Boots on the Ground…Sept. 20th…Will Russia declare all out war on Ukraine?

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Hammers Thor
2 years ago

We usually watch these in the evening… have not seen this one yet, but will definitely watch it tonight. We have not missed BOTG once since you started posting them… this is one of the most helpful and relevant videos we watch. Thank you for bringing to our attention.

2 years ago

I don’t really care about Ukraine, I doubt many do! The problem is it is just another step to a war between Russia and NATO/ FUSA, which our government seems helx bent on! I suspect it will be a surprise for all us peons, get ready!

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

Here is a brief explanation of the Ukraine war. The Globalists used poor Ukraine as bait to provoke Russia. Russia declared an SMO. Special Military Operation. Not war. Doing so, Russia limited how many troops they could send to fight. Ukraine has increased their artillery attacks on Russian civilians who live in Donbas. The Russians who live in Donbas are going to vote to join Russia. That is huge. Russia can now use their entire army to go after Ukraine and anyone who sends weapons to Ukraine. This war can now see NATO attacked. Including the US. NATO is not prepared for conventional war. This will not end well. 50/50 chance of nukes. Economic collapse. Winter is coming.