Concerning Operation Warpspeed

I do not agree with Trump’s affirmation of the COVID-19 response by the government. What would you have done? Our educational system in this country has failed. I would expect less than 1 person in 100,000 has the basics of molecular biology to start to even grasp viral mRNA infections and how to fight them. But I do know that there are a large percentage of people who understand profit and have little regard for life.

But back to Trump’s response to the pandemic. I do have the background in molecular biology to understand the science and the scientific principles to analyze and make projections based on the progression of the disease in its early stages. Remember R0? Based on the information that was released to the public, SARS-COV2 was a naturally occurring virus that caused COVID-19. The projections concerning R0, how to contain the transmission around the world and the number of deaths were all wrong (fabricated). But no one knew that other than China, Fauci and the pharmaceutical companies.

I was an early proponent for taking precautions, sanitation and masks. Not the N95 masks but the real biological masks which we bought in January 2020. Shortly thereafter, these masks were taken off the market. Also taken off the market was ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine which were effective but would not allow EULAs for the new gene therapy to be approved. That should have been a red flag in the news but again, that was suppressed and censored.

When did I start to distrust the science? When I saw the genetic manipulation of the furin cleavage site in the virus. Then I saw the report in Virology in 2005 concerning the effectiveness of treating SAR-COV with chloroquine. There were many other signs for me to start distrusting the “science” but the final nail was reclassifying gene therapy as a vaccine.

Looking back, not one reader here would have acknowledged the depth of evil that allowed the world to suffer the effects of a plandemic and its subsequent “vaccine” which has killed over 17 million people (and counting). And even today, people are getting boosters and our “medical community” is supporting the pharma/government narrative.

But back to Trump. What could a businessman with real estate/construction experience do concerning a pandemic but trust his advisors? And we now know his advisors were incompetent and even culpable in this mass genocide. I have no doubt that Donald Trump loves this country and its people. I have no doubt that Donald Trump believed that Operation Warp Speed was the correct path to treat the virus. How many people reading this article have the experience and knowledge to understand the science to comprehend the magnitude of a pandemic and address it? If you were President, what would you have done? And do not forget that Congress, the media, educational institutions and the military are were lined up with this genocide.

I know that many will not agree with this assessment. It is easy to look back and criticize once some of the truth was released. It is easy to find a fall guy to blame. I will blame Trump for trusting his advisors but you have to also remember that any doctor or scientist who tried to come out with the truth was censored, threatened and ridiculed. Did you forget the social media censorship by the CIA on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube concerning COVID-19 and the side effects of the vaccine?

I have not watched Trump speeches lately but I do not recall seeing any news where he still endorses Operation Warpspeed. If you do want someone to vilify, I suggest you start with Dr. Fauci who is now retired and collecting a federal pension of $350,000 per year. That is almost $1000 a day which does not include his royalties from pharmaceutical products.

So how can we do better when the next pandemic is released? I don’t have all of the answers but I do know that the medical community will not regain the trust of the people before it happens. I also believe COVID-19 was a dry run and its lessons will be used against us: the next pandemic will be deadlier and people will not take it seriously until it is too late.

I do not agree with everything that Trump did but I believe he was purposefully misled by his advisors. Do you think you could have done better not knowing how evil our true enemy is and how embedded they were in 2020?

David DeGerolamo

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11 months ago

Well Mr. D, that is a fair, mature and gracious assessment. Well done.

tom finley
tom finley
11 months ago

I agree with most of what you stated in the article, TINVOWOOT is the answer for me. The whole of this illegal regime participated in their treasonous actions, there is only one path I believe in at this time and it involves a lot of bloody violence.

tom finley
tom finley
11 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

That is my belief as well, they will not allow him to be elected again assassination is not off the table as well.

foot in the forest
foot in the forest
11 months ago
Reply to  tom finley

Assisted suicide or planned accident sounds much more civil than assassination.

tom finley
tom finley
11 months ago

Yea, they are probable consulting hildabeast for that option.

11 months ago
Reply to  tom finley

Well, Tom Finley, you’ve had three years to do something about it. Exactly what have you done except not vote? Are you ever going to do anything?

tom finley
tom finley
11 months ago
Reply to  Survivormann99

How do you know what I am doing? Why would I talk about it on the internet. You seem to have some special knowledge or should I say friends in high places eh.

11 months ago
Reply to  tom finley

Okay, sure, Tom, I don’t know what you’re doing, but I didn’t comment on what you are doing. I questioned what YOU HAVE DONE. I find it interesting that those who claim “there is no way to vote yourself out of this” have never done anything in the past three years (except to toss around the acronym “TINVOWOOT”) except, of course, press keys on a keyboard. Otherwise, there would be press reports about it, and Democrats would be screaming to high heaven.

