The FBI has over 19,000 employees. About 7,800 of these are Special Agents.
14 out of 19,000 employees and you are telling us that there are many good people in the FBI. As you said, vote GOP in November and ….
Label me disgusted on a Monday with the same old uniparty misinformation.
David DeGerolamo
I believe that there are many more than 14 good FBI agents in the FBI. That said, the corruption is from the top down and that’s what needs to be changed. Frankly, ALL 3 letter governmental agencies should be abolished. We all know that it will never happen since there are too many evil people in the DC SWAMP. I somehat understand and agree with your take on voting GOP in November however outside of that, what’s left to do?? CW2??? If that’s what it takes to fix this mess, I’m all in but I’m not going to stop voting. Voting out dems will help some but it is not the be all end all to getting out of the mess we’re in as a country.
If they are good why do they commit the crimes the commit?
Top down I will disagree with. It was the bottom end that committed the crime at places like Ruby Ridge, Waco, etc… NO ONE made them pull the trigger or even get out of the vehicle. They chose to do it one their one.
“just taking orders Sir”…. and that truly does not cut it anymore
Jim Jordan is a Koch Candidate,_2020
I have more respect for Maxine Waters than I do for fake “conservatives”.
They are all complicit in their crimes against we the people.
It is just my opinion, that there is not one good man or woman in the fbi or any of the three-letter agency’s. Why would they still consider employment with the treasonous actions of these agency’s? And did they take an oath to what? FUUK the fbi,dhs,irs and the rest of the communist goons.
Look at their pay scale and pension package. ‘Nuff said.
That makes it worse, paid mercenary’s.
Possibly some Techies at the FBI???? News is Breaking!!!
I consider no person a good person that bonds an oath to organizations like that.
Do they mean *former* FBI agents? Or is this just a hoax? There are no innocents employed by the FBI.
Anyone who believes there are still honest men working for the FBI is a hopeless fool.
Please get Howdy Dooty Gowdy off my screen. He had his chance with the Benghazi Clintoon Committee.
Hilarity screamed and Howdy resigned from con gress then ran back to SC he’s sooo brave as a fox nothing Burger tv putz.
I haven’t gone over all this yet, it seems TSHTF at the FIB, whisleblowers may be legit, Proof of ChiCom’s Running the USSA sElections!!!
Starts at 14;49 and interview at 20:00
Only 14 came forward this is a disgrace. this is not a big number what so ever just a drip in the bucket of vermin agents working there, it should have been at least 5000 to come forward, so in my mind the entire department is sick with cancer of the brain from the top, right down to the floor cleaner.
Re elect no one, send a message. Write in a name. They don’t deserve my vote. Have not voted more than 2 out of 10 for re election. This for the last 25 years.
Vote for a veteran, right in a name for someone who has kept their oath.
So, I’m not so good at math. However, I think this comes out to about 7/100 of ONE PERCENT of the FBI agents that are good… assuming that they are actually whistleblowers.
I think Dan Bongino said it best. Anyone at the FBI that is not either a whistleblower OR did not resign the moment the news of the raid at Mar-a-Lago came out is dirty and needs to be fired, at the very least.
Ron Paul said that the FBI needs to be completely dissolved.
He is right. The FBI serves one purpose only… to be the brownshirts for the democrat party. Perhaps I should say the uniparty. It needs to be dissolved. So does Homeland Security. So does the DOJ. So does the NSA. So does the IRS. So does the CIA. Eliminate them all, and let the former agents go look for real jobs that produce something other than grift and criminals. One suggestion… don’t put down your Fed work experience on your resume. Just sayin’.
Does anyone else think not waiting til November ( and afterwards, logically) is an appropriate time to wait to reign in this abusive agency?