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Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
7 months ago

More than a debt avalanche. If the debts are called in it would lead to complete bankruptcy/ collapse of the U.S. federal government, which, in the long run may not be such a bad thing.

7 months ago

They will have declare force majure which cancels all debt for everyone and you could lose all of your dollars in the bank , it will all be confiscated.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
7 months ago
Reply to  Philip1350

I have said this for years…. first it will happen to social security and everyones 401k. One morning you will wake up to a somber address about your duty, patriotism, china/russia is bad, etc. Poof! All gone.

7 months ago
Reply to  Philip1350

To declare force Majure requires a spine and morals.

Our cowards will continue to PRINT MOAR and MOAR until the monopoly money is truly worthless.

Rubber Checks R US.

And as Democrats did USING A NOBODY Canidate drop the Great Depression on the Republican Hoover, I suspect they will ALLOW Trump and MAGA to be the scapegoats of the Greater Depression and Bankruptcy of America.

Why not? It worked so well that the socialist FDR got 4 TERMS as President. Just how packed would the Supreme Court be after 4 terms?

I’m just a grain of sand in the coming avalanche. And I pay attention as to protect my trusted friends and trusted family.

Winter is coming.

7 months ago

And there digital satanic coin will be worthless as well, the nation’s around the world are not going to do business with a nation in which there digital coins will be as worthless as the printed dollar. These are very ignorant fooo running our country.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
7 months ago
Reply to  Philip1350

So the problem with that is the same as what we’re seeing now. The clown world country’s all play together. So Europe will buy US bonds with the money they get from the US buying Euro bonds.
Its all just a ponzi scheme anyways, they make the money out of thin air, who cares if its worthless when the other currencies are worthless too?
Suddenly Chinese made stuff becomes unobtanium and is considerrled ‘quality’ (relative to the alternative).

Al Bino
Al Bino
7 months ago

Residential mail service is becoming sporadic, yet I’ll bet my bottom dollar not a single commercial delivery gets delayed.
The love of money…

7 months ago

Okay, but tell me when? I have been planning, prepping, and waiting for years. This Kabuki could go on for another 10 years. What say you, my friends.

Snotty Boy
Snotty Boy
7 months ago

They say that you go bankrupt slowly, then suddenly.
When is anyone’s guess.
I think the dept will be repudiated when a new currency is unveiled. How that happens I know not. But I think they will not allow the system to crash. To do that means they will lose control. We all know that they’ve been working on controlling the entire world for a very long time. They won’t just let it slip through their fingers.
Just my humble observations……

7 months ago

Dweezil, I too have the same question. But as you’ve said prepping is a lifestyle so you’re not “Wasting money” on stuff still in packaging. It seems odd I can sell my started Buff Orpington pullets and with feed costs figured in buy 2+ ready to cook-freeze large whole chickens but here we are.

I can currently buy potatoes cheaper than I can grow them giving myself a 15 dollar an hour “pay rate” but I still grow a decent amount as to be able to scale UP to forget the grocery store level. No real potato “seeds” to put away.

I keep a rotating stock of seeds and accept that I will throw out old seeds every year as to keep enough for the aw *hit moment that I’m on my own for seeds and my trustable neighbors need some.

As I know many veggies we enjoy are biannual and mature plants need to be overwintered and protected as to produce seeds the next growing season (Beets, Cabbage, Onions and so on) I DO overwinter them for that reason. The learning curve is HARSH if tractor supply and the grocery store is ablaze. That and because I select only my best year after year for overwintering, I get a better seed for my area.

As things get more ragged, more troubles will not be hidden from you and me. I’ve always said when I’m not going out on an EMS run because of the dangers and or the Power Line folks need police escort to do their jobs then civil collapse is very near.

A serious EBT failure and I’m NOT going out for an EMS run. When “Mommy I’m HUNGRY” becomes the song of the land even a sweet grandmother will kill you for their grandkids.

One thing I remember from my Grandmothers stories of living through the Great Depression is “The Tax Man and the Bankers ALWAYS GET PAID”. Many homes and farms were sold off on the courthouse steps to the Bankers for cheap with Sheriffs guarding them.

There is a GOOD REASON that the murderous couple Bonnie and Clyde were celebrated by the common folks. Not that they gave anything to poor folks, but they were sticking it to the MAN aka Bankers who screwed over so many.

CTR Wolfman
CTR Wolfman
7 months ago

There is another factor in Hersheys’ decline, customer boycott. I was born and raised in SW Pennsylvania. In fact, some of the Whiskey Rebellion happened in my “backyard!” Myself and many other quakerland natives started to boycott the company when they moved south of the boarder.

PS: Moonshine is still the best stuff (see what I did there?)!

Cabin Girl
Cabin Girl
7 months ago

Could part of it be that it just plain taste like crap now? I think so. I only buy the good quality, dark chocolate stuff. Yes, it’s expensive. But I’m not trying to feed a bunch of overweight kids.

7 months ago

mbuck is the CEO of Hersheys
I sent this email 2 years ago:
Tue, Feb 1, 2022 at 3:51 PM
Mr Buck, I have been a loyal customer of Hersheys chocolate bars since the 1960s; I stayed with your company even when you made the 8ounce bars into 7ounce bars at the same price. I like Hersheys chocolate bars.
However, I’ve read that your company has decided to fire unvaccinated employees, and is asking them to sign a nine-page confidentiality and release agreement that removes their rights to sue the company or talk about their experiences.
I still won’t buy their products.

Last edited 7 months ago by poppi