
Is this why Congress wanted a mechanism to replace a large number of Congress?

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17 days ago

At this point, people understand full-well that President Donald Trump is already back in office.

17 days ago

I thought the Brunson’s case met a legal roadblock and was denied.

Please (somebody) list reference that explains how the Suoremes will be granting their petition for relief.

Until such reference is cited and can be checked/confirmed, I will consider this X posting to be BOGUS !

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
17 days ago

Oh--please, what is this stuff? FYI,,, the Supreme Court does NOT hear cases in private or in secret. Does not happen. Anything that they rule upon is open and public. This smacks of Q-annon stuff. Do you honestly think they are going to kick out a bunch of elected congressmen? Please. Let’s all land back on Earth.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
17 days ago

I forgot to mention the X-22 Report to the list of kooky stuff above. And the part of Trump turning the government over to the military before he left office is just fantasy and hogwash.

Nosmo King
Nosmo King
17 days ago

Those on the list will be immediately removed from what ? The link does not specify. Will there be congressional hearings, which will accomplish what ? Does anyone think these entrenched creatures will voluntarily comply by recommendations from such hearings, or even obey a law for their removal ? Where is the Killdozer, when it’s needed ?

Jan M
Jan M
17 days ago

No. Nuclear war is the more likely reason. I can’t believe anyone who knows anything about legal process is still promoting this case. Brunson had no standing to raise oaths of office. Supreme Court was never going to hear it. Most of the higher courts held years ago there is no standing to raise oaths of office.

carol krug
carol krug
17 days ago


Fred fred
Fred fred
17 days ago

Someone needs to break this down for us from the standpoint of assuming we know nothing. We need background, context, etc.
also, scotus is bought and paid for. Why should we believe they will rule according to the real law? Feels like we’re being played yet again.

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
17 days ago
Reply to  Fred fred

Right. “Trust the plan.” “The white hats are in charge.” Stay in your seats and off the streets, plebes.

Balanced Rock
Balanced Rock
17 days ago

Go to the Brunson Brothers site to learn straight from the horse’s mouth. It is very interesting. They do have standing. I have watched it all closely. It’s not a joke. If the Constitution, which protects every one of us, is actually followed, we will win. Otherwise, the rule of law is already out the window.

Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
17 days ago
Reply to  Balanced Rock

I can’t find any Brunson Brothers site. Provide a link.

Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
17 days ago

Supreme Court cases are not held in secret. Knowing that I call BS on this one.