Concerning the Fight Against Evil

Simple math tells us that 2 > 1. I regret to inform you that evil is not always overcome by good. We have found this out the hard way and rationalize our situation in various and often erroneous ways.


Biden is more evil than Trump. And yet, Biden is the fraudulent pResident of the country. Does that mean that Trump is the lesser of two evils and therefore should be the better candidate? Should we put a value on the evilness of Trump and Biden like 6 billion > 10?

I do not vote because I will not participate in the selection or election of a government rooted in evil. The point here is that we spend too much time debating issues on which we have no control. Everyone knows the 2020 elections were fraudulent and therefore the results are invitiated. Are we evil because we do not stand up against evil?

There were some comments recently that any level of evil disqualifies the individual regardless of other positive traits or even if the accusations were valid. If that is how we measure evil, then we all are evil.

There are two things to consider:

  1. If we are unable to defeat evil, we will lose. It is simple math that some people will not accept. Russia is greater than Ukraine, therefore Ukraine will be defeated. The flaw in this example is that Ukraine is more evil than Russia. The point to consider is that we are involved in this conflict to continue the expansion of US hegemony.
  2. Are we required to fight evil? Yes. BUT we must pick our fights or evil will win. We did not stand up against evil and we (and the world) are paying a heavy price. If a small warlord in Somalia pillages a village, are we required personally to hold him accountable? If you answered yes, consider:

Trust but verify are wise words. Researching the truth in order to make sapient decisions should be a bedrock of our actions. Instead, we convict on half truths or the sins of the father:

The first question we should be asking is if it is a relevant issue. If we decide that it is, then ask if we can change it. We must fight evil and our apathy has made this evil omnipresent. What did Jesus tell us to do in times such as these:

If good always defeats evil, we would not need a sword to fight. Evaluate the evil that we must fight and decide how and if we can win the individual battle. The Lord will support righteous men despite the odds but we must want to win, properly arm ourselves and trust in the Lord. Our first step is to become righteous Men of God.

David DeGerolamo

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tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

In my human condition and born into to sin, it is a struggle staying on the path layed out in the Bible. Jesus Christ experienced this in his human condition and overcame the condition without sinning. I am sure I will still need some work on this until I get that dirt shirt. In an older post it was talking about not judging and commenter exposed that lie. I believe we are in disobedience to God Almighty for our apathy and lack of action, I also believe 2+2=4.

Roth Harbard
1 year ago

This …

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

I myself believe that time is coming SOON.

1 year ago

To not vote is to have voted. It’s a privilege to vote. As far as who to vote for is between you and God. But consider this: Would God be pleased if you voted for someone who is OK with murdering children in the womb? Would God be Ok if you voted for someone who thinks it’s Ok to mutilate children’s private parts? “Hate the things that God hates.” -- God. A good barometer to start sorting out your candidate. Turn to God’s Word for Wisdom. Don’t throw your vote away.

Roth Harbard
1 year ago
Reply to  Martha

OK. So let’s think about this. THEY choose the Democrat candidate. THEY choose the Republican candidate. Heads THEY win. Tails YOU lose. The Conservatives have conserved nothing. At best they’ve served as a minor speed bump. It’s more like a una-party. Actually, many of us have figured out that it makes no difference who one votes for because even those who talk the talk don’t seem able to walk the walk. So why vote? It only encourages them.
Oh, and you’re right about not voting being a vote. I vote none of the above and won’ wasted my time going to the polls. My absence says it all. I do make exception for state and local. Federal, however, is a lost cause. It’s either hang all of them or wait for the collapse they’re causing to come and then … hang all of them. Trials being optional.

1 year ago

This article was refreshing. I, too, am not voting. I have removed myself from voter registration. I reread “Live Not by Lies” again last night after a long time. I refuse to live with the comforting illusions the media throws at us 24/7. Most importantly I must try my best to safeguard my soul with God’s help.

Do not endorse falsity.
Do note cede your claim to truth.
We are in this spiritual battle together.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

Good for you Jane, I as well will not be voting any longer. the machines are all rigged for democrats to win as well as Rinos. our votes have been ripped off since the Clintons, Obama/ Obiden came to office illegally. I was a person who did his civic duty as well as my wife every election cycle because we wanted a better nation with one rule of law and honest and moral leaders, and I will no longer vote for evil people running and lying to us continually in both parties.

1 year ago
Reply to  Phil

I support you abd your wife’s view 100 percent. I stand with both of you. They can take their voting machines and throw them in the ocean for all I care. The game is over for me. ✝️

Snotty Boy
Snotty Boy
1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

Jane, is this the book by Rod Dreher? If so, it was an eye opener for me. I highly recommend EVERYONE find a copy and read/study it.
I haven’t voted since 2008 in any (s)election. My county’s election board has removed me from the roles. I have no interest in lending legitimacy (by my participation) in a system that has long been corrupt. Instead, I spend time preparing and training for the war the Beast unleashes against the saints (See The Revelation of John).

1 year ago
Reply to  Snotty Boy

Here is the original author of the essay. Yes, Rod Dreher also wrote a book about the original essay.

It’s inspiring to learn that you will not partake in the filthy predator corruption. I support your stance. I stand with you. ✝️

1 year ago

“Spock, I’ve found that evil usually triumphs -- unless good is very, very careful.” Dr. Leonard McCoy

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

“There were some comments recently that any level of evil disqualifies the individual regardless of other positive traits or even if the accusations were valid. If that is how we measure evil, then we all are evil.”
You are putting your spin on things.
i do not believe we ‘disqualified’ anyone. Some of us merely are pointing out that men should not be put on this pedestal that you and others most certainly try to put them on.
Trump and Obama are two more, fine examples of this.
Also Good does and has overcome evil, although it is not how man wants it or understands it to happen.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Turning back to Him is key. (Putting Him first.)
Elon: And many subjects of discussion, Truth is going to also be a divider.