Collapse is Going to Happen, Like It or Not

Now, don’t take this to mean that I don’t think institutions aren’t necessary. Institutional capture is definitely important (and likely), but it just won’t be institutions at the federal level. Instead, it would be better to have authority over institutions at the local and state levels which are closer to the actual people we want controlling them (i.e. us). This will especially be the case moving forward as federal institutions become increasingly irrelevant as the present regime bleeds both legitimacy and the capacity to truly enforce its edicts in the face of elements of decentralisation ranging from simple noncompliance to nullification perhaps even to outright secession.

In a very real sense, it would be much better to have someone like DeSantis in control of a large state exercising real power than a neutered Trump filling a slot in DC while being undermined at every turn. Indeed, I suspect that if there is, in fact, a Civil War II it will be due to continually escalated federal violence directed against states and localities that increasingly ignore and/or nullify federal administrative actions. It will come as a result of right-wing control over state and local institutions (the sort of capture that many of the blackpillers themselves would advocate), not because a bunch of “militia hillbillies” start some kind of guerilla war in the back country. I’m not saying such a conflict couldn’t happen, but it will likely be a response to repeated federal provocations, not an initiator of those provocations.

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2 years ago

“Jewish Prophet Warns Christians to Flee America Now!!!”

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago

DeSantis???? Nooooo!!!! When Ron was running for governor, he pledged to be the most pro Israel governor in the country. Recently, being a man of his word, he proclaimed Florida to be the most “Israel friendly” state in the country. When it comes to Israel, politicians keep their word.
What will it take for people to realize that the joo world order is proceeding as planned as our politicians help cover their tracks? A long article very well written yet the root of the problem is never mentioned.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

KABOOM! Well done m rapp!!!!
“To find our who rules over you, simply find out who you may not criticize.” Voltaire

2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

trust the holy spirit only and listen to his word and flee from mans word because it’s wicked, and put no faith in man what so ever in our day.