The VERY LAST THING that patriots should do is to stay away from the polls in November. Acquiescing to another Democrat Administration is in no patriot’s interest, and the last three years have proven that NO ONE will be doing anything effective about it.

tom finley
tom finley
11 months ago
Reply to  Survivormann99

Again TINVOWOOT, or has had been said vote from the tree line.

11 months ago

Thank you, David, for your review. I agree with you. I wonder about this new “pandemic” that’s supposed to hit. Supposedly they don’t know what it is but they believe it will be 100% fatal. What? There are two things I know: we don’t know exactly what they will do to stay in power but it will be ugly and we all need to be right with God today!

David Shoemaker
David Shoemaker
11 months ago

I don’t have the education that you have, however I worked in the chemical demilitarization industry for 10 years. When they were recommending the n95 mask, this was against all of my training. I also bought an NBC mask.
I totally agree with you. Thank you.

Joanna Martin
11 months ago

When I was a child, my parents had an English translation of Boccaccio’s Decameron, which is a contemporary account of the bubonic plague which swept Italy during 1348. I read it, and learned that a plague is when the wagons come by once a day to pick up the dead bodies.
Today, I live in a rural area and have to pass by a cemetery and a funeral home to get to town. I passed the Cemetery -- nothing was going on! I expected to see gravediggers digging one grave after another. I then passed the funeral home. The parking lot was almost empty -- no funerals going on there. So when we got to town, we drove by the hospital -- nothing going on there either.
So where were all the people who died from this illness which was so contagious and deadly that we were supposed to stay at home, wear masks, and stand no closer than 6 feet from other people? They didn’t exist. People didn’t start dying until they went to the Hospitals -- which, in order to keep their damned federal funding -- obeyed Fauci’s dictate re treatment of “COVID” victims.
While Trump probably did trust his advisors (whom he had selected); common sense warned us that it was all a scam.
RFK, Jr. said that he and Trump met before Trump was elected and Trump promised to set up a Board to investigate vaccine injury with RFJ, Jr. running it. But then Bill Gates (I think it was) bragged about how he got Trump to renig on his promise to RFK, Jr.
And I did read that Phizer donated some $1 Million to Trump for his inauguration ceremony.

Vince Speshock
Vince Speshock
11 months ago

He relied on the experts and they stabbed him in the back. Simple as that.

Hammers Thor
11 months ago

Thank you David, for your thoughtful and accurate post regarding President Trump and the initial responses to the [plan]demic. I agree with almost everything you have said here… on point I might consider is that many of us knew very early on that this was an engineered virus (I knew by Fbruary 2020), and that mRNA “vaccines” were extremely dangerous. The cacophany that must have been hammering President Trump at this time deafened him to sane voices like yours and many other experts.

We must remember that we were not in the rooms with him when his “experts” were lying to him and convincing him that he would be a hero, when in fact they were setting the stage for his crucifixion.

Where I possibly do not completely agree with you is this statement: Looking back, not one reader here would have acknowledged the depth of evil that allowed the world to suffer the effects of a plandemic and its subsequent “vaccine” which has killed over 17 million people (and counting). “
I honestly believe that you DID acknowledge the depth of the evil, indeed we discussed it many times, including the projected deaths (which we may have overestimated, but only temporarily) from the disease, but more especially the “vaccine”. From the disease, it was primarily from the mistreatment of patients with remdesivir and ventilators, the failure of allowing actual treatments like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and even the efforts of people like Senator Dick Durbin to block the access of Americans to Vitamin D, via an end-run with the FDA requiring additional labeling and then removal of “unapproved” supplements. From the vaccine, many of us here knew, I submit instinctively, that the mRNA gene-therapy treatments were dangerous and potentially deadly. THIS is why we refused them. Isn’t it interesting how those of us who didn’t take the VAXX haven’t “died suddenly”?

It’s extremely difficult for good people to acknowledge the existence of pure evil, but acknowledge it we must. This is more important now than ever. Trust has been destroyed, and so the next step in their genocide may be forced medical treatments, imprisonment based on fake charges, and potentially even poisoning or infecting our food and water supply. This last one is what concerns me the most, because the ways they can accomplish this are myriad.

