Chechens & Russian Army Battle Azov & Ukraine on Mariupol frontline

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Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

Get away from the troops and let them do their job. And quit waving your arms. It draws attention.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

The troops said there was at least one sniper and a mortar in the area. The troops may have actually been assigned to escort him. Ask yourself, would you want some guy on your butt waving his arms around in that situation?

Roth Harbard
2 years ago

Trivia … I’ve noticed in these videos (I’ve been following this reporter) that it appears the Russian Marines are doing the humanitarian work (handing out food and water and rescuing civilians from basements) and the Chechens seem to be doing the heavy lifting of rooting out the Ukronazis. Just my observation from the shoulder patches.
It’s been reported that the Russians have only engaged their second tier fighters and equipment and are saving their best for later (in case NATO decides to get froggy). That seems logical and seems to be confirmed by the little video we actually see from the one or two reporters on scene.