Call Me Crazy! We All Know What Has To Be Done!

Evil is still winning and when I suggest actions we could take to begin to remedy the situation we find ourselves in I am called all sorts of names. Call me crazy, call me insane, call me whatever you like. But you know I’m right.

I’m told that I must go out and vote for Trump. It’s our only hope! Why would I participate in an evil, corrupt system and continue to give it legitimacy?

What we are witnessing is biblical! It is purely divine justice and judgment! Things are going to be bad beyond anything we can imagine. I just don’t know when all hell breaks loose. Every line in the sand has been crossed. There is nowhere left to move back to. America is fallen and has been for some time now! Pure Hell is heading our way! All nations who forget God suffer a terrible fate. Our fate is loading!

Trump is being “supported” all the way to hell by the one group in this country that has the Truth! Yet they are choosing a false king and still think Trump is going to miraculously save America after he “saves himself”. Idolatry and delusion is all that this is!

I supported Trump when he first came on the scene. It was a mistake! Trump now has an awful end coming his way. A nightmare beyond our imagining is heading his way and nothing can be done about it!

We are complacent. Apathy will not defeat the evil we are faced with. Voting will not defeat the evil we are faced with. We are left with only one option and it is an option we refuse to accept. We Must FIGHT!!!

We are under attack, on multiple fronts, and we can’t back any further into the corner we are in. It’s time for the pushback. It’s time to say enough. It’s time to destroy this evil.

We all know what has to be done. We just need to band together and have the courage to act. Our cause is Just and Liberty is more precious than life itself. It is time to rebel against these tyrants!

Go ahead, Call me Crazy!


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Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
1 year ago


Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago

Brotherman, I feel your pain. Truly.
I console myself with the wisdom I gradually acquired through my life…
When you’re younger, you’re always asking “is this ….it?”, love, or drunk, or high, or a good job, or the right town, the right house (to buy)… Every time I shopped for a home (or apt.), I knew in my heart the instant I crossed that threshold. When I met my wife, I knew.
When you KNOW, you don’t wonder anymore.
I too feel an itch. I feel like I must do something. Sitting idle and taking care of me and mine is no longer good enough. That’s not scratching the itch anymore. The political persecutions are a signpost on the road to communist hell, things will begin moving quicker now.
I don’t have the answers, but I do have an idea that keeps coming to me. Is this God’s message telling me what I should be doing? Dunno… but I think I am going to try to act on it. If its God’s will, then it will. If not, may He guide me to the correct path.
Follow your heart. It has been straining for some time, you have shared, but heed the warnings of those that come before you. Martyrdom should not be anyones goal.

1 year ago
Reply to  Joe Blow has a really interactive and comprehensive training for $20/month.
Candidate Packs -- Replace the majorities on local boards by running majority numbers of candidates together. Pool funds, strategize together and pitch the group as a new majority that will be achieved in ONE election cycle. It worked in Huntington Beach, CA -- so it will work everywhere. The H. Beach folks are already rolling back the Agenda 2021/2030 BS for their town… and they got the sex change books out of the schools first thing.
Law Enforcement Education -- Put together packs of info for your local police. Keep an eye out for officers in parking lots and deliver them with your thanks for their work. I’ve been doing this for 2 years. The officers were weirded out a bit at first, but the information I have given them is honest, real and adds rationality to their daily experience. They are the ones how will enforce the globalist agenda and not protect us -- so they are the mosts important people of all.
Info Packets & Books -- Sent to state legislators, church groups, businesses, individuals, the public works staff who pick up the trash (with chocolate is helpful), and dropped off at USPS, libraries, and even local newspapers that are failing to cover most of what is happening to us…
Info Bomb the Conference Calls -- Get on interactive regulatory organization and non-profit(s) calls. Testify to what you know and have seen. This year, I did the Santa Fe, NM Public Utilities comment period for the introduction of 5G to Santa Fe. I have enough personal experience with the vicious effects of the smart grid and 5G to be able to suck the oxygen out of any room.:))))))))))) I’ve done a couple of Board of Health calls that were a real trip too. Reading the list of toxic substances found in the C19 bioweapon slayed the Montgomery Co, MD Board of Health call in 01/22.
Asset Mgmt -- Put all of your wealth into a personal trust with a “pour-over” will to put non-trust assets into the trust at the time of death. It will be about $800 -- $1,200 to do it depending on how complex you get. But that way, if anything happens, your wealth will go to the trust and be managed by your trustees. It will not go into probate court to be sucked up by corrupt attorneys and the worthless court system.
Life Insurance -- If you can find a really solid company that isn’t being wiped out by all the C19 bioweapon murders, get as much whole life coverage as you can afford and write the payout into the Trust. Do not do Term policies. They are like throwing your money away. When you have life insurance with activist beneficiaries, if anyone or thing succeeds in moving you to the next dimension -- a bunch of money is going to go straight into your designated resistance fighters.
Be creative. There’s a lot more than this. These are just some of the easy ones.:))))))))) The faster we get going, the faster this nightmare ends.