Of even greater concern, however, are the long-term effects on people who have subjected themselves to the vaccine and the boosters. There is mounting evidence (again, we all knew this was a possibility very early on) that these gene-therapies affect the brain… interesting how the vaccines are comprised of lipid nanoparticles, which are tools to take medicine past the blood-brain barrier, and the effects of the vaxx on the brain are cumulative and devastating. Sure, there are plenty of anecdotes of how nasty some people have become since taking the vaxx, but Dr. Michael Nehls suggests that the vaxx is triggering mass psycopathy as well, and he has the evidence to back it up. Psycopaths cannot be reasoned with, and they are in positions of power.

From Michael Nehls website:
Around the world, mental performance is declining, especially among young people, while depression rates are rising dramatically. One in forty people now suffers from Alzheimer’s, and the age of onset is falling rapidly. But the causes are not being eliminated. Can this be a coincidence? “The Indoctrinated Brain” presents a largely unknown, powerful neurobiological mechanism whose mostly unnoticed, but multiple disruptions underlie these catastrophic developments. In this book, Dr. Michael Nehls, a physician and internationally renowned molecular geneticist, lays out a staggering chain of evidence that suggests that behind these numerous negative influences lies a targeted, masterfully executed attack on our individuality, with the goal of depriving people of their ability to think for themselves. But it is not too late. By revealing these brain-damaging processes and describing individually implementable countermeasures, Nehls brings light and hope to this fateful chapter in human history. Nothing less than the question of whether our species will be able to preserve its humanity and creative power, or whether it will lose them irretrievably, will be decided in our time.”
This is in direct reference to the effects of the mRNA vaccines.

Again, excellent post. We are in mortal danger.

11 months ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

Well stated. Remdesivir! Poison! Paxlavoid is still EUA! The lockdowns stopped cancer patients from getting surgery! My daughter had to be radiated in her-pelvis because her cancer surgery was delayed due to the hospital telling her all surgeries were on hold. She lives with deadly tissue damage from this radiation.
How about the children? The bastards forced them to wear masks. PoorTrump! I will not drink that Kool Aid.

11 months ago
Reply to  Jane

Paxlavoid still EUA! Safe from liability! Your not.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
11 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Everyone is hoping for a peacefulish, legalish, solution. Most people today have neither the stomach nor the spine for what that would need to look like. Thats why they will continue to win.
Rule 308 buddy, thats the short route to justice in our lifetimes, but it’ll be hell. Imagine being in Switzerland this week!

11 months ago

I studied this pandemic till 2am every evening with my brother.. As soon as I learned about gain of function I was cured of the pandemic propaganda. I was cured of the vax propaganda when I learned about the DOD request to Pfizer to produce a covid mrna “prototype.” If I were President I would not have locked the nation down based on the corrupt CDC, FDA “experts.” I would have allowed use of Ivermectin and chloroquine. and left doctors “free” to be doctors.

11 months ago
Reply to  Jane

Jane you miss the point. The Experts INCLUDING the CDC were Telling Trump that lockdowns and all that your pontificate about.

Hindsight is 20/20 they say.

Jane what is your experience in leadership and expertise in medicine?

You seem to have strong opinions about it.

11 months ago
Reply to  Michael

I made my statement.

11 months ago
Reply to  Jane

And in the spirit of this mornings exchange why do you not answer the question?

What is your experience to back up your opinions?

I chose not to be Vaccinated under great pressure and even was laid off for 3 months until the surgeon’s I worked with demanded my return.

My discussions with my Doctors kept most of them unvaccinated. So the hospital had to make arrangements for the unvaccinated to work.

11 months ago

I sent an email to dozens of people on either January 24 or January 26, 2020, weeks before the mask recommendation came down, telling them to buy masks because I saw the news reports coming out of China. I knew that masks were going to disappear from the market. I specifically recommended N95 masks because I read that the immune system could deal with the 5% of the virus that made it through, and because N100 masks were difficult to use for long. Personally, I bought gas masks for me and my family in the expectation that COVID was going to be the new Ebola. Scenes from Chinese cities seemed to confirm that expectation.
Maybe it was in April that my wife, a former RN, began saying, “Something is not right here.” By May, I was feeling that “I had been had.” When the Vaxx arrived, I said, “No way. Let Mikey try it.” To this day, I am “pure blood.” I am very pleased that I was in a position to refuse the Vaxx, and I have sympathy for those who, either due to their work situation or for compelling personal reasons, felt compelled to take it. For example, my wife could not visit her 95-year-old mother in an assisted living home unless she got the Vaxx. She chose the J & J Vaxx because it wasn’t MRNA based.
About Trump, I am feeling vindicated here, having gotten in trouble in the past. The Left calculates what it can get away with. The greater the number of people who don’t vote, the greater the number of people who are classified as apolitical. The greater the number of apolitical voters, the more aggressive the Left will be with dirty, underhanded efforts, ballot stuffing, illegal ballot harvesting, and undercounting. If Feeble Joe stays in the race, a feather could knock him over this time.
In November 2024, vote hard. Vote very, very hard. There is no downside.

tom finley
tom finley
11 months ago
Reply to  Survivormann99

Tinvowoot BOY.

