Brandon Smith: The Real Reasons Why California Leftists Are Terrified Of The AR-15

We also cannot ignore the fact that leftists have an insatiable appetite for collectivism, usually in the name of the “greater good”. Collectivism is basically totalitarianism disguised as humanitarianism. They know what’s best for you, and they are going to make sure you follow THEIR plan for your life.

In my view, the gun control lobby in America is in the midst of a considerable decline, and maybe it is even about to die. The political left has long operated on the mantra that “the squeaky wheel gets the oil”. In other words, they think if they whine long enough and loud enough about an issue someone will come along and give them what they want just to shut them up, even if what they want is illogical or morally bankrupt.

This strategy has worked out for them for many decades so it’s not surprising that they keep using it, but times are changing. Now, the squeaky wheel gets no oil, at least not from gun owners. The squeaky wheel gets nothing.


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3 years ago

“Fear is rarely a rational thing. When someone operates based on fear they tend to make terrible decisions and support oppressive causes and laws. Fear leads to an obsession with control. Fearful people also tend to look for large mobs of other terrified people so they can feel safe and secure and anonymous. They want to be able to act impulsively on their fears without having to face consequences for it later.”
And this is also the motivation that has compelled whites to adopt black culture habits and dress when schools were integrated. The end result produced fearful adult whites trying desperately trying to fit into a narrative that has produced snowflakes. That is why they so eagerly support the BLM mantra and black oppression (aside from being paid to do so).

3 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

Perhaps the biggest misconception among non-ruling whites is that if no one had guns the world would be safe. Only trouble with that concept has to do with the fact that it is argued against law-abiding whites. They will never argue their case with blacks, Hispanics and Muslims due to fear of reprisal. Same thing applies to the notion that religion is harmful to a unified society; but it is only applied toward Jews and Christians because they won’t slap you down like Muslims.

3 years ago

The “Gun Control” narrative is Failing because more and more People, of all Races and Political Persuasions, are beginning to see that the ‘government’ is out of control and Oppressing them. The (((communists))) are Well Aware that unless the Guns are Registered/Outlawed/Confiscated, that eventually, (because (((communists))) are a Small Minority) the People will Use Them against the ‘government’.
The Problem Is, commies can’t do Math- (Maffs is Hard, yo’, and be Raaayciss, too.) So the actual Problem they face, Hundreds of Millions of Guns and Trillions of Rounds of Ammo, in the hands of Tens of Millions of People who don’t like commies, is just too Big to wrap there Perverted little Minds around.
They will Continue to try and “Ban Guns” right up to the point the Shooting Starts.

3 years ago

the squeeky wheel gets the grease…..but it gets replaced first.
and sometimes that replacement is painful.