Do you ever feel like an alien in your own country? I used to love the flag. Would sing the Anthem at the top of my lungs at football games while I got cold chills up and down my back. Pride, man. I was so proud of my country. Then I started to read things that changed all that, and recognized the import of things already read. ‘My’ country, the Constitutional Republic followed by the CSA, was conquered and occupied by a foreign army. Still is occupied … by criminals, traitors, and collectivists. I recognized that the country in which I live is not the shinning city on a hill, but a corrupt, decadent, and depraved empire that cares not at all for its own people. It cannot in any way be considered a ‘nation’ since it has no single language, culture, religion, race, or defensible borders. It is the very antithesis of ‘united’.
I used to believe in democracy. I worked diligently in the Grand Old Party to advance free enterprise, limited government, and a strong national defense (not wars of empire). I was a county GOP chairman, a paid field representative in a US Senate campaign, volunteer in numerous campaigns, and faithful voter and cheerleader. Then ‘W’ came on the scene and with a Republican Congress and Senate grew the size of government more than any other administration in American history up to that point, lied us into wars, and gave us a Patriot Act that put the Bill of Rights on life support. Further experience taught me that the GOP was worse than the Democrats. At least the Dems told you what they were going to do. The GOP just stuck the shive in your back and behaves as little more than a speed bump to the destruction of all things good, and beautiful, and true. Turns out the powers that be select the nominees of both parties. Heads they win, tails you lose. Even if we were allowed free and fair elections (we’re not, obviously, reference 2020) 50.1% of imbeciles could/do rule the country. So much for our ‘democracy’. It’s been many years since I voted in Federal elections. Pointless, and it only encourages them.
I used to be a regular doctrinaire Christian. No need for ‘winks and nods’ for membership. The Trinity, Jesus is God, the cross (the Hebrew word is stake), burn in hell if you don’t walk the aisle, etc. was my reality. Then … books. Lots of books which led to … lots of questions and a rejection of orthodoxy. How many denominations? And if you choose the wrong one you fry? Why can’t Christians just agree to accept and abide by the teachings of Jesus without all the doctrines of men? Read church history, read the Bible tabula rasa, and one will likely join me in the ranks of heresy. Note: Please don’t get butt hurt over this. I’m in no way attempting to change anyone’s mind on religion or start a big argument. Paul said to work out your own salvation in fear and trembling. I’m just offering my confession here. You have your walk and I have mine. Hopefully they’re both productive.
Used to be … family. Mom, dad, kids. Dad was male, mom female, and kids one or the other based on the plumbing they were born with. Sodomites stayed in the closet where they belonged. No one taught CRT or encouraged kindergartners to learn how to fit a condom or question their gender. Boys bathrooms were for boys, girls for girls. Johnny played with toy guns and toy soldiers and Mary played with dolls. I learned about sex at thirteen years of age. Really. TV was ‘clean’ back then.
The military was for killing people and breaking things when someone invaded my country. OK, since the War of Northern Aggression that hasn’t been so (don’t give me Pearl Harbor, FDR knew the Japs were coming), but it should be. Even after, there was no room for anything that would interfere with mission readiness and capability. No ‘woke’ training. No females in combat. No throwing warriors out for refusing to take experimental drugs. Our generals didn’t plot and scheme against the Commander in Chief.
The family doctor was trusted above all others. He made house calls and really cared about your well being. If a hospital was necessary, same, same. Trusted and cared. Now they get paid to kill you. Profit trumps altruism every time. No profit in the cure, only in the treatment. Institutions of higher learning were buffets of ideas. Everything was open for discussion, elaboration, and debate. Now they’re just indoctrination centers for the Leftists and collectivists. Free speech was a thing. It really was.
Certainly the fiat currency and economy are looking to collapse due to unsustainable spending, debt, and interventions in places we have no business. Our masters have raped the system quite effectively. They now plot our demise with the survivors being limited to those who accept transhumanism and the extinction of we pure-bloods. It’s like I’ve stumbled into a dystopian dream. The only hope is to pray for either Divine intervention or that it all burn. Burn all the way to the ground and begin again. If the combined governments of the West, led by the United States, continue to prod the Bear, we may, indeed, see it all burn in the form of beautiful mushroom clouds.