1 year ago
Reply to  60GigaHertz

… see comment below …

1 year ago

“As a peaceful person, I am willing to live and let live. But the Liberal will not, if he can help it, let you live in peace, or, coming down to the matter, let you live at all.” Taylor Caldwell

1 year ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

I’m drifting away from labels these days… I was a progressinve liberal for my entire life. My family told me I was a right wing nut when all of this crap started and I bought my first gun… and everyone I know got the injection.
What is passing for liberal/progressive is unrecognizable to me. Here’s one for you: Naomi Klein. A brilliant author. Totally anti-fascist and anti-corporate. She coined the phrase “We’re not going to shop our way out of this one.” She wrote “Shock Doctrine” and exposed people to disaster capitalism for the first time. She produced an excellent documentary about workers in Argentina forming cooperatives to bring decommissioned factories back to life.
Guess who she works for now? The World Economic Forum (Luciferian Klaus Schwab). That is Mind Control.
And remember Bradley Manning of WikiLeaks fame? He underwent a massive mind control program after he was arrested…. and they turned him into a woman -- Chelsea Manning -- and let him go. The message was sent. Defy us and we can do whatever we want to you -- even turn you into the opposite sex.
So mind control by the satanic globalist sub-humans vs the survivors of these deadly programs is where I end up. No more divide and conquer.

1 year ago
Reply to  60GigaHertz

“I was a progressive liberal for my entire life.”

That explains a lot … and from your comments and suggestions you still sound like one.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hans

You will never get 100% agreement with your personal viewpoint as we are all Individuals. “WAS” is the operative word above. That a person has uncoupled is a first step, that some Patriots then criticise that action is to disabuse further movement towards us.

1 year ago
Reply to  GenEarly

I do not intend to “disabuse further movement towards us”, rather I am stating that something in the recommendations above by 60GigaHertz doesn’t pass the smell test.

“” appears to be a philosophy-neutral for-profit political-activism site. It references another site “” that also tries to present itself as philosophy-neutral.

HOWEVER, the “about” page of CFFS only talks about the credentials of the principals in ambiguous language. There is no indication that these principals are opposed to the globalist organizations or programs that they mention.

While the “vision” page of CFFS does refer to the Constitution, it is never in the context of restoring founding principles, restoration of limited government nor establishment of a culture of Liberty.

These websites remind me of the efforts a decade back by the CoffeeParty to co-op and redirect the energy of the TeaParty.

60GigaHertz is making an appeal for us to persist as ‘useful-idiots’ in the distractions of contemporary political drama.

It doesn’t pass the smell test.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Well then call me crazy also, I cannot see any other way out. This sick regime will not relent until we are dead, you know and I know it. Like was said, we need to unite and fight.

1 year ago

I will not be voting and am cancelling my voter registration. There are 545 people running our government that we know for a fact. The others we can only surmise. There is no one to vote for. Open your Bible and vote ‘according to Scripture’ -- when and if you live to see the final collapse of this nation.

Read Galatians
Vote for Word of Christ
Put on the armor of God now before it’s too late.

1 year ago

comment image

Make bigger, read carefully, WORD.

An old German Housewife proverb comes to mind “If you sweep the street in front of your house, the town is clean”.

