Concerning Life’s Dilemmas and the Lord’s Guidance

When faced with one of life’s choices, it is easy to choose between good and evil. I thought that moving to Murphy, NC would be a little less stressful but it appears that the tests put forward by the Lord are independent of location.

Concerning the debate that I attended on Thursday night on Nullification vs. an Article V Convention of the States, I believe both strategies are flawed. Nullification at the state level will not happen in North Carolina. Our legislature is bought and paid for by our federal tax dollars. An Article V convention is a dangerous pathway to tyranny.

I did arrive late (based on an assumption on the event’s location) so I missed filming the first twenty minutes. Why is the important? The following is a portion of a post on Ed Figueroa’s “Ed for Commissioner” Facebook page:

I only hope that Dr. Dan’s partner David DeGerolamo, of NCRenegade who was videotaping the event will publish this event in its entirety for everyone to see and determine for themselves what is really happening here. I applaud Mrs. Jacquie Peterson for her demeanor and very elegant presentation.

The dilemma is something that I have been contemplating since this event. I have decided not to post any video of Mrs. Peterson at this event. There are many reasons but the primary one is that no one wins. She reacted badly and the messenger gets shot also. Is it my responsibility to report events? Only if they are important. It has always been my personal policy not to edit videos that I post. I may add commentary in an article but it is up to the viewer to determine the facts presented. In fact, many of my videos are used by “the other side” to attack Liberty. Al Sharpton used one of my videos on MSNBC to attack Dr. Brannon as the most recent example.

I believe the request above to post her video is more of a challenge: whether I post this or not, both Mrs. Peterson and I lose.

I prayed for guidance last night on several issues and the message was simple: Sacred honor. We cannot let ourselves be distracted by what is not important. Our path is simple if the Lord is providing guidance. And we listen to Him. Good and evil are simple concepts: there is no gray when presenting the truth or when honor is at stake. This is not the time for distractions or personal attacks. This is the time to trust in the Lord.

David DeGerolamo

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Peter Alexander
Peter Alexander
10 years ago

Amen David. God bless you and all Patriots who stand and speak out in defense of our God given liberties, whether freedom of speech, assembly, religious expression, freedom from unlawful search and seizure, the right to own, trade and use arms to protect ourselves, our families, communities and/or our Constitution.

I urge every citizen, regardless of political party, religious affiliation, personal attitude, ethnicity, financial resources, education, experiences, sins (and I pray we each seek forgiveness and salvation) or any other diversity, that we each stand up and defend faith, family and freedom. Read or re-read the Constitution and study our founding documents and the authors and what they meant to say, which is clear, and you will agree that we have the Constitution in common.

Should we fail to unite and defend and preserve the Constitution and the rule of law, our nation will continue to be at risk of destruction from within as well as without, as we are currently.

America can be destroyed; our way of life has already been damaged and disrupted significantly. Our enemies are living among us and can attack our vulnerable schools, children, shopping malls and infrastructure, so be on guard and be prepared to stand in the gap, as many of our Patriotic brothers and sisters are doing right now.

So my friends and fellow citizens, stop attempting to control others because you disagree with their decision to home school, oppose common cause in our educational system, live and reflect their faith, own guns, seek limited government and states rights, etc., etc.

Our government is rapidly eroding the Constitution. It is past the time for citizens to unite and stand strong. Remove (Impeach, Recall, Vote Out) Congressional Representatives and State Legislators who fail to protect the Constitution and replace them with Honorable Constitutionalists.

Whether or not you believe in God, He is real and He will continue to guide our lives and the direction of this nation; however, you and I must, yes we must stand up and defend the gift that He has given us -- The United States Constitution. If not now, when? If not us, who?

Recreational activities are great and in moderation they are fine to continue to relax and enjoy; however, now is the time to get serious we must preserve and protect our Constitution and American way of life.

Those who legally immigrate to America are welcome and like every other people from every other nation need to learn and live our American values, customs and way of life. Of course the richness of this nation is the diversity of cultures and the gifts we each bring to America. The primary culture must remain American. Our birth country cultures are wonderful to share as our past as long as our American culture is our present and future.

Stop hating others who have more or less education, skills, money, houses, land, etc. If our neighbor can prosper so can we.

If you took an oath in the military, in law enforcement, in government or as a civilian to defend the Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic, then we must not follow unConstitutional orders from government officials, military or law enforcement.

I pray for peace for you, your families, the nation and the world. May God bless your homes and hearts with His love, joy and peace.

God bless America and long live the Republic. Peace, Peter ~

10 years ago

Thank you, David, for your insight and faith. I have also prayed about what happened last Thursday night. My intention for the debacle that the Thursday night event turned out to be was noble. Now I see, first hand, how the leftists work and I will not do anything that will further their campaign of terror, be it physical or mental, by publishing the video I made. Nor will I succumb to it. My knee-jerk reaction to the attacks I have been subject to since Thursday night was to quit. But I am not going to quit. My wife is afraid for my life for not giving in. I do not blame her. These people do believe that the ends justify the means… any means. I am aware that they have no morality, no integrity and no conscience. They murder, threaten, bribe, extort, steal, assassinate character and bear false witness as easily as I drink a glass of milk. And they are diabolical, smart and covert. Well, so be it. My mission is to bring light into dark places in hearts that are still open. The Thursday event only made my resolve that much stronger. They fired the first shot.

Mark E. Smith
Union Towns County Tea Party