Yeah, preaching to the choir, I know. It’s just … damn. I want to DO something to fix it and I feel … no, not feel … recognize that there’s nothing to be done, at least nothing over which I/we have any control. Sure, we can take up arms and … what? Who has a mission plan? Who has organization? Who do we shoot? OK, I admit I have a long list, but can’t get near any of them so what’s the point of the list? How does a group avoid informants and plants that ultimately get them all jailed or killed? I’m reminded of the Sioux warrior who, having lost his family, his tribe, and his land faced an oncoming troop of US cavalry. He calmly dismounted, jammed his lance into the ground, tied one leg to the lance with a length of buffalo sinew and took tomahawk in hand. He no longer wished to live in the alien world that had been forced upon him and so stood as a proud representative of his people to go down swinging. Perhaps our history will rhyme with his, either literally or metaphorically.
Like many of you, I wish I had an answer for what we are to do. It always seems to come back to prayer, training, and prepping. We are, as Tolstoy considered, all just pawns of history, along for the ride. We must await the right circumstance and opportunity. Patience, unfortunately, is a virtue I have far too little of, but I’m trying. A young Marine veteran of Iraq I know posted the following. I share his hopes.
I confess to being an alien on this land mass and a heretic of modernity. I am a straight, white, traditionalist, Heritage American, Christian following the simple tenants of the Way of the First Century. I seek the good, the true, and the beautiful and, like the Sioux warrior, I’m prepared to go down swinging.
I hear the frustration and anger in your article. I share many if not all of what you have said. I feel, like you, there is really only one party in this country. It has two names but a singular purpose. We, as a people, have a choice to make. We either stand united behind the founding principles of our Constitution & Bill of Rights or we become a banana republic ruled by the individuals you have described.
Over all, the people have grown “fat, dumb & happy”. We have only ourselves to thank for this slow but steady decline. We have turned our rights over to others so we can watch TV, play video games & text to the fellow sitting next to us “lazy”. We have turned education over to indoctrination camps called public education with bias teaches, “dumbed down”. We purchase things for happiness rather than need. As I see it, “We the people have failed the Constitution, the Constitution did not fail us”.
We now have to take back what was so foolishly given away. This is our country if we choose to fight for it. Those that want the free ride, go to some other country to live the good life. JMO
For discussion purposes only
Throw a Sara Lee coffee cake in the oven ,pour a cup of coffee and discuss around the kitchen table,
Perhaps the solution is as easy as a national GO signal for all concerned parties, I would suggest the loss of the dollar as reserve currency. This will only happen once and will be impossible to hide so even if you do not pay attention this will be quite evident. At this time everyone drives to their closest Blue County and breaks something. Once the Grid is down thousands of the usual spoiled brats will start looting ,rioting and burning across the 500 counties.
Within the first year of the dollar collapsing the country is going to burn either way from lack of resources
That coffee cake is about ready enjoy ,Soon we will all be baking from scratch
Family,friends ,neighbors,community ,township ,county
FIX your county first when things go sideways
For the longest time I have felt like an alien in the country I was born in, the government has no morals, principles and belief in God. It is not my government they told me so, I am a terrorist as they have stated so, that makes them my mortal enemy. I do not say these things lightly, any federal, state or local LEO, or any of their agency’s that try to arrest or detain me, will be seen as a threat to my life period and I will take all necessary action to quell that threat.
Being 69, I was raised in the “Andy of Mayberry” and “Father knows best” culture. What I see today is radically different. But what seems to be missed is that, just like ‘mainstream news’, ‘mainstream culture’ does not reflect the true narrative of that half of America (or more) that still knows right from wrong, good from bad. There is a spiritual side to all of this that plays a major factor in why we are here. “Just resist the devil and he will flee” is the problem from the spiritual side. For too long parents have “just let kids be kids” while institutions like schools actually facilitate bad behavior. Weak parenting, and single parent homes have done more since my generation than any other factor in damaging this nation.
You want to turn this nation around? Start discipling kids, telling them what is right and wrong, and what they should believe.
Jesus is God to be sure, but from whence cometh this “trinity” thing you speak of?
multiple places actually. Have you read the New Testament? Or you can just go to Genesis 1:1 and understand who Elohim is. Not sure where to start, otherwise; Matt 28:19, 1 John 3: 23-24, Acts2:4, Mark 1:8, 1 John 5:7 -8 being very definitive. I won’t get into a bible study with you because I am sure someone near you can explain further.
God the father and son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are one.
Baloney. Jesus Christ is called the son of God 47 times in the New Testament. He is never called God the son. He was not with God in the beginning. He was born, God impregnating the womb of Mary.
