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The idiot so called moderate terrorist supporter just spouted out a false number on how many Muslims are in the world, there are not 1.4 billion that’s an inflated number by Aljazera and our American media, the number is below 900 million not the inflated number that is being pushed on us.
“As of 2010, Christianity was by far the world’s largest religion, with an estimated 2.2 billion adherents, nearly a third (31 percent) of all 6.9 billion people on Earth,” the Pew report says. “Islam was second, with 1.6 billion adherents, or 23 percent of the global population.”
not so, those numbers are so far inflated it boggles one mind, they want us to believe they have large numbers so they can gain more power in world politics with there false religion or should i say political movement. islam is not a religion, it’s a satanic cult and in that cult it became a political movement over time. the way these fools kill themselves in the middle east there is no way they have these numbers the media keeps pushing on us..these satanic fools don’t keep true accurate records of births like they do in Western nations. there is so much fraud being pushed on the western nations by these evil satanists how can the simple minded person see thru the web of lies and deceits , unless one is in the Lord and plainly sees the truth of what is happening. Remember what God said during Abrahams time about these people, they will always be warring with one another and in warring they kill themselves off by the millions. One day you here from the media they are 1.2 billion, then from another group 1.4 billion then 1.6 billion, they cant even decide on how much bull crap they are throwing at us, so that’s why I say don’t believe the inflated numbers , these number are constantly changing and in a state of flux by the media and the whores in the islamic political movement.
and she stands with Heritage
If size alone matters, we are all going to be disappointed.