Cawthorn Loses


2022 N.C. DISTRICT 11


Updated May 17, 2022, 10:36 PMAP estimates

99.0% of votes counted

Chuck Edwards R29,228 votes33.5%
Madison Cawthorn (i) R27,689 votes31.7%
Matthew Burril R8,289 votes9.5%
Bruce O’Connell R5,997 votes6.9%
Rod Honeycutt R5,704 votes6.5%

From Gen. McInerney

BREAKING: Madison Cawthorn will LOSE renomination to Republican challenger Chuck Edwards.

The establishment wanted him gone and he is now gone.


It looks like the powers that be did not want to hear the truth. It will be interesting to see Cawthorn unleased.

David DeGerolamo

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Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

I would like to see the vote audited fairly. I cannot believe he got primaried. Like here in Ohio Dewine got the nomination for governor again. Maybe there are more idiots than I thought.

Southern Dan
Southern Dan
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

It is amazing how many people hate the truth. So much for voting our way out of this mess!

2 years ago
Reply to  Southern Dan

How can results be trusted? Little to nothing has been done to prevent voter fraud in our election process.

2000 Mules showed all the fraud in the drop boxes. Mike Lindell and a few others showed us the election fraud perpetrated with the dominion machines. Nothing has been fixed.

2 years ago

The Kid screwed up, did he not?

First his Cocaine and Orgy claim which wouldnt surprise me in the least.
But…. Claims dont cut it.
Otherwise Biden would be out already and Demokrauts would be done.

Then His Airport Gun Incidents. That was just damn stupid. STUPID. Not once but Twice.

Then the Foolish picture(S). That one stinks to High Heaven but..lets face it, in todays enviorment..Ya Best not even Bother in Politics if you acted Alive when you were young and if your a Republican..well, You Damn well better not have ANY baggage.

I have No Doubt the (R)Machine wanted him gone. None.
But I said it then and shall again..
His Cocaine and Orgy CLAIM , well, That was a Nose Dive into the Earth at MACH 5 from 1000 ft. Kid had No Altitude to recover.
Those sorta claims…You Damn Well Better Have 100% PROOF.

Anyhow, not my farm not my pigs.
I aint a NC Rez so I count for Zero.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

Hahahahahaaaa, ahhhhh, yes, vota moar harder, that’ll do it.
I read it somewhere on the interwebs, maybe this will help those still stuck on the fence:

The criminals are not going to investigate and arrest themselves.

Read it again. Grok THAT.

Its not blue or red, or green… its us vs. them. The elections ARE rigged, its been proven! No (real) investigation (supreme court says no standing? da fuq?), Time Mag BRAGGED about, but you think the corrupt DOJ is going to investigate itself, charge its own (politically appointed) leaders with treason so they can go after the politicians that put them in power?

Yep, that explains why some still think we’re going to vote our way out of this.
No folks, our hosts here are right. They’re early because they see whats coming, but they are 110% right. Shewtin times a’coming!

2 years ago

Looks like the establishment won this time, This young man still has a bright future -there terrified of the truth coming out -as it did and will again -- I think he could have used the services of a media outlet like project Veritas to help investigate and expose McCarthy’s ring of the Rino’s roaming the halls. I hope he plans to run again in the future-

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago

He can now be used far more effectively by the people he claimed to represent if anyone is interested.
I believe what he claimed hook line and sinker. He has to find an effective and loud way to forge ahead.

Cabin Girl
Cabin Girl
2 years ago

Well, he was brave enough to say it out loud. I do believe those claims are very true… not for all, but most. Just like a US Senator I know from back in his corporate days… their wives would be horrified to know what they really do. But, I’m impressed, Cawthorn only lost by 1,539 votes!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

As they say, it only matters who counts the vote, nothing changes if nothing changes.

2 years ago

Just yesterday a local democrat on social media said he had re-registered as unaffiliated to vote anything to get Cawthorn out. I would guess that might account for a couple of percentage points on the part of other democrats doing the same. In a primary here, unless rules have changed, it takes 40% to win first round of primary. I only vote on election day. Many others do the same. I’m voting Cawthorn as he more closely mirrors me than the others. Also, I love that he is a thorn in their sides! BTW I do not capitalize “democrats.” They are terrorists in my book.

enn ess
enn ess
2 years ago

I’ve come to the conclusion that we have not reached bottom quite yet. Nothing will change until, as a nation, we have reached bottom. I’m expecting the primaries will be pulled off with little corruption noteworthy but come October we’ll be in full on pandemic mode requiring mass quantities of mail in fraud, I mean voting, to rule the day. Comrade slo poopypants already let the cat out of the bag and stated so. Expecting 100 million new cases.It will be a repeat of the 2020 Barnum and Bailey show.
Once Merka hits bottom the rest of the world will follow suit. There will be no safe place, with a very few exceptions, but even they are surrounded by aggressors. Rule of the day will revert to Rule 308. The 2nd revolution is a comin. When -- roll the dice.