BLM Won’t Say if They’ve Euthanized Cows in Ranch Standoff

A helicopter takes off from a staging area of Bureau of Land Management outside the Bundy ranch / AP

A helicopter takes off from a staging area of Bureau of Land Management outside the Bundy ranch / AP

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will not say if they have euthanized any cows in the roundup of Cliven Bundy’s cattle on public land in Nevada.

Amy Lueders, the Nevada state director for the BLM, said in a conference call Thursday evening that the agency does have a “protocol,” but would not release any numbers for animals they have found dead or that they have euthanized.

A reporter asked about heavy construction equipment that was seen coming in and out of the blockade, and whether cattle have been found dead, injured, or euthanized during the operation.

“In terms of the number that we’ve found, animals who are, I think, deceased on the range, or if we’ve had to euthanize an animal, we don’t have an answer to that question at this time,” Lueders said. “We will euthanize an animal during the impoundment if they exhibit dangerous characteristics, threaten the health and safety of the employees, display a hopeless prognosis for life.”

“So, we do have a protocol in terms of when we would euthanize animals,” she said. “But we don’t have any answers at this time in terms of the numbers.”



One point is certain: the money the government is expending to put Mr. Bundy in compliance with the law far exceeds any revenue that they would have collected. How much will the government spend to make us comply? As much as we pay them in taxes and even more.

David DeGerolamo

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