Our area stopped the Drag Queen library sessions. We’ve reminded several local authorities who they work for, and quietly nasty school lessons and one real problem teacher has left for Boston.

Don’t answer but ask the man in the mirror what you have actually done.

Be the change they fear.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

I do not see anyone posting plans, our situation is 100x worse than 1776.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Michael’s advice is the same as what supports. Patrick Wood and his team teach that we do not need to put our plans on social networking to have them come to fruition.
I am about to do some things very similar to Michael’s actions. I have a bit more hatches to batten and then I’m going to get groups of people to rock on with me:))))))))))

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  60GigaHertz

Like I said, I do not see people posting plans, the right to unite and fight is not plans. Every attempt to do what you are proposing has failed for decades, tea party, maga etc. We only have one choice left, I do not include you or others that think you can fix this problem with voting or anything else, you will end up at the wrong end of a gun.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

We only have one choice left,”
How many years have you and Wes proclaimed, our power comes solely from the barrel of a gun.
Do you think we do not understand your plan? People, reasonable people can read between the lines.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

i am not denying what is coming. Your ‘one’ solution for the collective is what i take issue with.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Have you read any history books? Name one country that has regained their freedom after a communist coup.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Name one country that has achieved peace and harmony after a civil war.
You keep side stepping the conversation at hand.
Your ‘one’ solution for the collective is what i take issue with. There are many ways to wage war, not just one.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Are you going to let them lock you down and play the mask/Vaxx game again?
Did not fall for it last time, and will not play their game next time. And the good news is, many others seem to be waking up to the harsh ‘realities’ that many of us have seen for years.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Yea that will show em.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

So waking others up, getting others on board is not a worthy cause?

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

1 year ago

Has some drunk took over Followers screenname?

What is the point of a flurry of irrelevant posts Follower?

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Who are you to question?

1 year ago

Still sounds like a drunken reply.

Good bye.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

irrelevant to you?
Did you listen to Rex?
Wes introduced me to Rex, (His videos.) Not sure where he is at this moment, since he will not talk substance.
Your Reply at the top of this. “Folks it is not 1776 “? Spot on, this is where i reside. This is where Rex seems to be and some others i respect.
we are ‘individuals’ , hopefully working in the same cause. The world desperately wants and needs to strip us of this quality.
You and i seem to be on the same page on several issues, i do not think i need a baby sitter nor an accuser at my every word or post. Many of us here are adults and working on ourselves along with trying to be a benefit to others. i too am a grandfather (enjoyed your sharing the other day.) is good to get to know each other a little better.
we are not all enemies.
Have a good day, heading off to work in a few.

General Turgerson
General Turgerson
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Here’s “Step One” of a plan… detach or minimize yourself and your family from every sort of corporate mass-communications and corporate products possible. “Mass communications” being very important as the leftist cabal is in nearly total control of nearly all the media in this country. For instance the Disney media group controls a vast swath of US media… including news and opinion making.
Without the support of the leftist mass-media, the communist left would be paralyzed. The communists derive their power completely with the support and contributions of the mass-media corporations.
Disney spews the ‘woke/leftist’ agenda from every avenue of its empire--yet conservatives still flock to their theme parks with their children and grand-children, still subscribe to their premium channels, still go to theaters and pay to be indoctrinated by their films and like lemmings still purchase their toys and book trips on their cruise ships.
Right now the Disney theme parks are experiencing a huge downturn in attendance--Disney premium are seeing large number s of cancellations. Iger who is in charge of the Disney corporation is layiing off thousands in an attempt to stop the financial bleeding.
Cancel your cable TV and all your premium channels. Winnow your intake to a mere internet connection--which you switch billing every year between yourself and your spouse (or to another provider) to get the lowest introductory rate--or go to Starlink run by Elon Musk. There are way to stream all premium content without going through pay channels FYI.
Also stop purchasing the corporate big-box name products. I intentionally avoid anything that is produced by the big-box, food producers. Do not purchase any products produced by union labor who are in the pockets of the communists. A conservative associate of mine insisted on purchasing “American made” products (car tires) that is until I told him that the tires he just purchased were made by communist union labor back east. The tires I purchased were made in Finland FYI.
The time is now to disrupt, disobey and to be defiant.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

In an age of Tyranny the courage of a single person standing for Liberty is priceless.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Isa 28:8 For all tables are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no place clean.

