CAIR blasts Steve King statements on Syrian refugees

“I can’t find models of the folks that, let’s say do the hajj to Mecca, I can’t find models where they’ve assimilated into the broader culture and civilization wherever they’ve gone,” said King, a U.S. representative.

In a statement Tuesday, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, called that statement a “bizarre claim.”

“Steve King’s demonstrably false assertion that Muslims cannot be assimilated is deeply disturbing and reminiscent of Nazi-era falsehoods targeting European Jews,” CAIR’s Government Affairs Manager Robert McCaw said in the statement.

At the rally, King also said refugees should be trained to defend the countries they are fleeing.

“So, I say instead, the refugees that come out of Iraq and come out of Syria: first, I’d train them and say ‘go back and defend your country.’ Give them uniforms … but if you can’t get them to do that then send them to Saudi Arabia where they have the air-conditioned tents at Mecca. Those tents are not busy for 11 months out of the year and they would assimilate into that culture like a hand into a glove,” King said.



King said “go back and defend your country“.

How can we ask them to defend their country when we do not defend our country? This is not a reflection on our military (I am not including the country’s military leadership). When people do not stand up for their own Liberty, they deserve the government that they have. We know that the government has caused the destruction of our security and economy. And yet, people still sit idly by as a Muslim invasion comes to their doorstep.

Is it too much to ask for people to “go out and defend your country”?

David DeGerolamo

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