An update on the fires in California
— WeGotitBack ๐ด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ๐ฌ๐ง๐บ๐ธ (@NotFarLeftAtAll) January 12, 2025
While this may be a joke, it is more likely to be real. People are leaving California more than any other state. Maybe we should place an import fee on anyone moving from California to a sane state. Or a drug test. Or a psych eval.
Throw California out of the U.S.A.
Well let’s see…. in Calfornia there are more conservative (ultra conservative people BTW) than in the entire population of the state you are living in currently.
And honestly, I hope they do come to your state and buy up property with the boat-loads of money they have and drive up your property taxes so that you have to live in a Chevy van.
kidding, right buck? Lived in both NoCal and SoCal. and your statement is a bit off. Maybe very NoCal are conservatives but not hardcore. SoCal forget it, like living in Seattle.
kal kal, I doubt you ever lived in California, at least not very long. In the past election, Kacklin’ Kamala got 60% of the vote. Trump and Robert Kennedy, Jr., got 40%. (Kennedy could not be taken off the ballot but accounted for only about 200,000 votes.) In any event, Trump’s vote total alone was LARGER THAN THE POPULATION OF 30 STATES. If you had actually lived here very long, you’d probably know that, so that ends the discussion.
Put another way, for every 10 voters who cast votes if just one of Harris’s voters shifted, the result would have been 50-50.
I despise California politics, but those who love to paint all Californians with the same brush are simply retards motivated by questionable skills in the application of logic.
Look at it this way, we’re still going to Trump Rallies. We’re simply operating behind enemy lines here.
Sorry, but your toothless banjo-playing kinfolk who came here have an unrestricted Right Of Return to their ancestral homes. And when they come home, they’ll be bringing their illegal alien gardeners and maids with them.
Won’t that be nice?
If apathetic folks in 49 other states had been half as interested in closing the California border with Mexico anytime since 1965 (i.e. 11M illegal aliens ago), you’d have a sturdier leg to stand on. More to the point, you wouldn’t have this problem in the first place.
Maybe give a holler to Lindsay Grahamnesty and Marco Screwyoubio, for two easy examples.
When did you turn into a troll?
Spot on. The California natives aren’t the ones that screwed up this state. Please bring your Libtard relatives back home to their native states.
Lol. “somebody elses fault” is maybe the most caliFuCKyou thing I’ve ever seen. Pathetic. Maybe you n Aesop can get together, bump peters and whine about the rest of the nation together. That’s kind of a caliFUCKyou thing, too.
Has whoever snarky, adolescent WeGotitBack ever considered that the people who are leaving California are predominantly the ones who are, more likely, sick and tired of liberal politics and are actually reinforcements for the conservative cause in the states to which they move?
When Ted Cruz ran for re-election in 2018, I distinctly remember that, according to an opinion poll reported on Fox News at that time, he did better with non-Native Texans, than with Native Texans. Odd, huh?
California used to be a relatively conservative state. Ronald Reagan was governor in the 60s and 70s.Its education system ranked at the top nationally. From 1983 to 1999, California had Republican governors.
What changed? Most importantly, it was the arrival of Third World sludge. the draw of the best weather and the fact that immigrants tend to move where more immigrants are already living explains this.
Now, California’s schools rank among the lowest because you can’t make those immigrants who come from countries whose culture doesn’t value education into Rhodes Scholars. (India is a notable exception among the immigrants. We get a very disproportionate number of India’s brightest. The reality is that India’s education system is among the worst. Of course, with 1.1 billion Indians, there’s going to an enormous number of the “best and brightest” at the top. They are hardly representative, however.)
California’s homeless scum is made up of mostly the mentally ill and drug addicts (sorry, redundant) from other states. If you were living on the streets in Detroit, St. Louis, or Phoenix, where would you choose to spend 12 months a year? There or in coastal California. Of course, the allure of benefits liberally provide by the state is another draw for those living in most states.
Democrats have driven this state into the socialist craphole it is. While I hate the politics and the immigrant sludge that has overtaken it, I will never criticize the weather or the fact that it is the most beautiful state in the Union. No Polar Vortexes here. Fortunately, I am able to live in a city that is THE safest of its size in the US and one that has one of the best climates anywhere in the US. I am shielded from almost all of the negative conditions that affect most of California.
I am what anyone would likely refer to as being “of a certain age.” I have never voted for anyone other than a Republican Presidential candidate. If/when I ever move, I will bring my conservative politics with me.
You would be welcome in my A/O -- North Idaho. I was living in Riverside, CA when I met my wife. She had moved there from Idaho. When I retired from police work, we took a 12-year hiatus to the southern Oregon coast to take care of elderly family members. After they all passed on, we moved to Kootenai County. There is cold and snow from November through March. But this area is white, polite, armed, conservative, safe, and pleasant. Just stay out of Coeur d’ Alene. That city is a dysfunctional Blue Hive.
I moved from WA state 4-1/2 years ago to Hayden, ID to get away from the liberal scum in the Seattle area who are just as bad as the liberal scum in LA. You are right about CDA being blue pilled. That surprised me when I moved here. I thought I was getting away from that crap by moving here. Although the liberals are outnumbered here we have to keep a wary eye on them. They use the CDA Press for their mouthpiece. As evil as they are I have to admit that the dems here are very organized and effective even though they are in the minority. We are getting geared up for hard times. I’m the Emergency Comms Coordinator for the VFW in CDA. We’re trying to get everyone up to speed on GMRS radio. There is another veterans group ‘The Veterans Club’ that meets at Lyfe Coffee House in CDA on Wednesday mornings from 8:00 to 9:00. I’m also helping them out with GMRS radio comms as well. About half of the people in that group are former LA cops. Come and check us out. You would fit right in. The group is made for veterans and first responders.
Good for you in making that transition. I passed through Idaho this summer. Nice place and nice people from what I saw. Good for you.
“Has whoever snarky, adolescent WeGotitBack ever considered that the people who are leaving California are predominantly the ones who are, more likely, sick and tired of liberal politics and are actually reinforcements for the conservative cause in the states to which they move?”
And the above says it all.
25% of liberals are on medication for mental illness. That’s scary it means 75% are running around untreated.
Substitute Liberal for women in this meme and you have it.
Just say no.
Sure thing, whatever you say dude with mental issues.
Dude in need of a millstone.
How about the cities of San Francisco, L.A., San Diego, etc. that lean uber anti-American? Cut off funding and offer them at fire sale prices to Canada. Most people outside of college towns, big metros and state’s Capitols are pretty patriotic, in my experience.
Blockades, see Cali plate. turn them around.
Let us know where you live. We’d likely turn around since anyone who wasn’t, at a minimum, two standard deviations down the Stanford-Binet IQ scale would want you for a neighbor anyway.
Personal attacks in comments are not allowed. Consider this your first warning.
Just to be clear, attacks on groups are okay. Attacks on individuals who attack individuals are not?
Sorry. I made a mistake. It should have read, “Just to be clear, attacks on groups are okay. Attacks on individuals who attack groups are not?”
Its NOT the state, its a long time Christians have NOT been praying as they should, so, this is what happens when judgement comes to a state, evil takes OVER, until believers start praying daily, and also pray for revival it will only get worse, this is proven a long long time ago in 2 Chron 7:14 look it up in the Bible !
Are you saying that the Almighty visits travails on a population based on political boundary lines? Sodom and Gomorrah? Yes, but when were those states admitted to the Union?
“I am a they”….. LoL. Anything you say, THING.