I have been having an ongoing discussion with a friend concerning the best course of action which would have the least amount of bloodshed in the upcoming war. For the purpose of this discussion:
- If Trump is reelected, we have a world war with China.
- If Biden wins, we have a civil war with China, Russia and Iran working in the background.
My assertion is that Balkanization of the country into Constitutional states and Democrat (Communist) states would be the least amount of bloodshed to resolve our divisions. The counterpoint from my friend is that this scenario would weaken our defenses allowing China to attack the new countries. The borders would be drawn similar to the states which supported the Texas lawsuit against Pennsylvania.
Based on the new information that China has control of 85% of our political elite, it appears that China has an extensive network of collaborators (traitors) already in place. This new information throws a wrinkle into the discussion: if we Balkanize, at least we know who is the enemy based on the new borders.
This is a simplistic analysis since the Communists (once known as Democrats and Rinos) and their useful idiots are spread throughout the United States. However, the new countries would have laws in place to isolate and control their respective “enemy”. If this scenario comes to fruition, do we consider our ex-countrymen to be enemy combatants? I say yes.
The real issue we must face now is that a large portion of the country wants Communism in order to steal the wealth that regular people have worked their whole lives to attain. We see the consequences of Antifa attacking us in the streets with the tacit approval of the judicial system (and by extension, law enforcement). Multiply the impact under a Biden administration where the 2nd Amendment is infringed and we have Portland throughout the country.
So back to the main premise. I think we have no other alternative but to fight our brothers in a future war in the same manner as Communist invaders.
Please change my mind as I do not want to consider having to fight old countrymen on the battlefield with no mercy.
David DeGerolamo
That is the 64K question.
Can the brainwashed be salvaged?
My thoughts are so brutal, they are not fit for print.
Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum
I perceive a problem regarding your strategy of “Balkanization”. It is not possible to establish a geographic boundary that results in a population with a homogeneous political philosophy.
A fragmentation of this country down to a level of county or community would not achieve a population with a common moral philosophy. Even at the homestead level it would not work, due to strife over differences within the family.
A culture of Liberty cannot be accomplished through political means and political boundaries. Freedom begins between the ears (Edward Abbey). It is achieved by strict adherence to precepts embodied in the English and American common law.
I tried for several years to convince colleagues that a return to common law was a necessary prerequisite to the reestablishment of a culture of liberty. To get back to common law one has to remove, or at a minimum ignore, all the agencies of illegitimate “authority” that we have so gleefully heaped upon ourselves and submitted to over the centuries.
We’re out of time. To live in the Rightful Liberty described by Thomas Jefferson, each of us must now be willing to defend our lives and property from every collectivist aggressor … be they Chinese communists or American progressives … or just a very confused and ignorant next door neighbor.
Some level of collaboration among individuals may be possible, maybe even necessary, to exterminate the collectivists aligned against us.
It will be bloody.
Well said.
“The big money has decided that a functioning economy is not needed to maintain their levels of opulence so they won’t support it anymore…the system will go down in flames and take a large amount of the population with it”--told to me by a friend today 17 December 2020
Consider it. If they embrace communism they are no longer our brothers or countrymen and deserve no mercy.
Tough questions. Let me submit this… for the purpose of my comment, I’m going to challenge the premise of #1 above. If Trump wins, we have local antifa and blm issues here which Trump puts down immediately. In addition, Trump concurrently goes after the worst of the deep state actors, and arrests actually happen. I understand that this is difficult to imagine, since it has not happened so far. That is the weakest point in my case. However, Trump no longer has to cooperate with the deep state and the democrats to get things done.
Additionally, the word goes out to China and any other potential adversaries that any additional attacks, cyber or otherwise, will be met with overwhelming force. China has attacked us with Covid 19, they have attacked our internet infrastructure, and they are continuing to undermine our country with disinformation at the level of active warfare. Trump says enough, means it, and they acquiesce. China understands that we can incapacitate every one of their ports in a matter of hours, and then ALL international trade stops for them. For months, if not years. They cannot afford that, and they are not stupid.
If #2 above happens, then we are SOL, and it’s open warfare. So, plan for #2 and pray for my version of #1.
California and Hawaii have been voting red for awhile and we are sick and tired, of being blamed for the communists among us who got into power by blatant election fraud!. I don’t want to have to move in order to be on the right side since we already have a secessionist movement to break away from the assholes who have cheated non stop to get into power in California. Furthermore California is almost 80 % federal land and military bases. Hawaii has a ton of military bases as well What are you going to do fight the
military? We need to convince the military to become law enforcement since Justice, Intelligence and most of law enforcement is beyond repairable at this point!
“ There’s a reason you separate military and the police. One fights the enemies of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people.” -Cmdr Wm. Adama.
The problem with secession at the state level is that there are a lot of “red” states that are dominated by “blue” urban centers. It’s a breakdown of the utility of popular voting. The rural areas have no hope, or desire to, overcome the density of the cities.
Here are some thoughts relating to secession. Secession can be individual states seceding from the federal government as outlined and encouraged by Thomas Jefferson, however, secession, can also be counties seceding from states as well. I believe secession is already occurring as individuals, couples and families are leaving blue cities, counties, and states for red / free cities, counties and states. This exodus, will probably result in the blue areas becoming completely tyrannical, communist and aligned with China, while the red areas become more free with stronger protections for property rights. The leviathan that we know as the US government historically has not supported freedom and property rights.
Secession is about freedom and property rights. In the blue areas freedom and property rights are systematically being destroyed. The people that are participating in the exodus from the blue areas place a higher marginal utility on freedom and property rights. The blue area communists place a higher marginal utility on taxation, property confiscation and welfare. This conflict between the two ideologies results in a low trust environment with significant friction within society. With this in mind, secession is preferable to outright kinetic conflict.
Think we need to put some true patriots in Washington to keep our international defense going. Flynn and Trump perhaps. Then we can place a moritorium on legislation until we can identify eradicate the enemy within. If we lay siege to DC, we can keep the communists out of our capital at least. Similar actions can take place in States run by communist Governors. Siege the Capitals and their mansions and prohibit them from committing any future treason. It is our government and our responsibility to take it back from the communists.
The answer is simple but nobody wants to take the first step . The next time a BLM OR ANTIFA shows their wretched face on the street , you have military shoot them !
You’ll get blowback and rioting… & you shoot them ! Eventually liberal pricks will get the message, there’s a new sheriff in town .
Secession/balkanization will do nothing except kick the can down the road. It will allow the enemy to then establish strongholds right next door to us and we will then become Europe with their constantly warring areas forever more. Just look at European history to see how that has worked out over time. They WILL attack us in the future yet then from right next door. Much shorter supply likes to deal with. They can NEVER have that foothold.
There is only one option that keeps America, America.
Drive the enemy from our shores. Totally, completely. Using whatever means that requires.
I just read the oathkeepers letter to President Trump. It pretty much gives an outline of how to accomplish this Constitutionally.
I especially like the data dump part. Put it all out there and let us make our choices on what to do with it.
We don’t back up another inch. No compromise until we are in total control. Then and only then do we do any form of negotiation and even then only for the benefit on the Constitutional Republic. No compromise otherwise.
Totally hard line, hardcore. Do it and be done with it for many generations to come.
there are no blue states, only blue cities. hawaii possible exception. set up govt in exile in kansas with trump and current reps from “red” states.. sadre city the libs ie surround and contain. execute the war as needed. offer entry to the new union if they want to conform to standards of conduct, if not they are on their own.