Consider This

People see what they what to see and listen to what they want to hear. If a post agrees with their opinions, they are happy and say “I was right”. If a post does not agree with their opinions, they are quick to attack. Very few people recognize that information and opinions are presented here allowing them to comment not for divisiveness but for cogent analysis to hopefully make intelligence to prepare.

To be clear:

  1. We should not have government mandated quarantines: we should be responsible enough to do this whenever an epidemic occurs in the country.
  2. We should have complete knowledge concerning the situation so that we can make informed decisions and take appropriate actions. In this case, the CDC’s Dr. Redfield testified in Congress that masks were not effective and that we did not need to stock up on food. We now know that masks are effective but our “government” has failed to increase supplies for people after two months.
  3. People cannot handle the truth. This is mainly due to the lack of scientific training concerning molecular biology, proper sanitation and the successful indoctrination by our “educational” system to dumb us down. I am still surprised by people ignoring statistical data from valid sources and lashing out irrationally when confronted by their ignorance.
  4. While I believe the statistics are manipulated, we can make calculated assumptions and test them. Chris Martenson’s videos are good examples. Then again, we have to ask why the governments are manipulating the data. I believe they do not think we can handle the truth. The truth about the true R0, the case fatality rate, secondary infections, the mutation rate of the RNA, the true source of the virus, antibody dependent enhancement and the continued failure of their response. They are grasping for straws concerning cures and a quick vaccine.
  5. The policy to divide the country along to make election issues and control our moral conscious has been reduced to whether human lives are more important than the economy. I could argue both sides but I always come back to this simple belief: what would God want me to do?
  6. I ask that people present their opinions based on facts from valid sources. If you cannot read a scientific paper, understand statistical analysis, replication and p values, it would not hurt to learn how.
  7. I will give Aesop a pass on his last article. He is on the front lines in California in an ER. He understands the science, infection rate, death and consequences of a failed government at every level. He does not suffer fools lightly (or at all) because you cannot have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.
  8. This is just a blog. As stated above, I hope people will use it to present information to help people. I do not need to tell you “I told you so” for my attempts over the past ten years explaining how to prepare, train and gather information to make intelligence. That is not important now. What is important is that you use your sapience to overcome your cognitive dissonance and prepare for the future.
  9. This is one of the least painful scenarios that could have happened. We have electricity, some semblance of a distribution system, the Internet and time to cope with the event. Anyone who did not see the collapse of the world’s economic system as an eventuality was not paying attention. Imagine if we had been attacked by a nationwide EMP.
  10. Use this time wisely. Learn, become self sufficient, understand and cooperate with your neighbors and community. Read the Word and enjoy your family.

David DeGerolamo

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4 years ago

David -- -- I always read and consider your postings. Thanks so much for your efforts. You do not always agree with my comments but that’s ok. we all have different backgrounds and see things differently.

As to Aesop, I think he is in Southern California. I believe he is an Emergency Room Nurse, not a doctor. He seems to really know his stuff, so I too tend to swallow what he says as fact based and supported logically.

4 years ago

This pandemic will no doubt result in more people improving their preparedness level, even though, for many, there will be no actual recognition that this is what they are doing. It will not be as if they have turned “prepper.” They will simply decide unconsciously that the quantities of certain things they have on hand are not enough.

Unfortunately, because this has been a “disaster-lite” many lessons will still go unlearned. Cable is still working, the internet functions, water comes from the tap, and HVAC systems purr. The great majority think that they are living in tough times, but as the old expression goes, “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” As you said, imagine the difference if we were living in a post-EMP attack period.

I had a close call with disaster in November 2018 when fires swept through my area. For the next couple of days, I had no internet, no cable TV, and no power. I was more inconvenienced (and unhappy about the situation) for the next couple of days than I have been in the last month. Too many people will not have learned the necessary “teaching points.”