1 year ago

The millions believing Trump is our national savior are distracted from the cold reality that we cannot save the nation though political means.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Talk like what? Getting people riled up, instigator, what a joke!!!!!!!

1 year ago

I Still Support Trump for the same reason as in 2016 .To Throw a Monkey Wrench into the Globlins of the NWO Mother WEFers…. Anything else is a bonus.
Any success is better than none, imo. That the “Hopes” of so many ride on the shoulders of Trump is just another indication that the Rubicon was crossed definitely in 2020, probably in 1963 if paying attention.
But the bottom line remains the Bottom Line, as always.


1 year ago
Reply to  GenEarly

You allege the Rubicon was crossed in 1963 ? … try 1860 (“if paying attention”).

1 year ago
Reply to  Hans

I wonder what would have happened if there was no Marbury v Madison. The 1860 election was the death knell of states’ rights and the end of the Republic. And even today, people think Lincoln saved it.

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

For those ‘tuning in late to the program’, “(John) Marshall rejected Marbury’s argument (1803) that the Constitution merely served as a foundation on which Congress could build with later laws, finding that the Constitution trumped any laws and that Congress did not have the power to modify the Constitution through regular legislation. … Marshall found that the section of the Judiciary Act of 1789 that purported to give the Supreme Court original jurisdiction over these matters was invalid because it violated the Constitution.” Marbury v Madison

Unfortunately, violation(s) of the Constitution in more modern times have rarely mattered to Congress, the Executive, or the Judiciary.

As Hadley Arkes observes in his recent book “Mere Natural Law“, it is all too common for those in political power “… to see the Constitution as one of the most striking artifacts and accomplishments of Positive Law, majestically detached from those moral grounds from which it sprung.” (Referring to Natural Law principles in the Declaration of Independence.)

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
1 year ago

Let us seek the Lord Jesus and his will with all our hearts, then submit to him so that every thought, word and deed is in subjection to his will. This is how we win.

1 year ago

Wes that was an absolute PERFECT Post….every word of it… I wish more people saw the truth in Trump and the Government. The only question I keep asking myself is who exactly do we go after and how exactly do we do it? If it were up to me there would be JUST executions by the thousands. Unpack the supposed thpusands of guillotines waiting for US and use them on these demonic evil creatures masquerading as human beings.

1 year ago

People won’t even stand up against their children being groomed. They definitely won’t stand when they come for the guns.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago
Reply to  gre81

I still believe, perhaps erroneously, that Americans will stand and fight one day.
It will be far later than they should stand up, will have to fight 10 times harder because of it… but I do think at some point, that old gene kicks in.
Thats what history tells us!
And the folks that were right all along? We never get credit.

Mike Hendrix
Mike Hendrix
1 year ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

It will be far later than they should stand up, will have to fight 10 times harder because of it…”
I see that as a good thing, really. I mean, who would want to live in a society in which people were going straight to the guns with every passing encroachment? Wouldn’t be a very pleasant world, seems to me. “Better to bear the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune/Than fly to evils we know not of.” But YMMV, of course.

1 year ago
Reply to  gre81

I disagree. They stood up when the transgender took over their beer. A sad commentary on America.

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

And now they’ve come for your Skittles …

“Time for the Bud Light Treatment” – Social Media Erupts After Skittles Partners with Far-Left Group Which Supports Sex Procedures for Children and Places “Black Trans Lives Matter” On Its Packaging GatewayPundit

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Hans

Who will stop them? They will just keep coming.

1 year ago

Spot on.
I know people who know what needs to be done but are under the illusion you pointed out and i get the same sorta reaction you do, they think im nuts, because.
Yea because they think their investments and condos and vacations etc will be safe if they tow the line,
What a buncha crap,
Its coming, be sure of it, and itll be ugly

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

The only threats I see are from the communist regime in DC and people like you, telling others what will happen to them if they speak up.


[…] From a comment on NCRenegade: […]

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

Never have thought you were crazy, we just aren’t on the same page. Remember Rex?