Complying With Tyranny

In the so-called “Land of the Free,” how many people will ever even question the limits of what they will allow political “authorities” to do to them?

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4 years ago

I generally like Larken Rose. His book, “The Most Dangerous Superstition” is spot on and recommended reading for everyone. While it may cause some cognitive dissonance, especially for those raised to respect and obey “authority”, once you read this book you will never look at the world the same.

Another good one is his video available on YT called The Tiny Dot and the principle goes hand in hand. In fact, it fits well with the subject of this video: from where does the “authority” the governors or whomever are telling everyone to shut down and go home originate? Even if we play the “we voted” and the word of the legislators becomes holy script in many cases the “authority” to make these proclamations, let along to enforce them via monetary fines, imprisonment, or even lethal force should you refuse the edicts of the badge monkey is non existent.

Take NC for example. Here is a link to a nation wide statement about quarantine authority: It may not be complete or up to date, but it is a good starting point.

Lets drill down to the two pertinent NC Gen Statutes:
130A-145. Quarantine and isolation authority and 130A-45. Title and purpose.
Link: and Link:

If you read them, you will see that there is no mention of any sort of “authority” for the current actions.

What it comes down to is The People’s mythical, or rather superstitious belief in the claim of “authority”.

Thomas Dowling
4 years ago

A Great Video!

“deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,”

Thomas Dowling
4 years ago

NEITHER Trump OR Any State Governor has the AUTHORITY to Open OR Close US Citizens & OUR economy!

Jon DeYoung
4 years ago

All US Citizens are nothing but employees of the US Corporation. As such, the Constitution does not apply unless you’re an American National. Our so called government was hijacked long ago. All States and lower levels of so called government are also corporations under the US Corp. As registered residents of a State you are considered incompetent wards of the State, Don’t believe this, start researching. You can start with the definition of the US. 28 USC Sec 3002 (15) (A).