Third-worlders have invaded every Western country en masse, with the inevitable consequences for the natives and the economy. Meanwhile the primary concern of the mainstream parties is banning AfD instead of repatriating all the migrants. Angela Merkel and her successors have the blood of innocent German children on their hands.
A boy, aged two, and a man, 41, have been stabbed to death in a horror attack in Germany after a suspected asylum seeker armed with a knife ambushed a nursery group.
The child and adult were slain in Schontal Park, located in the Bavarian town of Aschaffenburg, Germany, at around 11:45am.
Local police said: ‘A 28-year-old man from Afghanistan was arrested close to the crime scene’. He was apparently specifically targeting the children.
No wonder the young Germans are increasingly demanding Ausländer raus! Any politician who stands in the way is going to get run over no matter how they try to suppress the will of the people.
History teaches conclusive lessons in this regard. Yesterday’s serialization of The Cambridge Medieval History addressed the Volkerwanderung, or Movement of the Peoples, and its terrible consequences for the collapsing Western Roman Empire and its citizens.
Among the Romans population had decayed for century after century, and the land had gone steadily out of cultivation, until nature herself seemed to have created the vacuum into which, in time, she inevitably attracted the Germans. The rush begins with the passage of the Danube by the Goths in 376, and is continued in the passage of the Rhine by the Vandals, Alans, and Sueves in 406. A hundred years after the passage of the Danube the final result of the movement begins to appear in the West. The praefecture of Gaul now sees in each of its three former dioceses Teutonic kingdoms established — Saxons and Jutes in the Britains; Visigoths (under their great king Euric) in the Seven Provinces of Gaul proper; Sueves (along with Visigoths) in the Spains. In the praefecture of Italy two of the three dioceses are under powerful barbarian rulers: Odovacar has just made himself king of Italy, and Gaiseric has long been king of Africa; while the diocese of Illyricum is still in the melting pot.
If we regard the movement of events from 410 to 476 internally, and from a Roman point of view, we shall find in the domestic politics of the period much that is the natural correlative of the Volkerwanderung without. Already, in the very beginning of this period, and indeed long before, the barbarian has settled in every part of the Empire, and among every class of society.
These “empire-destroying saviours of the Western Empire” were in reality the prime ministers of their generation, prime ministers resting not on a parliament (though they might, like Stilicho, affect to rely on the Senate), but on their control of a barbarian soldiery. Their power depended, partly on their influence with this wild force, which the Empire at once needed and dreaded, partly on the fact that the nominal representatives of imperial rule were weaklings or boys, whose court was under the influence of women and eunuchs.
History doesn’t always repeat, but it does rhyme.
h/t Vox Day
German authorities are mainly concerned--after a muslim attack upon innocents--that Germans might begin to not like muslims as much.
That’s it! These morons & traitors will raise the fake banner of “Islamophobia,” as if it would be irrational to fear a blood cult that celebrates the deaths of toddlers and old men.