Now, the slapdash half-assed and fullashit shampeachment will not be forwarded to the Senate, and the House has adjourned until next year.
Some folks are worried this could slide out from under us.
I’m not.
If they stage a successful coup, it will simply be time to shoot the bastards, and no more fucking around wondering about when it’s time. (Claire Wolfe, call your office…)
At that point, it ain’t about Trump, it’s about not tolerating living in a banana republic dictatorship.
Open season, no bag limit, screw the regs.
They want to play for blood, they’re going to find a lot of folks who’ll be their Huckleberry.
Let’s see if they really want to open that ball.
But it all becomes moot if Senate Majority Leader Yertle McTurtle simply states,
“Since the House refuses to send forward any notification of impeachment in a timely manner, we hereby consider the entire baseless process null and void, and serve notice that we consider the matter closed to further consideration. If the Speaker is so uncertain the House’s action passes the basic fairness test, and meets normal standards of jurisprudence, we consider that no impeachment has been duly enacted by that body. If the House decides to do this all over again, from scratch, and this time they can find a shred of evidence for any of their charges that actually exist in U.S. Code, and an actual bona fide crime, and allows confrontation of witnesses and cross examination by the minority as well as the majority, and observes other basic and fundamental rules of American jurisprudence, the Senate may be inclined to take notice of an actual bill of impeachment that passes the standard set forth in the United States Constitution at that time, should the House return to the rule of law; but in an election year, we’re liable to be awfully busy. All in favor, say ‘Aye’. Motion passes. Senate adjourned.”
If he did that, and called Nancy Alzheimer’s bluff,
1) he’d win the argument
2) the Leftards’ heads would explode
3) The House would shift right by 50 seats
4) rank and file Democrats would march on their leadership and set them on fire, alive
5) right after Pres. Trump carried 45 states next November
6) popcorn stocks would go through the roof
Bring it.