Challenging the Theological Foundations of Zionism

If you are a devout Christian, Jew or Muslim, fair warning — you may find this post offensive. I am not trying to offend, but I do plan to present and challenge the theological claims contained in the Book of Genesis aka Bereshit (aka Hebrew for “in the beginning”). The entire claim that Zionists have regarding their right to inhabit all land from the Nile in the west to the Euphrates in the east, stems from promises allegedly made by a person, or persons, claiming to be “God” to a fellow named, Abram. All of this belief is contingent on a separate belief — i.e., that the Pentateuch was written by Moses based on what “God” told him. If you believe that “God” spoke to Moses more than 3,000 years ago and that Moses had ample supplies of paper, ink and a writing instrument to record everything that “God” said, then it is an easy leap to be a Zionist.

Read the entire essay

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a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 months ago

Any one who believes this is the way the narrative goes in the article is Truly wrong. They do not understand the Bible nor do they know the True God of the Bible! They do not understand Abraham nor the related stories of! That said, Painting the picture with the broad brush is also wrong.
This article not only mocks the FALSE it Mocks and ridicules the TRUTH!
i do not claim the word christian for a number of reasons, so do not put me in your oh, so convenient box of bull shit either!
Ample supplies of paper? Are you flipping serious??????????????

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 months ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

No i am not the only one of Truth. i do not claim to be wise in anything. i am following the Wise One through His Son.(working on it.) You see many disregard the Son part. That is largely why the world is currently at this juncture. The world at large denies the Son, many without even realizing what they are doing,(Just as Peter did three times,) Look at them all mired down in the Torah, the old testament. Speak of the Son and you get labeled, you get mocked, scorned tongue lashed. we were warned, tis time to embrace this or die trying.
Larry is not providing us with ‘evidence.’ Only thoughts, opinion, philosophy etc.
my evidence seems to be mine only, if i share it will come to nothing, just mocking and ridicule.
Is it more likely that the Bible is completely false or that men use it to their advantage instead of the way God intended?

Last edited 2 months ago by a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 months ago

More complete answer tried to edit above but did not seem to take.
No i am not the only one of Truth. i do not claim to be wise in anything. i am following the Wise One through His Son.(working on it.) You see many disregard the Son part. That is largely why the world is currently at this juncture. The world at large denies the Son, many without even realizing what they are doing,(Just as Peter did three times,) Look at them all mired down in the Torah, the old testament. Speak of the Son and you get labeled, you get mocked, scorned tongue lashed. we were warned, tis time to embrace this or die trying.
Larry is not providing us with ‘evidence.’ Only thoughts, opinion, philosophy etc.
my evidence seems to be mine only, if i share it will come to nothing, just mocking and ridicule.
Is it more likely that the Bible is completely false or that men use it to their advantage instead of the way God intended?
Have you ever watched the movie Book of Eli?
Why did evil want the only copy of this so bad/ Now think of the two -- three sides in the physical earthly sense, sides who have wrestled with this for so long, each demanding sole control?

2 months ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

Well Roth, it is difficult to take seriously what a self identified apostate / pagan is posting. But you tear into “Bereshith” without comprehending what is said in its first three words. “Bereshith bara Elohim” . In the beginning the impossible plural singular word,”God (s)”, aka The Trinity. You ask for evidence? Special creation is your answer. Because evolution is a biological impossibility with zero evidence to support it. Unlike your “myths” the facts of creation are evident in nature. And yes, I actually am a biologist with international degrees in the topic. Repent while you still have the option.

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
2 months ago
Reply to  Quatermain

Don’t whaste your time.

