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- Joe Blow on NY FBI Field Office
- Joe Blow on NY FBI Field Office
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- TakeAHardLook on NY FBI Field Office
You were right on the money.
If a person is willing to accept the lie that Jesus was born on a December 25th after having the evidence that it is a blatant lie will accept any lie that makes them feel safe and comfortable. NCRenegade is guilty as hell on this matter.
Are you back to this again? Is this truly your concern with everything else going on? David has gone to great lengths to explain and challenge your repeated tirades on this so, I won’t go through it myself. You, however, should get a life and wake up to what is really going on.
Controlled opposition simply plays their cards for a paycheck.
If the shoe doesn’t fit, try posting ON SUBJECT Lee Vail
Not everybody on this list is someone worth trusting, including myself. F2F, prayer and time will gain my trust.
Lee, I admire your passion for truth versus tradition. However, why not make your email available for someone who would like to know more? Not everyone cares.
For example, I used to belong to a biblical research ministry. For decades they’ve made available info on truth regarding the Magi and when they arrived. It does no good to slam Nativity scenes. It does no good to slam traditional dates like December 25. If folks wanted to know, we were there to teach.
I applaud your kindness in addressing him in a respectful manner. However, he’s been at this for some time and, I doubt your reply will have much sway with him.
As info, I’m a Christian who understands that 12/25 is only a date on a calendar that was chosen long ago to celebrate the birth of Christ. I know it is not the actual date that He was born >2000 years ago. I know about the paganism surrounding this. However, I celebrate December 25th with family and friends because I honor His birth and choosing this day to do so is as good as any other day of the year.
In summary, all I’m saying is Jesus wants our hearts and minds and to honor him and the Father. That is what matters. Lee Vail can’t seem to let this be the case and so, he continues to hijack articles to point out his beliefs.
There are a lot more important doctrinal things in the Church to worry about than the date of Christmas.
The FAIRY TALE keeps them happy. TAX time was in September, there, and THAT would be when Mary and Joseph would be coming into Bethlehem and thus would more likely be when Christ was born
No, the teams responsible for the attack on the electrical grid will NOT be brought to justice. Those teams work for FedGov.
This is all distraction like all the other distractions. The diesel fuel that was supposed to disappear, trucker strike, rail strike, 2020 and 2022 election outrage, continuous warnings of imminent nuclear war, retaliation by the Russians over Nordsteam bombing, sinking their war ship, bombing their bridge, the Biden laptop and the list goes on and on. Nothing ever happens and nobody is ever held to account (except the j6 prisoners) it’s all theater. We get all worked up over these things and a week or two they are thrown into the dust bin and replaced with the newest outrage.
I have been spending less and less time and attention to the minutiae of this lying and corrupt world. I preferer to spend time in my Fathers truth.
And for those who care to know, my family and I will be celebrating the birth of our Savior on the 25th of December. For those offended please enlighten me to the proper day that YOU feel I should celebrate it. Today is Tuesday named after the Germanic god of war, but i will be celebrating my Savior today just as I will on Christmas and all the other days of the week (named for the pagen gods) and the year. For everything God has created is good (1 Tim 4:4 just to name one).
However all that said, If the bullets ever do start flying, I will take my place at the front of the line with my fellow patriots. I will gladly die for love of God, family and country on any day of the (pagen named) days of the week.
Nothing Ever Happens…. Frustrating. Thank you
A well-written response and analysis of this latest incident. And, I agree with being in the Father’s Word. It has never been as important as it is now. I’m so blessed and happy that the Lord blessed me 30 years ago with a woman that shares my Faith and that I’m equally yoked with.
Merry Christmas, RShooter!
Sorry westerner I didn’t mean that all for you I just got carried away.
So there are all these lefties calling right wing people fascists, when a Democrat president is supporting Nazis in the Ukraine. America is full of retards.
Reality is fluid like gender now.
All is in Motion.
I think you triggered his emotions or something of that nature. What struck me as asinine is when the sheriff called the Un-Sub a coward for not announcing responsibility for this action. I think the idea is not to get caught so no running of the mouth. The idea of this action being performed due to a drag queen show strikes me as a little absurd. And then the part where the brass strong armed the town to host the show is a bit off as well. Ft. Liberty could have hosted it on base. Just my 2 cents worth.
We all know it reeks of a gov job. From the ex army woman posting crap on social media, the push to label a “right wing Christian” group as responsible, to the location of it being so close to Ft Bragg. They showed us what they are capable of on 911, this is just a test run too see how well people fall for the narrative. There is something much bigger in play, they just want to get the timing right. They use everything to create a profile. I just seem a post today day that they could use.
Just a thought, but was there a building there that no plane struck, but collapsed inwardly like a controlled demolition?
Lol. “Pull it!” was heard over the radio moments before.
There are video where firefighters are yelling they they are going to blow it, get back.
Wes, it appears that all the bots thrown out of Twitter have moved over to GulagTube.
They have always been there.
BFYTW, and all the rest of the communist goons.
Just a thought. Where I grew up the Amish would purchase a large storage building to keep freezers in (yeah I know, in a shed not in your home thing). One generator running a couple hours a day could run a lot of freezers. Sometimes things are easier when it is done in groups.
Reading comprehension is one of our greatest threats. I read the comments on the YouTube video which was the point of this post.
If 90% of the comments are attacking regular people without any basis or facts, this will be a bloody civil war. I do not have the answer to combat blatant propaganda encouraged by social media and the government.
“If 90% of the comments are attacking regular people without any basis or facts, this will be a bloody civil war.” My thoughts exactly
With the fact out that only 30% of people have an “inner dialogue” and little ability for self-correction or discernment, its no mystery how we got in this mess to begin with. This assertion lines up with the “mass psychosis formation” discussions that went around several months ago-that thirty percent are viable, reasonable folks with some measure of intellect, moral compass, common sense and intuition. Forty percent in the middle are easily swayed one way or another, and 30 percent are literally unreachable. And this lines up with Biblical truth in respect that 1/3 of the heavenly angels were duped by satan’s lies and followed him. Propaganda is frustrating and annoying and sometimes angering, but leftists (the 1/3, the tares) aren’t going anywhere and will not stop lying until the day of The Harvest. Hopefully, God will provide that our words and our lives have some measure of sway to lead that 40% in the middle to repentance.
I got half way through and couldn’t finish it. Don’t like female reporters. Hurts my ears. Don’t like innuendoes. And don’t like news to make news for the sake of news. But, we have a pretty good idea of what, why and wherefore anyway. BTW, she looks like a weasel.
Just like a weasel.
NC Renegade Thank You for you posting information that brings out thinking of some, which some we don’t need their left opinion. I Have A Couple Of Thoughts: First I’m not concern that December 25 is the commercial aspect of the Birth of Christ instead of September or October. I’m just thankful He came and suffered the Cross that I and Others can upon their free will to have enternal Life in Heaven and not Hell.
Last thought, by now We The People should be aware to the False Flags. Wait until 2023/2024 and watch for even more as Trump mounts the come back to put back what Obamamama/Sniffy Joe, Liberal Left Democrats and RHINOS Republicans have done to our country.
My Personal Advice Read Your Bible and Pray. We are going to need it to get through this mess, some what, some can and will not be able to overcome.
Spetsnaz did it…