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6 months ago

Congress critters don’t investigate. They hold “hearings” as a form of kabuki theatre BS virtue signaling. To fool their weak minded gullible constituents into believing they are actually doing something useful. They’re not.

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
6 months ago
Reply to  Thexrayboy


6 months ago

The republicans just hold B.S. hearings when they are in charge, and democrats hold illegal hearings and put innocent people behind bars when they are in charge. The wimpy republicans still have not mastered what the democrats do after all these years and manipulate the system to lock up democrats the same way the demon-rats do. They are still taken orders from the democratic party master’s and are afraid of the fake news media which basically has very few viewers, and the idiots in the republican party still have not figured out who the real new media is. It’s a party of Rino losers which the constituents have not voted out.

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
6 months ago

Those guys work so hard. All of America should be grateful for their commitment, their leadership, their selfless service and all their effort and sacrifice. They deserve an early recess. Haha. JK. What a bunch of elitist losers.

kal kal
kal kal
6 months ago

Time has come for almost all the folks in the CON-gress to be out of a job. All are useless and only there for the most, to line their pockets on your back. Eyewash for the great unwashed masses across the land.

Nolan Parker
Nolan Parker
6 months ago

If they wanted to figure it out there would be a reenactment and the video would be used to determine exactly where his nose was pointed. Then line a laser pointer up with the line on his ear. That is where the bullet came from.