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
2 months ago
Reply to  Rabbi Will

Gotta love autofill

2 months ago
Reply to  Rabbi Will


tom finley
tom finley
2 months ago
Reply to  Quatermain

Amen and Amen.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 months ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

i have answered you and has been removed. will try again.
Reply to Roth
No i am not the only one of Truth. i do not claim to be wise in anything. i am following the Wise One through His Son.(working on it.) You see many disregard the Son part. That is largely why the world is currently at this juncture. The world at large denies the Son, many without even realizing what they are doing,(Just as Peter did three times,) Look at them all mired down in the Torah, the old testament. Speak of the Son and you get labeled, you get mocked, scorned tongue lashed. we were warned, tis time to embrace this or die trying.
Larry is not providing us with ‘evidence.’ Only thoughts, opinion, philosophy etc.
“my evidence” seems to be mine only, if i share it will come to nothing, just mocking and ridicule.
Is it more likely that the Bible is completely false or that men use it to their advantage instead of the way God intended?
Also ; Have you ever seen the Movie The Book of Eli?
Why did evil seek to have and control this Book ?
Is this a common thing still practiced today by the prevailing religions?

2 months ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

pot meet kettle…

last post on this website. best to all

tom finley
tom finley
2 months ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

What is Wicca? A Beginner’s Guide to the Wiccan Religion – Wicca Living Is this your god mother earth, is this who you worship, mother earth?

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
2 months ago

It’s not worthwhile here Lon. This is not an intellectual problem.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 months ago
Reply to  Rabbi Will

i understand why you say this, yet, are we (some)not called to speak up regardless of if they will listen? Perhaps a few seeds will get through?
i can see how Roth and many others have gotten to this point.

Last edited 2 months ago by a follower, working on it.
Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
2 months ago

I know where you’re coming from and I appreciate that. It truly is mostly time to shake the dust off though.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 months ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

Two days ago you were telling us of the importance of a Good Myth. How ironic that now you are here. Posting more trash.
“Let me suggest an alternative hypothesis — the exiled Jewish scholars sitting in Babylon, after being carried off by their Persian captors, decided to write down the oral tradition, best they could remember, and, in the course of writing this, created the rationale for returning to the lands they previously inhabited. And they emphasized that “God” gave it to them and nobody else. Who is to say that some of those writers were not as gifted as Shakespeare and had a knack for telling a good story?

Double minded men are also something we are warned about and as of late there seems to be a never ending supply of these?
Never ending story? There is another mythical story of garbage that has aided and abated evil!
Roth— i am ticked at so many things at this juncture. we can see so many lies that have been told and false teachings. i do see some truth in what you are putting out, but the misdirection puts me over the edge. Not listening much to the Catholics, some bits and pieces, maybe, Non of these “Religious organizations” have all the pieces.
Anyone any group, flat out fighting and murdering each other, over a chunk of dirt in the middle east so they can have and erect the True temple to God may have been misled a bit!

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 months ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

As i have said before we agree on many things. Do not think i am angry with you so much, i see the positive side of posting what i called trash. It brings something out of me (He calls me to say) that needs to be said. Some will hear it, some will not.

2 months ago

James 1:8

At least Roth will defend his comments.

Do I agree, don’t know yet, much prayer required.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 months ago
Reply to  Michael


Last edited 2 months ago by a follower, working on it.
2 months ago

NO it is NOT.

Is there ANYTHING in the Bible you will ACTUALLY DEFEND?

Or do you fold like the above exchange in from one mild reply from Roth?

I know Roth can email you personally if he and you NEEDED a Private conversation. Roth’s emailed me out of the blue about two years ago when comments were closed on a subject of his.

A house built on sand falls. How much of the rock of the Bible are you going to defend?

Like the Martyr comment from previous:

a follower, working on it.
 1 day ago
 Reply to Roth Harbard
Religion, does seem to be where many things go sideways. His Spirit as far as i can tell is still available to those who will listen. He is here, in the flesh. Many say they are waiting for Him. This is where many are going wrong. imo. i for one do not believe He is coming to baby sit us physically. He has never done this. He wants us to follow His Son and Him now.
People seem to miss the Spiritual side of the Word. This is where many are lacking. They want to take everything in only the physical sense. On the surface i get what you are saying. it looks as if evil has taken the win. Yet i know this is impossible in the overall big picture.
we are supposed to lead by example, speak up when danger is in our midst. Stop evil if you are in the right place at the right time! Commiting suicide or intentionally becoming a Martyr is not the correct path! imo. Speaking up is hard to continue doing when no one seems to want to listen,(not complaining) yet we persevere, and there are many rewards, private rewards, small real miracles, along the way. Rewards, gifts, talents, it is in the small things. small daily things that so many take for granted.
People do courageous things daily, why do you not recognize them? Because the world is geared towards the opposite.

