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- General 'Buck' Turgidson on Who Was Censured?
- General 'Buck' Turgidson on Thom Tillis Is the Cancer
- General 'Buck' Turgidson on Thom Tillis Is the Cancer
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- thexrayboy on Who Was Censured?
This megalomaniac needs to leave this planet.
Amen, leave us
Nope, chained to two P/U trucks going opposite directions……..Place bets on which one ends up with the most Gates….And we have a winner….!!!!
He is miserable, alone with his money and without God.
Devil’s Turd
Jane, you have mastered the art of brevity. Love it.
As the Zuckerberg/Psaki hu-‘droid is the zenith of their efforts, all this operating system/gene therapy business is merely a doodle, a bawble, a plaything for the satanists. A mix of roulette, pharmakea and drunken darts-throwing.
5G and other externally directed energy methods.
He is a disgusting thing
The vaccines CAUSE a cancer!
pfizer specifically excluded cancer patients (or who had recover) from its clinical trials. same with pregnant women. now, why would you do that?
besides there is a huge explosion of cancer cases in all highly vaxxed countries.
The vaccines ARE a cancer
age of human hi-brid. brave new world
Maybe he really believes in this stuff. ie technology knows better than nature. We are now God.
lol. The only thing he believes in is death. Yours and mine!
Oh Bill… would hate to be in your shoes on judgement day… enjoy your mansion while you can! Do you feel achy and tired when you get up in the morning Bill? Yeah, that’s old age sneaking up on you… get ready to meet your maker!
Time for this piece of trash to cease breathing and using our air!
If the “Vaccine” is magneto-resonant, perhaps it can be “tweaked” to react to and therefore align (assemble) into whatever pattern a coded 5G transmissions effects would have on the aforementioned “Vaccine”. That would explain the graphene oxide component of the “Vaccine”, the push for both the 5G deployment and the jab, the constant hints of even more booster requirements and the WHO’s power grab for mandatory global “Vaccine” compliance. We will know with near certainty when large sudden and simultaneous outbreaks of disease “X” appears all over a region.
That is not the way mRNA translates protein synthesis.
Of course not, but the additives to the clot shot react to RF energy.
The graphene oxide is an additive and may be used as a vector into a cell, but has nothing to do with any synthesis. Researchers have demonstrated the electromagnetic resonant properties of graphene and it’s oxide variant in blood and cells with some going as far as using “Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines”. I capitolized the previous wording and put them in quotes, because, they are the title of an article. Copy them and put the quote in a search engine. You should find the html. Read it as it is eye opening and can easily lead one down a rabbit hole of subsequent research covering the same or similar topic(s).
There are people that are off the chart evil and this is a prime example of that.
He is not a doctor, a chemist, a biologist, a virology expert. He is not formally educated in the matters in which he speaks.
He needs to stop talking and go do something positive with all his money.
Bill Gates is a Lucifarian.
Does anyone else find it immensely ironic that the guy who’s software product was totally open to viruses and security hacks is the one telling us what anti-virus meds we need to inject into our bodies?
Of course it can. Sheesh….. But if you take the JAB be warned you could be getting the MARK of the beast in some way.
God didn’t promise the weapon wouldn’t be formed, but He promised no weapon formed against you will prosper. It depends on where your citizenship is located. Jesus said no one can come to the Father (God) apart from Him (Jesus).
John 3:16-18 is what matters.
He’s NOT a doctor.
Bill Gates is clearly a murderous psychopath who plans to use this technology to continue his third world sterilization and population reduction plans.
Many of the ingredients in all the vaccines are carcinigens. And.many of the other additives attack and lowrr the immune system; which is what we call HIV or AIDS.
He’s what we can look forward to the the great new world of the great reset.
To be fair to gates. The pfizer document dump suggest the goo in the jabs could be changed to strawberry jelly without regulators noticing.
Someone please disappear this little monster!
@1:29ish he says the injection makes the body make the protein that the immune system then attacks.
If your body has been co-opted to make the thing its supposed to attack, won’t that attack keep up till those cells that got co-opted are killed by the immune system?
The whole premise sounds stupid to the point that even idiots would be asking why would I change what my body produces to be things that cause inflammation? That would mean my body would be inflamming itself with whatever new protein the mrna encoded into ones own cells. How is that turned off? or is it never turned off and the claim is it keeps one inflamed till ones saved by death/dying?
If you people by now have to yet figure out for yourselves that Bill Gates is a psychopath and a legend in his own mind, I will recommend you be sterilized as a incorrigible terrorist who advocates TOTAL abuse and sex abuse of children before consuming them.
I want this son of a bitch out of my healthcare!
All the more reason to avoid anything this demon wants you to put in your body , He is a psychopathic mass murderer
Go back to computers your no doctor!