Black Lives Matter activist Maya Echols, who is also a signed model with IMG Worldwide, warned in a recent Tik-Tok video that “cities will burn” if Police Officer Derek Chauvin is not convicted in the death of drug addict and thief George Floyd.
Echols says, “All hell is going to break loose!”
He’s going to Walk….
The chaos will happen either way. TPTB have worked way to hard creating this race war to let it fizzle out. Race war under a civi war under a global war.
I always like it when an enemy warns me of what and when he/she/it/they are going to do something.
I am in NE Atlanta. The BLM leaders have said they would be headed to the suburbs. Cameras are loaded with fresh batteries and memory. The guns are readily accessible with multiple magazines at critical places.
Bring it!
Outside the beltway? It’s Not this incident that will turn the cities into Anarchy, but an Economic Depression/Collapse. Police are already sketchy, when getting paid in almost worthless dollars they will be MIA. You should already have a place up near the TN or NC line in the mountains, even a rusty trailer on 1 acre of land to evac to. When 20% of the population goes berserk, it’s Over. cya.
Hello NE ATL 🙂
I lived in Cobb County for all of my professional career. After I retired in 2005 moved to Cheyenne,Wyoming so I could finally own my own horses. Still have friends in Gwinnett, Cobb and Bartow county. What’s happening in the ATL just breaks my heart. You get tired of I285/75/85 take a look our way. You can dress for wind,cold and snow ;)…random gunfire is far more problematic.
Dont much care about The opinion of some Rabid Dog
They just telegraphed their punch demonstrating any riot won’t be spontaneous “demonstrations”.
If LE can’t/won’t enforce statute law, citizens will be forced to enforce Natural Law.
Another example of “justice” in America. Everyone is supposed to get a fair trial but the reality is a two-tiered justice system which protects everyone else but the people who pay for this tyranny. Isn’t that a classic definition of tyranny?
You can receive a fair trial here in America, just as long as you are any color,except White.
“cities will be on fire…”
lolz. as if I care.
I “feel” the same but if this were to spread from the origination point to several/many cities then the “supply chain” gets reduced. Food and other items for those of us outside the immediate “front lines”. How many are stocking up on Food and other supplies Now? Not Enough for sure.
Don’t be surprised when a lot of bullets come you way, we are not afraid of your bull.
As if Maya Echols can’t be hunted down and executed….
Let it come we aren’t all afraid of these wimps — they will be their own undoing -- I hope justice is served nothing more or less -God is watching all that people are doing -- and these people believe that nothing will happen to them -- not everywhere is a Portland or left run state
If Rioting happens, you can be Sure that it is at the Orders of (((Grygori Schwartz))) the communist Financier of Burn, Loot, Murder.
Tactical Suggestion: if you are in an AO that has Riots, DON’T waste Ammo on the monkeys. Find the Buses- You’ve then found the (((organizers))) who are Directing them. Eliminate the Leadership, Disable the Buses. The ferals then become Disorganized and easy to ‘deal with’, and can’t leave the AO.
That’s wise council. I’d love to have a nice kosher dinner with Georgy and Alex. 😊