Last edited 1 day ago by a follower, working on it.
 1 day ago
 Reply to a follower, working on it.
History is full of the Honorable Men and Women that took one for Christ.

we are supposed to lead by example, speak up when danger is in our midst. Stop evil if you are in the right place at the right time! Commiting suicide or intentionally becoming a Martyr is not the correct path! imo.

Glad Jesus didn’t bug out from the Garden of Gethsemane to avoid becoming a martyr.

Christan, being Christ like I’ve been told.


What will you actually defend Follower? You say you’ve been here 8 years when you complained to David. What does FOLLOWER WORKING ON IT actually STAND FOR?

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 months ago
Reply to  Michael

What i was referring to is launching an all out assault on D.C. or some other perceived enemy Jews etc. from blind hate and vengeance. i like you do not think we are to become like the enemy to defeat the enemy.
You embellish and lie. i was not complaining to David about here for 8 years. i was imploring him to provide you with some Truth about YOUR lies and accusations. REMEMBER? You even apologized. well i guess we can see what your apology is worth!
Enough now?

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 months ago

Need proof? Dont know how long David will put up with this nonsense but here we go!
a follower
 1 day ago

 Reply to  DRenegade
Some body continued to whine about it. Someone who I tried to help. He then went as far as to accuse me of having multiple addresses. David , you could clear that up for both of us. 8-10 years here, I do not even know how to have multip.e names nor addresses!
 1 day ago
Reply to  a follower
I did not think you were the one responsible for using a VPN on the down votes. I have a good idea who it was and their comments are blacklisted over multiple IP addresses. But I have no control over the up and down arrows so they are gone.
a follower, working on it.
 1 day ago
 Reply to  DRenegade
Thanks for clearing that up. Perhaps that will help Michael and i clear some things up. i do not understand why you continue to remove decent comments, that possibly could change us in a positive direction. More were removed. Why? With ‘His’ guidance perhaps we could get back on course and give aid to one another. Then perhaps we would see real positive attitudes. N.C. Renegade is yours, i understand yet it could be more than just a News sight if you would allow it (another Leap of faith?)
we let Frank Avalone slip by, that also could have been a lesson, a learning experience. (things are not always as they appear.
 1 day ago
Reply to  a follower, working on it.
The rules for comments are clearly stated. If people saw all of the comments that are submitted to this site, they would understand why these policies are implemented.
It takes too much of my time moderating comments. Foul language, death threats, off topic comments, trolls and ignorance are common but the readers don’t see them.
a follower, working on it.
 19 hours ago
Reply to  DRenegade
i understand and agree, what you are saying about the rules etc. Do you see what i am suggesting?
 1 day ago
Reply to  a follower
*I* have multiple IP addresses… or rather *one* IP address that changes frequently. Not much I can do about that.
 1 day ago
Reply to  a follower
Well, somebody who is an adult apologizes as you said and David confirms you were not the abuser of down arrows.
Wine err whine is best chilled in a cup.
a follower, working on it.
 1 day ago
Reply to  Michael
Thanks Michael. i do appreciate this.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 months ago

Waiting for approval on the proof if David allows it. Everything is on this thread about my 8 years comment.

2 months ago

What part of the BIBLE will you defend oh Master Deflector?

