugs that would indicate mental deficiencies. It should be law that ANY politician taking those drugs disclose the use to the public.
40 Million stabilizing braces have been sold?
There aren’t even that many AR15’s in the country.
Talk about unhinged.
Oh, and let’s not forget that Trump had the ATF change the “law” to ban bump stocks.
Trump wasn’t really much of a 2A supporter either (that doesn’t mean I didn’t vote for him).
But it would be nice to see, even from people like Tucker, more accuracy in reporting, even about guns.
this cretin hater of all things American is a paid assassin of the u. s. govt.
it is not surprising that this hater of we, the people, was picked. he is among ‘his own kind’ in govt.
this piece of garbage said the folks at Waco “shot down a helicopter” with a .50 cal. Since that did not occur in reality, he is not qualified to do the people’s work as one of our hirelings; because he is a liar. We as their employers need to use this simple system to clean things up. Easy, peasy
Chipman will be ineffective. People wont comply.
“your” politicians make life & death decisions everyday. Decisions that affect Your economic, medical, mental, and physical health and safety. They decide the fates of MILLIONS of People. Where is THEIR “screening”? Those “elected” officials, those corrupt, narcissistic, sociopaths, let’s face it, a politician wants to tell others what they can and can’t do, what does that make a “career” politician………..
THEY are armed with nukes, poison gasses, chemical weapons, every imaginable fiendish murder tool imaginable, and they are afraid of YOU with small arms.
W-rong Bush hired the former head of the East German STASI, Marcus Wolf, and Yevgeny Primakov, former head of the KGB, to design Homeland Security ( both Jews, Followed by more “dual”citizen creeps.). Why? To bring oppression and the STASI SNITCH SYSTEM here…………….. and here it IS.
Where are the RED FLAG laws on Politicians? DEMAND they do the exact same thing-PLUS.
Politicians, Police, Judges, Government Workers make Life & Death deadly decisions every day.
WE should be able to make ONE call and have them suspended from office and blocked from making any decisions until they are cleared for duty.
Red Flags on priests! Why did it take DECADES for the politicians to do ANYTHING about those THOUSANDS of pedophiles??!
There must be “reporting centers” so priests and politicians(Gov. Employees) can be immediately suspended pending investigation.
Public Servants are also expected to be held to Higher Standards due to their positions and maintaining the Public Trust.
How come there is never a “War on Political Corruption”? Never investigation of how these “Sacrificing Public SERVANTS” get so RICH in office? Audit THEIR finances.
Therefore when they come out with such demands of their EMPLOYERS, their EMPLOYERS have the Right and Duty to make the same demand of THEM.
WE demand THEY provide ALL their social media and computer searches, their e-mail accounts, Bank accounts and financial records for examination. Also Mental Screening, physical records, testing for steroids and illicit drugs. They must also wear GPS trackers so we can evaluate where they are spending their time. Screening for pedophilia and any other sickness.
If it is good enough for US it is certainly good enough for Our EMPLOYEES.