Hammers Thor
11 months ago
Reply to  Survivormann99

Obviously not everyone here agrees with you, but I do. As long as I have the right to vote, I will exercise that right. I would never admonish anyone for not voting, as they have every bit as much right not to. Am I participating in an evil system by voting? Perhaps, but I do not believe that exercising my right to vote is evil. Tom Finley may be right, TINVOWOOT. Recent history certainly supports this. Nevertheless, they will have to murder me in order to keep me from exercising that right, and I promise I will not make that easy for them.

11 months ago

The SARS2, Covid 19 bio weapon changed my life. I started researching 7 days a week. I’m retired and don’t watch tv. Alt media was the start of the curiosity. Virologists from all over the world were yelling at the top of their lungs, no vax. I watched videos of the scientists that created covid talking about how they couldn’t make it contagious enough. The following scientists spoke out against the nonsense, Dr. Micheal Yeadon, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Luc Montagnier, Dr. Kari Mullis and so many more. I knew early on it was a bio weapon made in the USA. Trump didn’t have a plan for staffing his administration. He had almost no friends. No one with connections to bring in the right people. He actually didn’t have a clue. He let establishment Republicans supply the staff. Quite frankly, Trump was unqualified to be President then. I don’t see much change for the better in him, right now. We’re screwed. The bad guys have another bio weapon waiting to dump on us. WW3. Financial collapse. And who knows what else. I hope I live long enough to take part in the fun. Shouldn’t be too much longer.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
11 months ago
Reply to  Nobody

If you paid attention, you knew. I got as far as AP Bio in HS. Wasn’t even the virus shit, all the BS surrounding it told you something wasn’t kosher, if you bothered to ask. Most people don’t bother to ask!

11 months ago

Endless worship of the false idol/god Trump from so many people that are blinded but should know better. I am not going to waste my time here listing the innumerable problems and red flags with this man that “almost” nobody on the right wants to imvestigate and discuss. Kudos to David Knight on this topic for taking a stand against this man. Trump is not a savior… he is one of the most prideful/arrogant/narcissistic human beings I have ever seen and he even rivals Obama in that department. America is spiritually corrupt and already fallen and entering into judgment from our Creator as we are Mystery Babylon. No politician will or can “save” America. When in the world are people going to wake up and see the truth??

11 months ago
Reply to  A.C.W.

Most of America’s wannabe “leaders” must first don the small hat and head over to the Wailing Wall, to publicly offer their abject obeisance to Israel. (Trump did; DeSantis too).
Skip the above? No major elected office for YOU, sir!

Last edited 11 months ago by TakeAHardLook
11 months ago
Reply to  A.C.W.


11 months ago

I found this paper on May 11, 2020; it describes the presence of FOUR HIV-like (two identical) amino acid loci on the SARS-CoV2 spike protein that could not have occurred in nature (>1/1 quadrillion chance).
The paper was “withdrawn…for possible revision,” meaning “pressure.”
Accordingly, I and my family & my office staff are “Purebloods” and shall remain so.
Trump was taken in by master-level criminals like Fauci and many at NIH, FDA and all of BigPharma, especially (((Bourla))) as head of Pfizer.
Trump had (IMO) a desire to help humanity but also fancied himself the “savior of mankind.”
His stratospherically tall ego prevents him from acknowledging his massive errors; it would be nice were he to admit error and move on but he cannot.
I would vote again for him if I actually believed that voting is not an utter waste of my time.
[Above link may be faulty. Will search for better--or post salient paragraphs if anyone is interested].

Last edited 11 months ago by TakeAHardLook
Hammers Thor
11 months ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

This was the first article I read that convinced me that Covid was not a natural occurence: -- published 17 February 2020.
I had family members call me a conspriracy nut and subsequently disregard everything I said on the topic. They’re all vaxxed, boosted, and very likely dying. I don’t understand how people can be so willing to believe whatever the government media tries to push down our throats, and completely dismiss anything that says otherwise. It’s too bad, and unfortunately, it won’t likely change… especially now that so many vaxxed have suffered permanent brain damage from the shots. Tragic.

11 months ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

While my specialty does not require me to offer vaxxes, I was an information reservoir for my patients, many of whom actually cried when I, as a medical professional, validated their inherent caution and common sense when confronted with the question of vaxxing or not vaxxing their families.
It was OK to WAIT, wait for data--wait for SANITY--rather than fear porn, to not fear an influenza-type illness with a <0.03% likelihood of death.
We all KNEW that there was an AGENDA!
We need Nuremberg II trials. Immediately.