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
2 months ago

Lon compare this here to the study yesterday remember don’t beat your head against the wall !

tom finley
tom finley
2 months ago

You may find this offensive, Deu 13:5 to 13:18, is man more intelligent today than 3,000 years ago? The inverted fallen angel runs this world and everything in it.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 months ago
Reply to  tom finley

Tom, Have you looked in to Jehu of the Bible and read the rest of the story? i listen also and read some of Jonathan Cahn.

tom finley
tom finley
2 months ago

Have not read into Jehu as of late follower, I will, they will beat on you some more for mentioning Jonathan Cahn. Just remember, Pro 15:1 and 2.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 months ago
Reply to  tom finley

i know. i agree we should not take everything or everyone, as ultimate Truth, but we can glean some Truth from many sources. Important to see what Jehu is all about. He is not the ultimate answer to our prayers. If Trump is a Jehu figure He is here for a reason. And people would do well to see what this is.

Balanced Rock
Balanced Rock
2 months ago

There is so much confusion in this world. This is just more of it. You know, you answer someone when they truly have questions and want a discussion, not an argument. Otrherwise, you answer not a fool, according to the Bible.God is not a theory--evolution is. I’m glad you pointed out the verses that use plural pronouns when talking about God. They are key to understanding Him. There is one family. Key. I John1:1 Key. The Bible takes years of study. It cannot be understood without prayer nor God Himself opening the mind. I read the article. And I have learned that this is not the site I want to spend my time on, so I am unsubscribing. See you later.

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
2 months ago

Roth if you want to help these Christians recover. Would you please post an article about the origin s of the Christians holy days. Christmas. Easter.and of course sunday sabbath. ? The keyboard Renegades might love that.

tom finley
tom finley
2 months ago
Reply to  Rabbi Will

How about an article of worship in the groves and high places Roth, enlighten us poor souls.

Lori G
Lori G
2 months ago
Reply to  Rabbi Will

Read the book “The Two Babylons” by Hislop, or you can watch the YouTube series “Know Your Enemy”. For Sunday sabbath, you can read Gibbons “Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”. Constantine basically merged Christianity with paganism, including moving the sabbath to Sun Day (their normal pagan worship day), celebrating Saturnalia (last half of December), spring worship of the pagan fertility goddess Astoroth or Eastoroth (Easter), and renaming gods and goddesses into ‘Christian’ saints.
Or you can just look at the fruit of the holidays. Christmas: commerce, stuff, drunkenness, gluttony, lying to children, etc. Easter: fertility stuff like eggs and bunnies, more lying to children, etc.
Will is right. I am a Christian, but keep the sabbath and the feasts because the Bible says to, even the New Testament. Worse yet, when you realize where Christmas and Easter (and Sunday sabbath) came from you repent in dust and ashes (which I did).

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
2 months ago
Reply to  Lori G

Where do you shabbat? We have a Messianic synagogue in nc. And you are welcome anytime

Lori G
Lori G
2 months ago
Reply to  Rabbi Will

Thanks very much; it sounds wonderful, but we live in Northern Maine, where the town far off has hitching posts for your horse at the post office and grocery store (gas station too, go figure!). I wish we had one around here.

2 months ago

The last time Roth and I really bashed heads the bottom line was:

Don’t harm another man’s FAITH. When *hit hits the fan like Western NC their FAITH is often all they have to drive on for ONE MORE DAY.

If the POINT of this Blog is to UNIFY Patriots “of all stripes” (or so I’ve heard once or twice) then BASHING FAITH is a VERY ODD WAY TO UNIFY.

David, please feel free to BLOCK my IP so you don’t have to hear from me again.

That way I’ll not weaken and start again. I left before but Followers rent a Religious Blogger brought me back.

If this shit is thought of as Unifying, why bother posting here?

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 months ago

“Let us” is old English. This was a poor translation most often used in the King James version. Even today the phrase “we the queen of England” has been used. The purpose to to communicate the majesty, supposedly of the position.
The reason “let us” is accepted is because the doctrine of the trinity crept in 325 A.D. The “us” is supposed to refer to the godhead father, son and holy spirit. The trinitarians love the “let us” translation. Jesus Christ was born, he is our lord and savior, but not with God in the beginning. This will not likely set well with many.

tom finley
tom finley
2 months ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Maybe you should read Pro 8:1 to 8:36, reread it if you have to.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 months ago
Reply to  tom finley

The entire chapter deals with wisdom. What am I missing in relation to what I blogged?