The trinity is a stunning trick of Satan that was voted in at the Council of Nicea around 300 A.D. Satan wants people to worship anything but the true God. With Jesus as God along with the later voted in holy spirit, he has tricked many.
Jesus Christ is lord and savior. God was in the beginning. Jesus Christ was our Passover sacrifice, surpassing what the blood of bulls and goats could never do.
Stan, my friend … you’ve been reading … tabula rasa. Good for you, brother heretic!
I’ve heard lots of criticism over the bible over the years. Biggest problem is folks (especially Christians) don’t want to discuss what’s in it. I used to go to church and have been to many denominations. But now I concentrate on the bible. Trinity? Maybe the easy way to explain it is something like this. God the Father is like the ice at the North Pole. He never leaves the control tower. As the ice melts and becomes water it can go anywhere but only one place at a time. As the water evaporates and becomes vapor it can go everywhere. All three are H2O so to speak and each has a different function and personality and are essentially one and the same. All things were made by Jesus as God said I am whatever I choose to be. Jesus always was, is and will be. He did the impossible by becoming a fertilized egg through God Almighty thus becoming as His Father. He died and rose that we might not fear death so that we might be strong in our faith and trust in Him. I could go on but I won’t.
Explain ‘begotten’. Stan said 47 times called the son. Oh, and he never claimed to be God, he always deferred to the Father (God). I don’t doubt his divinity or his mission, but words mean things. Like Bob said, why can’t we stop arguing over doctrine, which is what declaring Jesus God is, and just accept his teaching and follow in his footsteps?
Thank you so much for explaining the trinity to us! What would God do without you? In the meantime, 47 times son of God, 0 times God the son.
Dan 7:13 and Dan 7:14 Here is the son of man given dominion and authority. God the father and the son Jesus Christ are so in tune that they are like one with the Holy spirit. Maybe you should quit eating baloney.
John 14:24 He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father’s which sent me. Just who is God talking about in Genesis when he says let us make man in our image?
King James translational english. Ever heard the phrase, “we the queen of england?” It’s a figure of speech denoting the magnitude of the position. Give it up, I’ve heard all of the arguments. 47 to 0.
Give what up? The original text was written in Aramic not english.
Exactly right! It’s all stated quite clearly throughout the Bible. And Satan is expert at deception. Deifying Jesus and inventing the trinity are doctrines of men who have been tricked/deceived by Satan.
Thank you! I don’t know that I have read a more succinct summary of where we are. This resonates with a lot of us.
This is excellent. At this point in time, I am thrilled to be 73, parents on the other side, husband (only one and of the opposite sex) on the other side, no kids. I grew up in the U.S, when it was amazing and had spirit and ethics and in Montana before all the fools discovered it and moved there. Every day I am thankful for my past and that I experienced the greatness of the U.S.A. in the low population open spaces of Montana. How lucky I was! Now I am sad and sick to have seen it all slip away. Good to be 73.
Bob is speaking for many of us, thank you Bob, God bless you.
This confession struck a cord with me. I feel an alien in my own birthed home. I decided even before reading this I was going to stand my ground much like the Sioux Warrior. I will not fall to my knees for man, Only for God.
I have posted this over at Bustednuckles.com, if I have done so in error and without permission it will be removed.
Rules for republication of articles are outlined under the ABOUT tab in the header.
Sorry to be rude but Eff that! MY country is full of strangers. Strangers that need to be dealt with at no done point. Peacefully or harshly, when we win it will be their choice but leave they must.
If one believes what Clif High says, you’re going to get your wish. 10 to 18 years worth of clean-up according to Clif.
Reality. Seeing it, living it is not easy. we humbly seek His protection, His Wisdom, His comfort, His peace.
The Sixth Trumpet
…20Now the rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the works of their hands. They did not stop worshiping demons and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone, and wood, which cannot see or hear or walk. 21Furthermore, they did not repent of their murder, sorcery, sexual immorality, and theft.
I’m right there with you Brother!
The country is great. The problem is the representative form of government we have has been infiltrated and our founding principles betrayed by those who embrace the dark side. Those traitors in positions of power are directly aligned with the media. The social engineering was expanded over the years and now we have a severely dumbed down population who have been conditioned into hating God and everything good. Things are now changing, and theyre changing at a truly miraculous rate. Hang in there. Believe in the Gospel and turn away from sin. God is still Lord. We will be rewarded if we just perservere and continue to love the truth.
Wonderful article. I completely agree with you. Who is John Galt? TEXIT!