A few days ago, I saw a Facebook posting from a friend lamenting the fact that many “A-holes” had stripped store shelves of various items he needed. Others chimed in saying the same thing. One person said that if people would simply take what they needed they would leave enough for others. These people were clueless about the human condition. People are people. Unless they sense some strong bond with others, they are going to look out for themselves.

That woman was still encapsulated in her Normalcy Bias and no doubt lives her life dependent on the “just-in-time” delivery system. She apparently did nothing over the last six weeks to begin to prepare despite countless news stories about runs on Costco, Sam’s Club and countless supermarkets as people were buying toilet paper, paper towels, disinfectants, beans, pasta, and rice. Yet, this clueless woman expected everything to still be there when she “got around” to shopping herself. And she cannot even imagine a situation where the supply chain breaks down and won’t provide for everyone’s needs a month from now as long as others only “take what they need.”

I saw a posting on in which an R.N., who worked at a surgical center doing elective surgery and who suddenly found herself unemployed, was asking where she could find face masks. She got them free when she worked, but she had none now. She had no doubt seen weeks of news reports just as everyone did. And yet, she had no masks of her own? You really can’t make this ___ up.

I am sure that most readers have seen criticism of the military from time to time about how it often makes the mistake of fighting the last war when the environment and/or the battlefield conditions have changed. (A likely reason for this is that the lieutenants and captains in the last war are the colonels and generals in the next war, and their past experiences are, in large part, their reference points.) In a similar fashion, what is likely to happen with many people after the current pandemic, is that they will think that disaster preparedness can begin a few weeks before things fall apart and stock up then. They will also think that, after a crisis begins, they can depend on being able to go to their local supermarket for the next few weeks, one that may be stripped of certain important items, but which still has the basics on which to get by. Lessons will go unlearned and illusions will persist.

It’s the human condition.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago

Commenting and showing an alternate view is not attacking. Pointing out obvious flaws is not attacking.
You can Give Aesop a pass, what exactly does this mean?
Does it mean we should ignore the obvious hysteria? i do not think so. How many gave him a pass on his gun lobby take?
We can forgive but we do not just ignore and let them go on spewing their hysteria!
Talking about it and seeing through the hysteria is what we should be doing if not for him at least for ourselves.
Just because we have differing opinions does not prove any of us are right.
Everyone seems to be forgetting or just plane ignoring that from the very beginning. Fact- “Flattening the curve” was not about not getting the virus, it never was. And yet somehow that is what many of you have turned it into.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

The Bible along with that also tells us to rebuke in the appropriate manner. Not to just ignore poor behavior.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago

Tell me again how the math works, when they do not count Flu deaths?How many people died from flu during the 2014-2015 season?
CDC does not count how many people die from flu each year. Unlike flu deaths in children, flu deaths in adults are not nationally reportable. However, CDC has two flu surveillance systems that are used to monitor relative levels of flu-associated deaths. One is the 122 Cities Mortality Reporting System and the other is mortality data collected by the National Center for Health Statistics. Both of these systems track the proportion of death certificates processed that list pneumonia or influenza as the underlying or contributing cause of death of the total deaths reported. These systems provide an overall indication of whether flu-associated deaths are elevated, but do not provide an exact number of how many people died from flu. For more information, see Overview of Influenza Surveillance in the United States.

CDC also uses modeling studies to estimate numbers of flu-related deaths, but these studies apply only to past seasons and are not done each year. For more information, see Estimating Seasonal Influenza-Associated Deaths in the United States:
43,476 is the Number i see today of deaths
CDC Estimate: 45 Million Flu Cases, 61,000 Flu-Associated Deaths in 2017-2018 U.S. Flu Season
Estimates! In real ville we call these Guestimates!
So many lean to the extreme, it seems to me this is where Chris leans also. Chris seems to be more of an economist when you really look into Him.
So tell me how is it your numbers are the only correct numbers? i posted the CDC numbers.
i can understand BS when i see it.