Tom Winslow
Tom Winslow
11 months ago

I reposted this on FB and X. Hope I do not get canceled as a result.

Diva of Dance
Diva of Dance
11 months ago

To be clear, my science background ended with my high school biology class as a sophomore. When the reports of people in China falling over and dying and some writhing in agony in the hallways of the hospitals, I thought whoa—lets see where this goes. [I had seen crisis actors before so I was suspicious.] As soon as the hype about rushing for a vaccine was being reported, I thought whoa—what about safety testing? [I knew it takes many years of testing before any drug is approved for anything.] By the time masking, distancing, and self-quarantining was being pushed, I thought whoa—wearing a fabric mask the likes of which was being handed out in stores and sold in pharmacy departments, is like putting up a chain-link fence to keep fleas out of your yard. By the time the media was pointing to an accidental release from a lab in China as being the origins of this “pandemic”, I thought whoa—whether by accident or intent, this is a lie. I reasoned that the behavior of the media and elites pointed to something else as the explanation for the high mortalities; we all know what those reasons are now. BUT THINK A MINUTE. (1) Accidental leak? I think not. When the majority of people under the age of 20 are not affected, and when the survival rate from this virus is 98%+, how could this be nothing more than the seasonal flu circulating the world? (2) Intentional release? I think not. If the research yielded a truly deadly strain of an airborne virus, do you think the elites would have released something that they would also be susceptible to? TRUTH: The bioweapon IS the vaxx!!! The elitists are already touting fear of the next deadly plandemic and there will be many more deaths, but not because of any new viral disease. Mortality will increase due to the damage done with the c19 vaxx and the new mRNA jabs they are developing to be pushed upon the sheeple.

11 months ago
Reply to  Diva of Dance

Diva one of your best posts.

I refused the “mandatory vaxx” and was laid off for 3 moths until “arrangements” for unvaxxed were made.

Over 3 decades in the medical field and remember how long it took to make and test a vaccine for anything, so I called BS on that. I also am old enough to remember “Miracal drugs” that even while approved proved less than acceptable and withdrawn. Does Thalidomide ring a bell?

I also expect sooner than later the rat poison known as Warfarin will be deemed not a good idea for blood thinning.

However, I do suspect that COVID 19 is also a bioweapon, a mild one but enough with massive propaganda to drive the sheeple into the 2nd stage bioweapon the not a vaxx.

Hammers Thor
11 months ago
Reply to  Michael

I agree. I have never believed it was an accidental release… I am beyond certain it was intentional. However, the disease itself, an engineered chimera, was not nearly as dangerous as the vaccine, which was the end-goal of the elites to exterminate a certain percentage of the population. It was a two-step process… kill many with the disease, create panic, and then kill many many more with the gene-therapy shot.

I’ll wager that they are surprised and amazed at how well their propaganda program worked… they probably never imagined that BILLIONS of people would take the vaccines.

11 months ago

Fauci’s assets should go to his victims.

11 months ago
Reply to  Doug

His Holiness, St. Anthony Fauci, will never pay a serious penalty for COVID--with the possible exception of it being in the court of public opinion. I expect that there are still faded signs in his neighborhood from 2021 that read, “Thank you, Dr. Fauci!” It will take a mountain of evidence to turn the public’s view around. So far, the majority of the public still sees him as a god.

11 months ago

Frankly, I trusted no one from the very beginning -- I started my vitamin, herb, and mineral supplement protocol early in 2020. I am not vaccine reistant AT ALL, I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN VACCINE -- R E F U S A L ! . There has never been a hesitancy for me!. By the way with my protocal I have not even had a cold since I started my protocal 4 yrs now! wILL I BE ABLE NOT GET THE NEXT PLAN-DEMIC? ONLY GOD KNOWS!

11 months ago

Trump was fooled like most. I’m sure there were voices offering other solutions and warnings. All I know is that my mother, brother and his wife/kids, closest friends, etc etc all took the jab. The Lord was gracious to warn me so I warned them. Even with that, they took it because “I need ________________”. Trump was in the same boat. You make your choices, take your chances. Every person I know who took it is experiencing some health malady. Only thing we can do now is care for those we love because they’re gonna need it ;and, hold the liars and murderers accountable.


[…] From a previous post: “Looking back, not one reader here would have acknowledged the depth of evil that allowed the world to suffer the effects of a plandemic and its subsequent “vaccine” which has killed over 17 million people (and counting). “ […]